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Thread: Fruits Basket... Anime on free to air

  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th Jul 2010
    Sunshine Coast Qld

    Default Fruits Basket... Anime on free to air

    Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club, while not really being the type of anime I normally watch does anyone else think it's cool that actual anime is being shown on free to air TV.
    I think the last show on free to air was Ghost in the Shell a couple of years ago on SBS and that was on at like 2 in the morning, kinda difficult for most people to watch at that time, and before that it was Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 which was about 10 years ago.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Probably worth mentioning what time these shows are on.

    I'm pretty sure there have been others since then too, but I don't tune in to much tv these days, but there usually on Saturday nights.

    Fruits Basket, is an odd choice. it's not exactly new. I'm pretty sure I watched most of it near 10 years ago.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    I saw the ad for Fruits basket and the missus wanted to check it out. But in Japanese, so I have been watching it in Japanese and damn it is one funny show!

    High School Host club is one that I saw a bit, but it didn't grab me. Before that they had some show Called Vampire Knight, which was too freaky for me, due to massive character eyes (like really really big!!) but again, the wife liked it.

    They are both on ABC3 at various times in the evening.

    I think its cool, and have noticed that WTV (WA's local TV station) has a tendency to put on some anime as well. I think I saw some High School of the Dead, they used to run Gurren Lagann (YEAH!) and Gundam before as well.

    So I guess recently there have been a few anime creeping up. I used to regularly watch Evangelion on SBS aaaages ago on saturday nights. But that was about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Are they being shown in Japanese w/ English subs or dubbed? One thing that's turned me off from watching anime on SBS has been the screening of dubbed anime. Surely SBS, of all channels, is the one place where we can watch stuff in their original language. They show everything else undubbed... heck, overseas news is broadcast raw (e.g. NHK news).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2009


    What is the quality of the subs if they're subbed?

    I used to prefer the fan-subbed free versions as opposed to the official DVDs back when I did watch anime (only watching One Piece now).

  6. #6
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    1st Jan 2008


    They also have the new Astroboy series on the same night. I am pretty it's dubbed. Can't be certain because only came across it while flicking through channels.

  7. #7
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    What is the quality of the subs if they're subbed?

    I used to prefer the fan-subbed free versions as opposed to the official DVDs back when I did watch anime (only watching One Piece now).
    That's because fan subs are often better translations because a lot of official subtitles are what fans call "dubtitles" -- i.e. they simply type up the dub script and use it as subtitles. Even with a limited understanding of Japanese you can sometimes hear when the subs are wrong, whereas you can't discern this with dubs.

    Fan subbers shouldn't be distributing their stuff after the anime licence gets picked up by a Western distributor (like ADV). Some unscrupulous fansubbers do this, and I would encourage people not to support them. I used to be part of a fansubbing team, and we always tried to be ethical in our fansubbing - only ever fansubbed stuff that wasn't licensed by any Western company, but as soon as the licence was obtained, we'd cease and desist all work and distribution of that animé we were working on. The last one I worked on was actually Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex -- we were about half way through that series when the licence was picked up, and a LOT of translation work had to be completely scrapped. That was damn hard too cos the show uses a lot of very difficult technical jargon... I actually had a native Japanese speaker next to me and the two of us worked together translating the script -- and unlike some other animé we had NO copy of the script to read! We had to purely translate by ear! I've never translated anything harder than that... and so much of that effort went to waste because we were always translating several episodes ahead of what we'd released -- and when ADV picked up the licence, all the eps that we had already translated but hadn't been converted into subs and released yet were deleted.

    So yeah... I don't access fan subs (I just watch my anime raw ), but for those of you who do, I would encourage you to access the ones from more ethical fansubbers who don't touch stuff that's officially licensed in the West. I know there's always a lag time between when the licence is obtained and when it comes out officially in the West... but that's just the way it works.

  8. #8
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    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Are they being shown in Japanese w/ English subs or dubbed? One thing that's turned me off from watching anime on SBS has been the screening of dubbed anime. Surely SBS, of all channels, is the one place where we can watch stuff in their original language. They show everything else undubbed... heck, overseas news is broadcast raw (e.g. NHK news).
    They are dubbed. And the sbs ones I used to watch were dubbed too. I suspect the reason the NHK news is raw is too much of a pain to add subs/dubs for every day. Especially since most people that would watch them are most likely speakers of Japanese anyway. Although I do like watching the russian news...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam View Post
    They also have the new Astroboy series on the same night. I am pretty it's dubbed. Can't be certain because only came across it while flicking through channels.
    Astro is dubbed as well (I can't stand this version of Astro). Fruits basket and that other one are dubbed too.

    IMO if a dub is well done, then I don't mind watching it dubbed. I watched Gurren Lagann Dubbed and thought it was ace as Kamina was excellently done. I prefer the english dub of Space Ship Yamato (Starblazers) as the main bad guy (Desslar) sounds like a truly evil dandy in the English version, as opposed to 'generic evil powerful male leader' in Japanese.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    I think its cool, and have noticed that WTV (WA's local TV station) has a tendency to put on some anime as well. I think I saw some High School of the Dead, they used to run Gurren Lagann (YEAH!) and Gundam before as well
    WTV is also showing Oreimo and Star Driver on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, but these are in Japanese with english sub-titles

    They did have on the full season of Full Metal of my all time favourite anime, I just wish someone would pick up Bleach or Naruto or both.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    29th Jul 2010
    Sunshine Coast Qld


    I totally forgot about Vampire Knight. I've tried to watch it a couple of times but just can't seem to get into it. Also just remembered ABC2 used to air Code Geass.

    I check out Fruits Basket and Ouran Host Club must Sunday nights when it's on. Starts around 8pm on ABC3 for those who don't know. At the moment on Saturday nights there's Vampire Knight, the Astro Boy anime from a couple of years ago and the 80's Voltron Vehicle Force.

    From what I've seen all anime shows on SBS/ABC3 are the english dub. But anime movies are always Japanese with english subs.

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