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Thread: Secret Sightings Section idea

  1. #111
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by jazzcomp View Post
    Just look at what happened with TRU Hasbro MP Prime. That kind of demand would probably happen.
    Well put. Hmm. This is actually quite a controversal matter here, it seems.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2012
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    Scalpers know the release dates fairly easily if they bother to make an effort.
    TRU US website is listing it already. when it comes down to it, if i found the item(s) in question, knew of someone, (especially in a rural situation) who was never going to be able to pick it up,i would aquire one or eight depending on my financial situation at the time, i dont believe that its wrong as long as they have a place to go to.
    A secret sightings idea will slow scalping from here, but it imo wont make 2 shades of difference in the end.
    From working in retail, its pure luck of the draw, i remember with prime at pac fair tru, i was told he had arrived on monday afternoon by a staff member, who looked for him among 12 pallets of load (what i was told and the truth may differ), return tuesday to be informed they sold out, call wednesday and ask for mp tc details, to be told "he's here, ill put one aside if you like, would you like the red truck one too??" it all depends on how much they care to recieve their $20 an hour.
    my 2 cents.

  3. #113
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by lj7369 View Post
    Scalpers know the release dates fairly easily if they bother to make an effort.
    Yeah but not all scalpers would be that diligent. The idea may help to reduce the number of toys scooped up by more opportunistic scalpers.

    Quote Originally Posted by lj7369 View Post
    TRU US website is listing it already.
    But that wouldn't indicate the Australian release date, would it? I remember before MP OP came out, I kept on calling TRU including their head office about when this toy would come out, and they couldn't give me an exact date. It was more like, "Whenever we get it from Hasbro." And Hasbro were like, "Whenever we receive orders from TRU." Gah!

    Quote Originally Posted by lj7369 View Post
    when it comes down to it, if i found the item(s) in question, knew of someone, (especially in a rural situation) who was never going to be able to pick it up,i would aquire one or eight depending on my financial situation at the time, i dont believe that its wrong as long as they have a place to go to.
    I agree, that's not scalping. Scalping is the idea of buying a toy and then later reselling it at an increased price. If you're buying a toy and then reselling it at cost and not making any personal profit, then it's not scalping. You're just helping out your fellow collectors.

    What I find objectionable is when people buy out a certain toy, often making it harder to find than it normally would be, and then later trying to sell it off at an inflated price. Mind you... half the problem is also collectors who pay scalper prices. Honestly the best way to combat scalping is to NOT pay above retail prices for any current/recent toy. People will only continue to scalp if collectors are willing to keep them in business by paying their stupid prices.

    Quote Originally Posted by lj7369 View Post
    A secret sightings idea will slow scalping from here, but it imo wont make 2 shades of difference in the end.
    Impeding the progress of scalpers can make a significant difference, especially if the toy is in limited supply. Imagine if a TRU only gets a small handful of MPs -- a secret sighting section may help collectors to swoop in and get them before someone else does. It's a short term "band aid" solution for sure... the best solution is really just to not give scalpers our business in the first place.

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