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Thread: How do you maintain your perfect physical specimen so they keep drooling over you? ;)

  1. #1
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    18th Jan 2008
    at one with the matrix...

    Default How do you maintain your perfect physical specimen so they keep drooling over you? ;)

    What I'm getting at is... How do you maintain your "model physique" so that you keep beating them off with a stick?

    Do you keep to a strict junkfood & booze diet? or are you like me & you have to work at it?

    I know some of us are born "studs" but I know for some of us, those "studly looks" start to fade over time...

    I know I'm definitely in the minority but for the past 10 years, I've worked out every day & monitored everything I've eaten (You can tell I'm kinda ashamed to admit that )

    So... Are you a "naturally blessed stud" or (for the majority of us ) how do you maintain that "perfect-10 physique" so that they keep forming a line?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    25th May 2008
    Mount Barker, South Australia


    well gee i dont know about this so called "perfect-10 physique" and this line that your talking about.

    back in high school(finished in 2001)though i was in pretty good shape however the past few years its gone a bit pear shaped but i am now getting back in shape by working out 3-4 nights a week for about half an hour or so and eating slightly better and amazed at how easy it has been to loose the kilos and get fit again.

    i only started this at the start of this year and have allready lost 18 kilos only another 11 to go, mind you the ladies havent been lining up yet

    although i did go see a female friend over the weekend that i hadnt seen for awhile and im pretty sure she liked the results but thats a story for another time

  3. #3
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    So... Are you a "naturally blessed stud"
    Yes. I conduct no athletic activity, but rather just charm with my intellect and good looks.

    Don't work too hard

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    My feeble attempts at staving off the onset of morbid obesity:

    + Switched to brown rice and grain bread. I try to eat more vegies and seafood over just meat. Also trying to just eat smaller portions.
    + I now rarely drink soft-drinks, even diet soft-drinks. They may not contain sugar, but they're still carbonated.
    + I try to eat at home rather than eating out or take-away and most of my lunches are prepared at home rather than canteen fodder.
    + Until April I used to ride my bike to work. Then my bike's gears got screwy and I no longer work close enough to home to cycle to work. I got my bike fixed today though.
    + I try to get some martial arts training done at least once a week/fortnight. Although I've done bugger all this term due to lack of time at new school. Blargh. Recently started getting back into it.
    + I put my hand up for school sport. I supervise girls football. Unfortunately most of our games were cancelled this term due to foul weather and other interruptions. :/
    + My wife and I sometimes play Badminton in the back yard... unfortunately not often enough.

    Running around after a 6 week old kitten seems to be quite demanding too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Bench Press
    Shoulder Press
    Bicep curls
    pull ups.

    Do those at gym every week.
    Salads, lots of protein will cut the fat down.

    Some people like STL are just naturally tank and don't have to work as hard to get that look.
    for example, I can bench press more than he can, but he still looks more manlier than I do.
    I've just accepted the fact that its how my body works, and I just need to keep working harder to get where I want.
    In the end though, people say that looks hardly count for much, but my self confidence issues say other wise apparently. LOL.
    Truth hurts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Being a deckhand on a fishing trawler kept me in really good shape. I was light (183cm tall and about 75kgs) but hard as a coffin nail (so to speak). I used to line up my brothers bookworm uni friends who were all over 90kgs and beat them at arm wrestles. That would impress the odd lass at the local... that and my ability to open their lollywater drinks on the end of the table

    Unfortunately I've had a desk job for about 6years now with only some light mechanical work so I'm now as hard as play-doh

  7. #7
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    What I'm getting at is... How do you maintain your "model physique" so that you keep beating them off with a stick?

    Do you keep to a strict junkfood & booze diet? or are you like me & you have to work at it?

    I know some of us are born "studs" but I know for some of us, those "studly looks" start to fade over time...

    I know I'm definitely in the minority but for the past 10 years, I've worked out every day & monitored everything I've eaten (You can tell I'm kinda ashamed to admit that )

    So... Are you a "naturally blessed stud" or (for the majority of us ) how do you maintain that "perfect-10 physique" so that they keep forming a line?
    Dude Firstly brave thread to start. Some chicks don’t give a sh.. what ya look like as long as ya cashed up. Some chicks line up for the intellectual intelligence and don’t care about physical aspect's so much.

    Not sure how important keepen em linen up when ya eventually married with kids lol. Can’t say I’ve ever thought to categorise myself as a stud or a regular dude. But if you have then good on you. Ask Sylvester Stallone how he got buff for his latest Rambo movie.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    My feeble attempts at staving off the onset of morbid obesity:

    + Switched to brown rice and grain bread. I try to eat more vegies and seafood over just meat. Also trying to just eat smaller portions.
    + I now rarely drink soft-drinks, even diet soft-drinks. They may not contain sugar, but they're still carbonated.
    + I try to eat at home rather than eating out or take-away and most of my lunches are prepared at home rather than canteen fodder.
    + Until April I used to ride my bike to work. Then my bike's gears got screwy and I no longer work close enough to home to cycle to work. I got my bike fixed today though.
    + I try to get some martial arts training done at least once a week/fortnight. Although I've done bugger all this term due to lack of time at new school. Blargh. Recently started getting back into it.
    + I put my hand up for school sport. I supervise girls football. Unfortunately most of our games were cancelled this term due to foul weather and other interruptions. :/
    + My wife and I sometimes play Badminton in the back yard... unfortunately not often enough.

    Running around after a 6 week old kitten seems to be quite demanding too.
    Gok your a classic. I love it. Glad ya back.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Lipo, botox & staples behind the ears.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  10. #10
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Transforming my figures is the only exercise I get these days!

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