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Thread: What other Transformer Crossover figures or toylines could we have?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    30th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post

    Other Cartoons: Panthro turning into the Thundertank, Donatello turning into the Turtle-Wagon, Skelletor & He-Man turning into one of the myriad of vehicles that were in MOTU. Again, lots to choose from.
    It's not the Turlte Wagon but... yeah.

    Man, the original TMNT line got weird.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Man... I quit TMNT I think just as the weirdness started. I remember seeing the Turtles come out with Samurai armour, and I thought, "That's it, I'm done."

  3. #13
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    And I would honestly rather not have the robots pretending to be G.I. Joe/COBRA characters... I've never been a huge fan of the concept of making Crossover vehicles look like characters, it's silly and impedes on the design/engineering of the robot mode. In Transformers Energon we had a Transformer called Snow Cat, who transforms into a G.I. Joe Snowcat -- but the robot doesn't try to imitate Frostbite (the driver), it's an entirely new Transformer character with his own look. That's how I'd like G.I. Joe Transformers to be designed... just let designers work out how to transform the vehicles into cool robots and design the robots themselves without imposing constraints on them with having the robots try to look like Joe/Cobra characters.
    Yeah, I agree. This is why the Star Wars TF's sucked. Why did they have to make them turn into Star Wars characters? I would prefer a true melding of universes rather than just Star Wars toys who happen to be Transformers. Then Megatron could turn into a Star Destroyer and come with a Darth Vader mini figure partner, that would make more sense to me then Darth Vader being a giant robot.

    If they did it that way then I would be open to new TF crossovers with Gi Joe and Star Trek suggested earlier.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Well, a transformers crossover has happened that I don't think any of us expected! I was watching Sesame Street with my bub yesterday and they had a bunch of the monster puppets dressed up as robots with just their faces showing. Then they would go "Must Transform! Transform!" in robot voices and then via the power of CGI turn into metal shapes (circles, squares etc) with the faces sticking out. The humor of the piece was that Telly wanted to turn into a hexagon but could manage a triangle at best

    Can't find it on youtube, but if I do will post it

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    M.A.S.K., My Little Pony, Visionaries, Zoids and G.I.Joe would all be better Has/Tak/Tom-owned options than any Crossovers so far.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Still cant find what was on Sesame Street - but this is better! I would definitely buy these for my kid![IMG][/IMG]

  7. #17
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    I just don't like the way Crossover has been handled so far.

    Darth Vader's TIE Fighter turning into a crappy version of Vader, no way.

    I'd like to see Transformers X Star Wars done again but have a Human Alliance sized figure of the character with an appropriate vehicle that turns into an awesome mech with the HA figure controlling from a cockpit.

    Imagine Darth Vader pilots his TIE Fighter and then mid flight is changes to an awesome Bay-former inspired mech.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post

    I'd like to see Transformers X Star Wars done again but have a Human Alliance sized figure of the character with an appropriate vehicle that turns into an awesome mech with the HA figure controlling from a cockpit.
    My Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker toys from the very first wave actually do come with little human figures of the characters that can fly them. The subsequent waves didn't.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Yeah, the mini pilot figurines were cool. But the main problem w/ the Crossovers really had to do with trying to engineer the robot modes to resemble the pilots. That was such a stupid idea. It's so restrictive on engineering and just looks ridiculous. Why should a mecha resemble its pilot??? Macross Valkyries' Battroid modes don't resemble the pilots, the Macross (SDF-1)'s robot mode doesn't resemble Captain Gloval, none of the Diaclone Car Robot toys look like the Diaclone pilots etc. Imagine if Human Alliance TFs tried to resemble their partners, e.g. Bumblebee's robot mode attempting to mimic Sam Witwicky... or if BTA Sunstreaker's robot mode tried to mimic Shiragami Junko! (imagine what Kiss PLAY TFs would look like if they followed the same logic!) It honestly seems like such a stupid idea.

    Just let the toy designers design their own original robot designs from the vehicles, and then package it with the character-pilot. Just look at Energon Snowcat -- it's a great example of what a Crossover toy should be (and it's not even marketed as one!). The vehicle mode is a good facsimile of the G.I. Joe Snow Cat, and the robot mode makes no attempt to resemble Snowjob. It's a nice solid robot mode, whose legs can even transform to give it skis! Now of course, since this toy was never intended to be a Crossover figure, the cockpit doesn't open, but it is hollow and has a detailed interior where you could easily imagine Joes sitting there piloting. It could be easily retooled with a hinge to make the cockpit open and then just give it a small Snow Job figurine to fit inside. Simple!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Watching 'Gremlins 2 - The New Batch'. We totally need crossover figures of Gremlins! You could have them transform into bats and spiders and so on just like the flick!

    Hey..... I know this idea is borne of a combination of anti-flu antibiotics, beer and the fact that Gremlins 2 is in my top 5 flicks ever and currently on tv... but hell - I'd buy'em!

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