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Thread: How to get MP Megatron shipped to Oz?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by theshape View Post
    Zero dilemma in owning these.

    But, in reply to Deltaprime, if someone charges into a shop waving around what looks to be a firearm, all the while screaming at the attendant and threatening to kill them, would you expect the shop attendant to instantly recognise that that is a stupidly oversized P-38 and therefore can't be real? All they would see is a gun and someone threatening to kill them.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  2. #42
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    My Japanese reissue of G1 Megatron is still MISB and my MP Megatron is such a pain in the butt to transform I keep him in robot mode so end of moral dilemma for me, despite neither having the orange cap

  3. #43
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Zommael View Post
    Just putting this out there, and I know to some it will seem very controversial, but the question is not just a legal one, but a moral one as well. Are you really comfortable, for the sake of your collection, bringing a replica firearm into the country? If so, are you going to do the right thing and comply with the laws about keeping it locked up? There are good reasons why firearms and replica firearms are restricted: they are dangerous items. I speak as someone who once owned Masterpiece Megatron (in the UK), but ended up moving it on because I wasn't comfortable holding on to a replica firearm. More than any other toy, I feel you take on a certain responsibility and moral obligation when it comes to any of the figures that transform into real world weapons, and a lesser one when you bring in any of the futuristic/cybertronian weapons, that just isn't there with replica cars, planes, and tanks.

    In my opinion, it's not just a matter of how to get it into the country, but whether or not you really feel that you actually should.
    I own gun Transformers. I hold a permit and comply with safe storage requirements. No problems here.

    Note: This is an old permit pictured here, I have since acquired a new permit since my previous one expired.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    21st Dec 2013
    Western Sydney

    Default DONT RISK IT

    I had A plastic pellet gun from the 80's, didn't work it was my grandad's I kept it after He passed,police seen it in my house, got arrested ,Queens Council + Solicitor + lot of $$$ later,got a 2 year good behaviour bond plus a bunch of fines! And now I have an Unauthorised possession of a firearm on my record because I had no idea a toy from the 80's Could Cause so much Grief


    Section 7(1) provides “A person must not possess or use a prohibited firearm or pistol unless the person is authorised to do so by a licence or permit.” The maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    All the more reason to get a permit. If a police officer came into my house, he would see the following:
    + My permit - stored in a folder with my TF books in my TF room. I can easily produce it.
    + Gun TFs stored in a locked display unit.
    + Locks on my TF room's window and door. As my TF room is an upstairs room, I am not required to fit security bars on the window (but I would be if it were a ground floor room).

    The initial cost* and paper work of getting a permit and legally compliant storage was a pain in the Astrotrain, but after that it's relatively simple in terms of renewing the permit once every so many years. Much like any other form of permit/licence, they send you a reminder letter when your permit is about to expire to give you the option to renew it. The funny thing with my last renewal was that I had it signed by a colleague who's also a Justice of the Peace, who had a good chuckle over the whole thing.

    *And remember that we are exempt from having to pay the $127 Clause 36 Weapons Regulation fee! I had to purchase the display unit, lock for the unit, and new door handle with lock for my TF room (thankfully the window already had a lock); and that was the most time consuming and financially expensive exercise -- and you only need to do it once -- but the cost of the permit (including renewal) is free.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    But, in reply to Deltaprime, if someone charges into a shop waving around what looks to be a firearm, all the while screaming at the attendant and threatening to kill them, would you expect the shop attendant to instantly recognise that that is a stupidly oversized P-38 and therefore can't be real? All they would see is a gun and someone threatening to kill them.
    Where did I say anything about going around like a moron robbing people with a MP-05? And even if a robber doesn't display a weapon or even if they don't act aggressive you always do what they say. Just give them the cash or item and let the cops deal with it.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    15th Apr 2010
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by auskinglj View Post
    I had A plastic pellet gun from the 80's, didn't work it was my grandad's I kept it after He passed,police seen it in my house, got arrested ,Queens Council + Solicitor + lot of $$$ later,got a 2 year good behaviour bond plus a bunch of fines! And now I have an Unauthorised possession of a firearm on my record because I had no idea a toy from the 80's Could Cause so much Grief


    Section 7(1) provides “A person must not possess or use a prohibited firearm or pistol unless the person is authorised to do so by a licence or permit.” The maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment.
    How is a toy a prohibited firearm?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by jazzcomp View Post
    How is a toy a prohibited firearm?
    Depends what state you are in. NSW has thought since the 80's that toys are guns.

    Here in Queensland after reading some of the police web site I wonder if they even classify toys as replica guns, I can't find any reference to toys other than saying an item that is not a toy is classified as a weapon.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    21st Dec 2013
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by jazzcomp View Post
    How is a toy a prohibited firearm?
    That was why i kept it, i thought it's just a toy(looked like any toy gun from the 80's),I never took it out side didn't show it to people just kept it as a memento on a shelf inside its tattered original box on a shelf in my house,but it was Classed as a replica because it was black and had a mechanism to fire ammunition(plastic pellets)even though it didn't work,it had nothing to distinguish it from a real firearm, Police said I could have used to threaten/rob someone and as such it was a prohibited firearm

  10. #50
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Where did I say anything about going around like a moron robbing people with a MP-05? And even if a robber doesn't display a weapon or even if they don't act aggressive you always do what they say. Just give them the cash or item and let the cops deal with it.
    Well, you said this:

    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Also MP Megs makes a terrible replica because he is so freakin huge compared to a real P38. I remember on the Ages 3 and Up Podcast the guy that owns the A3U store had to show MP Megs off to the Canadian authorities before they would let him into the country. The Mounties laughed at how ridiculously over sized Megs is in gun mode and let the guys shipment into Canada.

    I see zero moral problem owning a toy gun.
    And my reply was hinting that is doesn't matter if it's a terrible replica gun. It still looks like a gun and could be used in a robbery/threatening manner, hence why it is classed as a firearm.

    And I like the way you simply dismiss it as "just give them cash or item and let the cops deal with it." That's too late chum. Ever heard of post traumatic stress? Ask anyone who's been held at gunpoint, then later found it was a replica and ask them if it in any way diminishes the emotions/stress they felt at the time. Guess what the answer is?

    There is a very real and good reason that MP-5 is classed as a replica firearm in NSW and I believe that should continue to be the case.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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