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Thread: How to get MP Megatron shipped to Oz?

  1. #91
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Tfiguy View Post
    Did you get poor old Megs locked up?
    No I'm just wondering because I may have to deal with it if MP Megatron 2.0 ever happens. If I could buy direct from Japan instead of WA it would save a lot of cash.

  2. #92
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    30th Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    No I'm just wondering because I may have to deal with it if MP Megatron 2.0 ever happens. If I could buy direct from Japan instead of WA it would save a lot of cash.
    Yes, well, if they ever do there's no doubt I will get that in stock. I doubt there would be any complications, as I've ordered a few OG MP Megatrons in and never been hassled. But I'll let everyone know if any issues raise their ugly heads.

  3. #93
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    Bear in mind that Customs is a Federal body, not State. So even if you are a permit holder, or if the toy is completely unrestricted in your state, it can still be seized by Customs. However, once they send you the seizure notification, you then contact Customs and either produce your permit or inform them that you live in a state where the toy is unrestricted, and arrange a time to go in and personally pick up the toy.

  4. #94
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    Hey everyone, I'm "the guy who visits here sometimes". I'm afraid I haven't updated the Megatron Club Inc site for a while, but still address it when I am contacted directly. Hopefully I'll get around to contacting the relevant bodies again to get an update soon.

    Please note the following:
    1. MP05 is definitely the same size as a real gun. I was shown very similar guns when I visited the NSW Commissioner of Police to negotiate the NSW process. In fact, of all the pistols they had on the table for me, MP05 was one of the smaller ones.

    2. The fact that it is a toy, or that you can buy a toy gun for $2 in the Reject shop means nothing. If it is a replica, imitation or can be confused as a real firearms, there are problems.

    3. The fact that it is shipped in robot mode means nothing because it can turn into a replica. Original MP05 was pinged by Customs in robot mode.

    4. Arguing with Customs is pointless. They will just refer you to the relent State authority. The good thing they have done is not automatically charged everyone who imported MP05 with importing a prohibited item. They gave us a chance to resolve this.

    5. Moving the figure across State lines is not a solution. Importation and possession are separate crimes. If you happen to have a visit from the friendly boys and girls in blue, and they find MP05 in your home without a permit (where required), it will be simply another charge that they will slap on you to make sure something sticks.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions and I will do my best to answer them.
    MP-05 legal acquisition process:

    My collection and stuff for sale:'stransformers.htm

  5. #95
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Though I would like to debate about some points especially anyone who knows how to transform this guy to a gun without instructions is beyond me.

    But the law is the law. I think the above post basically sums it up.


  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Though I would like to debate about some points especially anyone who knows how to transform this guy to a gun without instructions is beyond me.
    You're assuming that everyone displays their MP Megatron in robot mode. If a person were able to steal an MP Megatron in gun mode, then all they need to do is go and use it to threaten someone. Also, the same law applies for easier to transform gunformers too, such as G1 Megatron, Megaplex and Browning (or the Microman Magnum Gun Robo ).

  7. #97
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Yes I was assuming if that was a argument stand point, but I will eventually bring my g1 magatron over as well.

  8. #98
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    I'm sure that by now, most of you have heard the news about the Sydney man who got arrested for carrying replica toy firearms on a train.

    While I admire the guy's noble intentions, not everyone in the population reads comic books and are familiar with the Deadpool character. And from a regular Mundaner's (non-nerd folk) POV, all they see is a man in a mask carrying what looks like guns and swords. People were genuinely scared and called 000; the man was approached by armed police officers in Kevlar, ready to arrest him. Thankfully for him, the police exercised their discretion and let him go without charging him (instead instructing him to conceal the toy weapons). It's because stuff like this happens that replica toy guns are either outlawed or prohibited in many parts of the country. (-_-)

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'm sure that by now, most of you have heard the news about the Sydney man who got arrested for carrying replica toy firearms on a train.
    I'll be sure to reference this incident when i walk around town with my Masterpiece Megatron.
    They clearly explain that he had permits for the items in question, why it is an offence to do so without one and why he was released without charges being laid.

  10. #100
    Join Date
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    He should be arrested according to the replica laws or whatever NSW legal policies regarding replica firearm, right?

    Wonder why he didn't get arrested?

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