View Poll Results: Transformers Legends - worth playing

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  • Definetly worth it - awesome fun!

    2 9.52%
  • Worth it simply because it's free with great artwork

    9 42.86%
  • Not worth it - a boring/poor game

    9 42.86%
  • Would not even consider playing

    1 4.76%
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Thread: Game Review - Transformers Legends

  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Game Review - Transformers Legends

    Review of the mobile phone game: Transformers Legends

    Been playing this non-stop. Thought I would give my impressions of it

    Gameplay: This is the first card-type game I have ever played so someone else is probably more suited to review it than I am, having no idea if it is great or awful compared to other games of the genre. All I can say is I have found it mildly diverting. The idea is to get copies of every card for your Cyberindex, and to have a hand of nine powerful cards with which to do battle.

    Playing against other players: Whoever has the best hand wins, nuff said. Must say it has been quite annoying that as say a level 35 I would get constantly challenged by people who are level 50 and higher. Go and pick on someone your own size ya big bullies! However it feels damn good when one of them loses to you. A shame it is not more interactive, ya pretty much press the fight button and off it goes.

    Playing the Mission: If you play as a Decepticon, Swoop flies in and fires 1 to 3 missiles at you randomly. If you play an Autobot, Ramjet does the same thing and you stop the missiles by tapping your screen. Would have been good for them to change up who is attacking you instead of the same bot every single level. Also, there are only a half doz backgrounds which gets repetitive and dull. One level was named ‘Explore the Underground Lava Lakes’ and I was in a damn forest!

    Card Collecting: The main aim of the game. Pretty easy to get all the lvl 1(common) & 2 (uncommon) cards, its the 3’s (rare) & 4’s (super rare) you strive for. All unwanted character cards can be sold or used to power up other characters. When you get a characters robot mode and their alt mode cards you can transcan them together to become more powerful. Also if you power up both cards BEFORE you transcan them together, then when you do they will go back to a higher version of their original form, and that can be repowered up to become super-powerful. This however would take a loooong time so you would have to have a lot of patience. You can also get weapons cards, assign them to characters and power them up as well. Silly thing with the weapons though is that the gun that has a characters name (Skywarps gun, Primes gun etc) isn’t necessarily the best gun for that character. For instance I found if I gave Ironhide his cannon instead of Prowls that he had been sporting, his stats actually went down! Weird.

    Characters: G1 in all it’s brilliance! So many characters included that are generally overlooked like the Deluxe Insecticons, though they tended to not go further than the 86 toyline, with the exception of Overkill and Slugfest. With the Furies Special Episode we get to see Arcee, Chromia,and Elita One make an appearance which is great and we get to see Firestar which is awesome! They have also added a few Post-G1 G1 characters such as Acid Storm, Slipstream and Flamewar (I didn’t even know about Flamewar until I bought the TFPrime toy a couple of months ago then looked up her history) which are welcome editions. Each card comes with their bio which is generally show/tech spec accurate. And with so many more G1 TF characters out there they have plenty of extra characters to include.

    The artwork in this game to my mind is unbelievably good! In fact it is the main reason I started playing. I think the perfect example is Scavenger in his vehicle mode. Has anyone EVER seen his alt mode drawn a: so realistically and b: so damn good? And you could say the same for even something as simple as Slugfests Cassette mode. Trypticon’s city mode also looks quite good. In their robot mode you get this cool little 3D effect which is usually a limb extended such as Ravages claw or Ironhide’s cannon arm which moves slightly differently to the rest of their body. Interesting to see that a lot of characters got their ‘Generations’ body and alt-mode, Blurr being a prime example because both are sufficiently different to his original ones. Personally I have no problem with this, though some purists may do.

    Allies: This is stupid! I have befriended a ton of Ozformers people on mobage and have yet to be able to access one in my allies list in the game. In the end I have started putting complete strangers on my allies list simply so that I can get the points for cheering them on and grab a few extra cards.

    Space Bridge: Where you go to get all your rewards – a nice shout out to the TF universe in general.

    Special Episodes: Damn did this work on me! I only downloaded the game several days before the latest episode began so I had pretty much level 2 cards and the odd 3. After playing the SE for a week I now have a bunch of great cards. You get lots of rewards, and there is lots of teamwork to beat up the Femmebots who are mostly powerhouses. I got as far as fighting Chromia, never got high enough to give Elita-1 what for. Also makes you try and decide where to spend your battle cube recharges – (will others join in this fight, will I get enough points, what kind of cards will I recieve etc). I got very addicted because I wanted to get the Lvl 4 Slipstream card you receive at 60,000 points as well as at least be in the top 7000 ranking at the end so I could get some good lvl 4 Arcee and Firestar cards.

    Buying cards:There are two fields of thought on this. One is ‘Why not, you get great rare cards!’ and the other is ‘No way! That’s how they sucker you!’.
    Personally I’m ambivalent to the whole thing. Now I would not buy them, for me the challenge is to find the cards through skill or (mainly) chance, but I don’t begrudge those that do. Since the game itself was free to download, the developer has to make their money somehow because this game definitely would not have cost them nothing to create (artists, programmers etc). And if they make no money, we get no game so I don’t think they are suckering us by offering stuff for us to buy.
    Is it a good deal? Depends on your opinion. Creds are $1 = 100 creds. You do get offered a couple of ‘One time only’ deals where you get a rare card for a buck. But in the latest Furies Special Episode they offered “15 Pack: SUPER RARE DECEPTICON GARUNTEED!” for 5000 creds. $50!?!?! No fricken way my friend! Not only are you wasting your money, but you are taking all the challenge out of the game for yourself (and lets face it there is not much challenge to be found otherwise). And anyway, I have gotten 3 super rare cards without spending a cent and have gotten more rare cards than I can fit in my hand. Again, if people want to do this, it is supporting the company that made the game so good luck to them – the only time I find it annoying is when someone challenges you to a battle and it’s obvious they have spent the bucks and are now just pounding on everyone – it’s like a boxer taking steroids then being proud when they bash up someone who just trained normally.

    So is the game worth it? Well – it’s free. Again – IT’S FREE! So yeah, it’s worth it. I’ve really been obsessed playing while the Special Episode has been going, I can see becoming less enthused in a day when it’s ended. But the artwork is fantastic, and it’s something you can dip your toe into any time you like so feel free to give it a go .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    In my opinion it barely qualifies as a game.

    Sure it's free and they want you to buy stuff off them for the game, but your level of interaction in the game is incredibly low and even though the artwork is good, I'd rather spend my time doing something else rather than grinding through a bad interface with boring gameplay.

    Why is it that when you want to edit your deck, you have to press the edit button after every card switch? I wanted to experiment with my deck, but after every single card change I had to press the edit button again. This is an unforgivable oversight, especially considering how the game pretty much plays itself.

    nice artwork.

    bad interface
    Unfair pvp ( I was a low level user and I kept getting paired up with people who were many levels higher than me)
    Boring 'gameplay'
    No offline option. (boooo)
    Everything else.

    Yawn, I can't believe I spent as much time as I did 'playing' it hoping it would get better.

    For a professionally produced game (yes, even free) it sucks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Some updates to the game:

    *They have been running numerous week long Special Episodes, which many gamers (pre when us iPhone folk got it) were complaining only happened once in a blue moon. They are currently running them all the time, with a day or two break in between Episodes.

    *They have just introduced Level 5 Ultra Rare cards . Must be so that those like myself, who have got that many Level 4 Super Rare ones from the multiple competitions that they are spilling out of their hand, have got something to aim for or buy.

    *Not an update but news to me: You know how you get 12 Decepticon levels and 12 Autobot ones in the main game? Well - that's all there is! This arvo I got the final card that I was missing from all those levels and no new ones magically opened up . Disappointing. I assume they will add some more levels at some stage since all the icons seem to be on the left hand side of the planet (probably when they introduce Level 6 Ultra Super Rare Cards)

    Still enjoying the game but don't know how much longer I will keep playing. My hand is pretty much full of level 4 maxed out cards and it seems a hell of a lot of work just to get one or two cards more, especially when you have found all the lvl 1, 2 & 3 ones available. And the fact that the Episodes are so close together takes away some of the novelty. Plus it's annoying when you painstakingly build this super hand and then get challenged to a fight by someone who obviously bought theirs.

    That said, gotta get me some of those new Dinobot cards before I quit

  4. #4
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    I am playing this but not as a paying customer.
    The amount of money people sink into it its way beyond me, you can basically buy two Titans Metroplex for the amount they spend.

    I cant poll this because I think is ok game but not something I will DIE for?
    It is also way too time consuming and battery consuming app.

    For me, it zoomed down to this:

    Would I play the game? Yes, for now but at easy pace

    Would I pay for this game? Ur hell no.

    Why? My turn to ask, would you prefer to obtain a masterpiece or a digital card?
    Would you prefer spending $250 for a Titans Metroplex or $400 for a digital card?

    Yup, that's my take though I respect players who pay top dollar, for the game I don't think is worth that amount in my humble opinion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    4th May 2013


    I was playing TF Legends a fair bit. But I haven't played since the Rodimus card was up. I would much rather spend $30 (my usual amount) on an actual Transformer than just a card game.

    I think I got to lvl 300+, but the game play did start to get boring pretty quickly.

  6. #6
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    I just think some people took it way too serious and went to as far as $400+ just for an event. I like the game casually but there is a lot of things I hate.

    1. suck up too much battery
    2. suck up too much time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    30th Oct 2012


    I'm lets say rank 16000 on an event, I buy a $30 dollar gift card and I am rank 8000, end of event I am 29000 this makes me so angry and want to punch my phone and throw it at the wall at the same time. But I love the art and am praying to god they have a really good high quality art book of this game like Fall of Cybertron.

  8. #8
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    ^you had to be on the game like 12 hrs a day dude, not just login, use your cubes and logout.

    I am at 900ish. This means wake up I will see like 1400 on last day.

  9. #9
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    ended rank 1400+

    I think I am getting bored, regardless what cool card they release is the same routine.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    4th May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    ended rank 1400+

    I think I am getting bored, regardless what cool card they release is the same routine.
    It does get boring really fast... Save your cash and by real Transformers

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