Decided to bring over this thread from the old forum and try and keep it going. Some of the stuff previously discussed:

1) Characters that appeared briefly but did not transform. These included: Longrack (Excavator), 3 cars resembling Blurr from the toy-line, Signal-Lancer (Traffic Light), Buzzsaw (Speed Planet) and who else do you know?

2) Why Paramount didn't bring the Cybertron series to other parts of the world except the U.S.

3) Some of us either hate of love the cartoons series. Perhaps you'll like to share your view on the cartoon?

4) And Planet keys for your toys, does it matter to you that you get the exact one that belongs to that particular toy?

* Warning: Spoiler *
Continuing from that, I was just watching Season 2 episode 21: The Guardian last night and I've gotta say that's one of the most EMO episodes. It really doesn't explain why Vector Prime had to sacrifice himself. Just because he changed time again he had to vaporize? Well he changed time before once to stop Megatron from attacking the Mini-Cons and the kids, and he was fine the last time? Was it because this time it was to bring time back a year (and it was a long period) that it drained all his spark?

Anyway this thread can be used to discuss anything about the Cybertron series cartoon and the toys. So feel free to ask anything you might like here as well.