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Thread: The Dark knight

  1. #31
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    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    You lived in the Sutherland shire?
    No I grew up in the Shoalhaven. What is your problem with the shire Kup? I'm guessing you have some bad experiences with some locals. Just after the racial abuse I suffered in my teen years I'm generally opposed to generalisations so unless the whole shire has ganged up on you for whatever reason could you please let it go... and yes I do have couple of very close friends who are born and rised shire boys.

    Mods I apologise for taking this thread off track.

    Back to The Batman.

    I loved The Jokers "magic trick" when he meets the mobsters.

    Oh and Maggie Gyllenhall craps over Katie Holmes IMO.

  2. #32
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    No, I just hate the Shire.

    I have lived in several parts of the Northern Beaches and the Central Coast (during my youth I averaged a new home every 2 years) but the worse place that I have lived at was the Shire not for the look of the area but the people who inhabit it.

    Its nothing to do with race, more the culture of the area. At school I was always able to make friends with others and prided myself in been accepted within all the differen social groups (nerds, goths, cool, etc) and was fine but in the Shire, I just didn't want to hang around with anyone, I actually rather be alone than the sorts I found there. It was strange and disliked the whole atmosphere (still do). I only lasted 6 months in the Shire School before I convinced my mother to go back to the Central Coast where I finished Highschool.

    After that My mother moved back and because I was severely ill; I had no say in it and was forced to live in the Shire for several years until my illness was cured and finally got back onto my own two feet and moved out of the area which for me was a hell hole.


    Back to Batman, someone in the Don Murphy Board is saying that the bad guy for the next film was hinted but he is not giving it away. Anyone else saw anything like this?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Back to Batman, someone in the Don Murphy Board is saying that the bad guy for the next film was hinted but he is not giving it away. Anyone else saw anything like this?
    My only thought was Catwoman.
    Catwoman was because of the throwaway line at the beginning about the new Batsuit protecting him from cats which made no sense, because the new suit was more susceptible to knives and bullets, and Cats are all claws/knives). The fact that Dawes is out of the picture, a new love interest perhaps?

    I have also read that there is speculation that the character who wanted to reveal Batman could end up as the Riddler (but since the Riddler is a genius and that guy was not, it would be a stretch).

    Anywho, about the actual film, I loved it, Ledger was outstanding, my gf was freaking out because he gave her the creeps, he should win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, but he wont because the academy cannot let Comic book movies win anything but Technical awards (which it should win plenty).
    I did love that almost everything that was blown up was really blown up, not CGI, and not at all cheesy or cheap looking, like Michael Bay explosions.

    The characters were extremely well written, this was no popcorn flick, this was really nitty gritty, better acted and directed than many "serious drama" films that have been released in the past 5 years.

    This is one of those films that will only get better with repeated viewings, and it should be a film considered for higher education studies on the human psyche.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #34
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    saw The Dark Knight last night it was so awesome!!!! loved the Joker

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    My only thought was Catwoman.
    Catwoman was because of the throwaway line at the beginning about the new Batsuit protecting him from cats which made no sense, because the new suit was more susceptible to knives and bullets, and Cats are all claws/knives). The fact that Dawes is out of the picture, a new love interest perhaps?

    I have also read that there is speculation that the character who wanted to reveal Batman could end up as the Riddler (but since the Riddler is a genius and that guy was not, it would be a stretch).
    I read somewhere that for the next film they wanted to go back to using Villains who haven't appeared much on the bigscreen, or were to hard to potray in the realistic gritty world they've fashioned. Can't recall where but one of the directors implied for those reasons Catwoman and The Penguin were definately out of the running.

    But yes it was an awesome film. So chances are the next one will be crummy like most recent Superhero trilolgies.

  6. #36
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    Watched it today for only $9 & I've gotta say - it was pretty bloody good!

    Warning - Spoilers Ahead

    A couple of things seemed to stand out to me:

    # It kinda felt like a movie with 2 halves with the 2nd half beginning with The Joker being in jail. Atleast they kept the tempo of the movie up in these scenes...

    # With the way in which they told "the Harvey Dent Story" throughout the first 2/3rds of the movie, I was certain that he was going to be the major villain in the next movie. The Joker talking to him in the hospital got me thinking that maybe we were gonna see the 2 of them working together? But Two-Face only existed for a short time & he didn't even kill anyone?

    # The last scene we see The Joker in is when he's hanging out of the back window of the police car - & that's it?

    # It was great to see Scarecrow for a moment too in the opening scene

    All in all, I'd give it 9 out of 10

    Oh & regarding all this talk that Heath will get a posthumous Oscar, Has an actor/actress in a Superhero Movie ever won an Oscar? Heath nailed the Joker perfectly so... we'll just have to wait & see

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    # With the way in which they told "the Harvey Dent Story" throughout the first 2/3rds of the movie, I was certain that he was going to be the major villain in the next movie. The Joker talking to him in the hospital got me thinking that maybe we were gonna see the 2 of them working together? But Two-Face only existed for a short time & he didn't even kill anyone?
    I think he killed 5 cops or something. Thats why after Batman had taken him out the blame for those deaths had to be accredited to Batman in order to save Dent's public image.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    The last scene we see The Joker in is when he's hanging out of the back window of the police car - & that's it?
    Unless I'm really confused about what you are talking about, the Joker rode around in the cop car after escaping the PD, then he went to the Hospital, followed by the building he was in during the ferry saga? The last we see of him is upsidedown, right near the climax of the film.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  8. #38
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    at one with the matrix...


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Unless I'm really confused about what you are talking about, the Joker rode around in the cop car after escaping the PD, then he went to the Hospital, followed by the building he was in during the ferry saga? The last we see of him is upsidedown, right near the climax of the film.
    Yeah, I think I got myself all muddled up & reading over the plot tells me my short-term memory is more than just a little off...

  9. #39
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    I just got back from IMAX and I think I would recommend against it. There's a bit too much fast action and a bit too much darkness and the IMAX screen is just too big.

    I'm still processing the plot and everything else. The only thing I am sure about is how awesome the Joker character was.

  10. #40
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    I absolutely LOVE Batman - I'm a huge fan - I loved Burton's vision, and I totally loved Batman Begins!

    But this movie is something else... it's got to join the ranks of films like Aliens, Empire Strikes Back, etc... as a sequel that is better than the original!

    Ledger's Joker - I'm speechless! It was the best Joker I've ever seen! Totally insane and frightening!

    Harvey was fantastic! Rachel (the new one) is so much better! Hell, even Batman himself was the most interesting version of this character!

    Christopher Nolan is an EXCELLENT Director! I hope his peers take notice of him!

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