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Thread: Thrilling 30 Games

  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Okay, Rules for Game 3:
    1. Make a list of 30 Transformers names.
    2. They must be in alphabetical order.
    3. As there are 26 letters in the alphabet, you have four "spares" which you may use to double up on the same letter. You may not double up more than once on the same letter, thus the same letter may only be used twice at the most and for no more than four letters.

    Tried to do them all with toys I own (with the exception of Yoda & Killmaster )

    Air Raid
    (2) Abominus
    (2) Fizzle
    Hot Spot
    (2) Killmaster (you know - with the wand)
    (2) Sideswipe
    Last edited by BigTransformerTrev; 14th January 2014 at 09:34 AM. Reason: Replaced Quickstrike with Quickmix

  2. #22
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Heh, nice idea to try and do it w/ toys from your own collection. I'd like to have a try.

    Knock Out
    Lazerback (2)
    Missilemaster (2)
    Quickstrike (2)
    Zoom Out 25X (2)

  3. #23
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Heh, nice idea to try and do it w/ toys from your own collection. I'd like to have a try.
    Yeah I could have come up with a toy that I own rather than putting 'Killmaster' in - but once I thought of him I couldn't resist

  4. #24
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    Optimus Prime
    G2 Thundercracker
    Actually, that's Action Master Thundercracker. It was released in 1991, part of G1.

  5. #25
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Next game! Functions!

    I have chosen one Transformer's function from each year ('cept for this year cos it's too early ). The function is unique for that year, so I'm not using any that's repeated for that year (e.g. "Warrior"). So all you need to do is to consider which Transformer has that function for that year. In some cases, it may even be the only Transformer ever to have that function. Good luck!

    1984: Defensive Strategist
    1985: Materials Fabrication
    1986: Cavalier
    1987: S.T.A.G. (Solo Transformers Assault Group)
    1988: Squadron Leader
    1989: Fuel Depot
    1990: Bounty Hunter
    1991: Psychological Warfare
    1992: Weaponry Expert
    1993: Flamethrower
    1994: Rapid Defence Specialist
    1995: Counter Intelligence
    1996: Jungle Patrol
    1997: Rebel Warrior
    1998: Tracker
    1999: Vok Emissary
    2000: Aerodrone General
    2001: Dog
    2002: Spirit Guide
    2003: Special Investigator (特別捜査官)
    2004: Mercenary (傭兵)
    2005: Security
    2006: Doctor (医師)
    2007: Emperor of Destruction (破壊大帝)
    2008: Berserker
    2009: Mercenary
    2010: Supreme Commander (総司令官)
    2011: Architect (建築家)
    2012: Spark Hunter
    2013: Mobile Fortress (移動要塞)

    Answers: (click and drag to reveal)

    1984: Trailbreaker
    1985: Mixmaster
    1986: Hot Rod
    1987: Sixshot
    1988: Gunrunner
    1989: Greasepit
    1990: Axer
    1991: Bombshell
    1992: Ironfist
    1993: Slag
    1994: Leadfoot
    1995: Mirage
    1996: Cheetor
    1997: Thundercracker
    1998: Silverbolt
    1999: Tigerhawk
    2000: Jetstorm
    2001: Bruticus
    2002: Air Attack Optimus Primal
    2003: Deep Cover
    2004: Detritus
    2005: Ironhide (Timelines)
    2006: Glit
    2007: Megatron (Masterpiece)
    2008: Blitzwing
    2009: Banzai-Tron
    2010: Rodimus Convoy (Masterpiece)
    2011: Grapple (United)
    2012: Flamewar (TFP)
    2013: Metroplex (Generations, TAK)

  6. #26
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Okay, this one's really simple. Pick ONE toy for each "Transformer year" and tell us a few words about it. It doesn't have to be your favourite toy for that year, you can even pick your most hated toy... whatever. You can totally pick a toy from that year at random and say something about it.

    So two basic rules:
    1/ You may only talk about ONE toy for each year. You may skip a year if you do not own any toys from it.
    2/ It MUST be a toy from your current personal collection.


    Okay, so here's my turn:

    1984: Thundercracker. One of the most interesting Decepticon characters from G1, but also IMHO the coolest looking of the first year Jets. That metallic blue is just gorgeous and works so well with the black, red and silver.

    1985: Beachcomber. Just a really lovely little toy. I used to pretend that the vents on his arms could shoot lasers, despite his pacifistic nature.

    1986: Ratbat. I would walk into stores and see him sitting on pegs and thinking about buying him, but also realising that I already had Frenzy (albeit w/ silver guns, and all the Frenzy w/ Ratbats I saw had gold guns). I couldn't justify getting another Frenzy just for Ratbat though. But by late '86 I caved and just bought the damn thing. Can't say I'll be making the same decision for MP Ratbat though.

    1987: Battletrap. My first Duocon which I won as a prize from a newspaper competition that I entered in 1986 as part of a promotion for The Transformers The Movie. I'd sent in a LOT of fully coloured Transformers drawings, and then totally forgot about the competition assuming that I didn't win anything despite hours of effort. But then in early 1987, one morning as I was getting ready to go to school, there was a knock on the door and a package delivered with MY name on it (I'd never had that happen before!). And lo an behold, it was Battletrap! I ripped the toy opened and was playing with it on the way to school and even surreptitiously played with it during morning assembly.

    1988: Gunrunner. What a stupid toy. I actually painted some glitter on the barrel of the gun to make it look like it was shooting. Looked lame, thankfully the glitter was easy to clean off later. This was also the year that I started displaying my Transformers on book shelves, and Gunrunner took up a considerable amount of space for such a crap toy.

    1989: Swindler. He looks like he'd travel through time if he could drive up to 142km/h. Just needs a lightning bolt and flux capacitor.

    1990: Devastator. My Long Haul toy had been broken back in '85 by some stupid kid at school, thus my Constructicons were unable to form Devastator. So I picked up Action Master Devvie as a means of "cheating". During toy play all my Constructicons would gather round and say, "Combine!", then I'd brush them aside and replace them with a diminutive AM Devastator! Had to squint real hard and suspend disbelief! And of course, I was able to use AM Devvie to play the reconstructed Devastator who's unable to separate as seen in the G1 comics.

    1991: Gripper. My favourite Motorvator. He has a cameo in Dark Cybertron! Blast those Ammonites, pew pew pew!

    1992: Like a Boss.

    1993: Deftwing. Toywise my favourite of the Lightformers.

    1994: Hero Megatron. I couldn't believe the crazy amount of articulation on this toy!

    1995: Laser Optimus Prime. I couldn't believe the even crazier amount of articulation on this toy, and this awesome thing called light piping! Whhhooooaaa!! So cool!

    1996: Terrorsaur, one of my favourite flipchangers. I wish the cartoon model was more toy-accurate, as I personally prefer the full sized wings on the toy that were greatly reduced in the cartoon. Gives him a more majestic presence IMHO. I also prefer the purple helmet as it helps to break up all that red, and I personally prefer the hand gun over shoulder cannons that magically grow from his shoulders in the 'toon.

    1997: Tripredacus. Gestalt perfection!

    1998: Lio Convoy. He has a Matrix! Okay sure, it's permanently attached to his chest, but at the time he was the ONLY Transformer toy in existence who had a Matrix! Phwoar!

    1999: Tigerhawk. I could never find the Ultra TM2s in local stores. Hasbro USA sent me both of them as free gifts. Tigerhawk is my favourite of the pair.

    2000: Super Mach Alert. Beast Wars level of toy design/engineering now with a licensed vehicle alt mode, in this case a Lamborghini Diablo which is also used by Italian highway patrol! Sweeet!

    2001: Optimus Prime. The non-metallic red and cheap looking lighter grey aren't as nice as the colours on Super Fire Convoy, and I prefer the sound chip on SFC too, but the chrome on RiD OP is a lot better. What's this? Split tyres?!? Nnnooooooo!!!

    2002: Road Rage. Yaaay, I finally owned that red looking Tracks on the back of all the 1985 packaging and catalogue, and she's now an official character.

    2003: Unicron. After 17 years, finally!

    2004: MP-1 Convoy. wow. such masterpiece. much amaze. woof.

    2005: Shortround. A transforming robot toy who collects transforming robot toys. Lol.

    2006: Classics Mirage. Such a sweet toy, and designed by an Aussie!

    2007: Leader Class Movie Optimus Prime. Arguably the greatest OP toy made since Laser OP. And of course, Leader Class OPs continued go from strength to strength until Age of Extinction broke that improvement streak.

    2008: Blitzwing. My personal QC nightmare story.

    2009: Overcharge. He's a taxi! Fantastic robot in disguise. Too bad the toy is otherwise rubbish.

    2010: Buzz Lightyear. Very clever idea and I love the Headmaster gimmick. Not worth full quid, but managed to get him on sale.

    2011: Wheeljack (United). Aaah, just before TFs started declining in value for money. I'd been searching for months to find Generations Wheeljack (plus others from his wave) locally, but could never find them. I was able to get other Generations figures eventually, but Wheeljack always eluded me, and when I was in Taipei I caved and bought an imported United version for about AU$35. Then about a week after returning to Australia, I found Generation Wheeljacks at my local Kmart for $25.

    2012: Masterpiece Optimus Prime. $150 at Toys R Us, and what felt like 150 hours' worth of phone calls to Hasbro AU, TRU Headquarters and every TRU branch in Sydney for weeks leading to the toy's release and day after its initial sighting until finally found one for myself. Ppphhheww!

    2013: MP Prowl, in all his table flipping awesomeness.

    2014: Ace Vehicon. To date still the ONLY Transformer I've bought locally this year.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Pick ONE toy for each "Transformer year" and tell us a few words about it. So two basic rules:
    1/ You may only talk about ONE toy for each year. You may skip a year if you do not own any toys from it.
    2/ It MUST be a toy from your current personal collection.

    1984: Soundwave - still one of my favourite toys ever!

    1985: Roadbuster - Love the amount of guns on that guy. Found at a collectors shop a few years ago

    1986: Metroplex – just how fricken cool it was to get a city! Was chuffed I found him online 100% complete

    1987: Slugfest – took years to track one down at a reasonable price.

    1988: Windsweeper – just got him last Friday!

    1989: Overload – remember as a kid my Dad visiting and us going to a toy shop and lay-by’ing him, then going back the next day and getting him anyway

    1990: Krok – my most recent Action Master acquisition

    1991: Rumbler – thought the rolling exo-suit was very cool!

    1992: Skyquake – was my hugest TF toy for a long time and I loved the amount of missiles on him!

    1993: Clench – Great size, paint job and alt mode!

    1994: Drench – liked the colour change gimmick

    1995: N/A

    1996: Waspinator – a wasp

    1997: N/A

    1998: Depthcharge – thought he was a cool character

    1999: N/A

    2000: Tankor (mega) – yay! Vehicles are back!

    2001: Ultra Magnus – what a cool fricken toy and badass looking Car Carrier!

    2002: Demolisher – Very cool alt-mode

    2003: Tidal Wave – freak-ing huge!

    2004: Landmine – I don’t even know what to call his alt-mode except just brilliant!

    2005: Shockblast – the last of the Alternators I bought

    2006: Cybertron Defense Hot Shot – just a ton of weapons on that guy!

    2007: Mirage – a lanky but great update of the G1 figure

    2008: Acid Storm – nice to see one of the Cloudseeders/Rainmakers get a toy at last!

    2009: Swindle – a great toy and portrayl of the character in the Animated universe

    2010: Dirge – good portrayal of that character in the movie universe

    2011: Wreck-Gar – finally we have Junkions that can ride each other!

    2012: Sergeant Kup – the onery old bugger is back!

    2013: Ultimate Predaking – helluva wingspan on that mother!

    2014: Doubledealer – a nice reuse of the Blitzwing mold

  8. #28
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Name every Transformer in this image as quick as you can without cheating!

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    I didn't make this, but here's a game called Name that G1 Transformer.
    I got 'em all right in under a minute.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    Match the following real life trucks with its corresponding Transformer character. Present your answers in letter-number format, e.g. "A1, B2, C3, etc."

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