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Thread: Toy Dojo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Toy Dojo

    The purpose of this this thread is for uploading photos of toys (can be TFs or non-TFs) doing real life fighting techniques. They can be from any martial art (e.g. Karate, Jujutsu, Kung Fu etc.) or combat sport (e.g. boxing, wrestling etc.) or even just any practical fighting technique that you know of. It doesn't need to be from a formally codified fighting system. Please include a brief description of the technique being shown.

    Discussion of techniques shown is also encouraged.

    Other related threads:
    Martial arts thread
    Transformers action pose thread


    Optimus Prime and Son Gokuu bowing

    Application of Baji small frame

    ↑OP blocks Gokuu's punch, note that Gokuu is standing in an Empty Stance

    ↑Gokuu shoots forward into a Bow Stance and collapses his punching arm into an elbow, driving it into OP's pectoral region.

    Spin kick demonstration

    The amount of force that it generates is nothing short of incredible. However, this technique relies on distance and it loses its effectiveness at closer range.

    Tai Chi counter to a spin kick

    ↑The moment that OP turns his back on Gokuu is when he lunges forward and intercepts OP's body. In this case he's using a Yang Tai Chi technique simply called a "Push."

    ↑And follow it up with a chokehold (okay, chokeholds aren't Tai Chi techniques, but hey why not? )

    Tai Chi counter against a wrist grab

    ↑OP has grabbed Gokuu's wrist. This is typically done to draw the defender in; e.g. kidnapping, grappling/wrestling/submission etc.

    ↑Gokuu lunges into OP's personal space. In this case his hand has conveniently ended up at his groin so he immediately attacks it. I was practising this technique with a Karate fighter a few days ago and my hand ended up next to his head, so it was too easy for me to convert it to a head strike.

    Tai Chi counter to a chokehold - yeah, I know it doesn't look like a chokehold because of OP's limited articulation... use your imagination.

    ↑Gokuu grabs OP's grabbing arm and yanks down on it to avoid being choked out (and thus being rendered unconscious). At the same time he steps his diagonally positioned foot between and through OP's feet.

    ↑Gokuu begins to execute a Tai Chi move called "Snake Creeps Down." This basically involves dropping into Side Stance while shifting himself lower and deeper through OP's centre of mass.

    ↑This causes OP to lose balance

    Correct vs Incorrect Forward Stance (aka Bow Stance or Front Stance)


    ↑A lot of people actually do their Forward Stance incorrectly. The correct method has the rear leg and foot at a 45° angle to the front foot. In Japanese this is called レの字 (Renoji) because feet should be aligned like the Katakana character レ (Re).

    ↑Front view. Note that the correct position forms a triangle with the feet whereas the incorrect one forms a rectangle. The triangle provides far greater structural stability.


    ↑The incorrect positioning also leaves the groin more exposed. And although the correct position doesn't flawlessly cover the groin, with the rear knee pointing forwards it means that the rear leg can very easily close in to defend the groin should a stray attack manage to slip through the narrower gap.

    Issuing Power

    ↑Throwing a straight punch with an incorrect Forward Stance. Here the force begins at the hips.

    ↑Throwing a straight punch with a correct Forward Stance. Here the force begins at the feet, up the legs, through the knees, then through the hips, waist, shoulders, elbows and wrist until impact force is created on the knuckles. Only half of this biomechanical action is happening with the incorrect stance as you're only rotating from the waist up, but with the correct version everything from your feet to your hands is rotating and contributing to power issuance.

    Resisting force

    ↑Absorbing/resisting the force of an incoming attack, in this case a forward charge. The triangular position of the rear leg helps this stance absorb the incoming force more effectively.

    ↑Contrast this with the incorrect stance which is less efficient in force absorption

    Unseen hazards

    ↑In this scenario, there is a rock right behind Gokuu which he hasn't noticed. Obviously a potential tripping hazard.

    ↑Stepping back into a triangular Forward Stance means that you step back heel first. Gokuu's heel can feel that there is an obstruction behind him without causing Gokuu to lose his balance or take his eyes off his attacker.

    ↑Gokuu aborts his attempt to step back into a Forward Stance and immediately hops off to the side. He is still retreating as initially intended but has merely made a course correction to avoid the hazard.

    ↑But if Gokuu were to step backwards incorrectly then he has sacrificed the advantage of using his heel to probe the terrain behind him.

    ↑Thus the obstacle has become a tripping hazard.
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 10th February 2019 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Just for fun I've decided that Gokuu will be a nominally Tai Chi fighter and Vegeta will be a Karate fighter


    Heian Nidan form, opening movement

    Application of the Heian Nidan opening. Gokuu has Vegeta in a wrist grab, drawing him in

    Vegeta shrinks back into a Cat Stance to get some distance and rolls his captured hand back to have it released. Gokuu immediately attempts to use his now available lead hand to deliver an uppercut.

    Vegeta continues the momentum of his rolling hand to roll upwards and deliver a blow to Gokuu's face

    Vegeta steps through into a Front Stance and delivers a straight punch to Gokuu's head

    Now the above is based on the form's opening movements itself, but it only works if the attacker is very close to the defender; i.e. within striking range from a Cat Stance. But what if the attacker isn't that close? Here is a variation to the Heian Nidan opening that I imagine might work. Once again, Gokuu has grabbed Vegeta's wrist and is dragging him in.

    Just as in the form, Vegeta shrinks into Cat Stance and rolls his arm in to release the grab. Now the issue here is that Gokuu is not in immediate striking range from the Cat Stance. Solution?

    Step forwards into a Front Stance and deliver the same rolling blow to the head

    Then follow through the same way with a straight punch, but now this time this counterstrike is more devastatingly penetrative since it is launched from so close to Gokuu's centre of mass.


    Just to recap, this is the final movements in the Baji Small Frame form

    Here is the application...

    Gokuu blocks Vegeta's punch while going into a single leg stance with his spare hand raised, ready to strike

    Gokuu quickly drops (stomps) the raised leg onto the ground, using the downward momentum and force to help drag his raised arm down, using the hand to rake Vegeta's face.

    Gokuu uses force of the stomping leg to drive himself forwards, delivering a devastating elbow charge

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Okay, moving away from Asian martial arts and looking towards Europe; here is a small scale model of how a column worked in a Roman formation. Obviously a formation would have several columns of soldiers, this is just a cross section of a single column within a formation (hence why the enemy aren't trying to outflank them).

    So the idea of a Roman column is to have a row of soldiers where the soldier at the very front of the column will fight the enemy. This will obviously begin draining the soldier's energy level.

    After about a minute or so, an officer will sound a signal.

    Upon hearing this signal, the soldier at the front will step to the left and walk down to the rear of the column. The soldier behind him immediately steps forward to take his place fighting the enemy, and also to allow the formation to advance. The next soldier will often step over the bodies of slain enemy combatants.

    The first soldier rests and regains his energy while his replacement fights on.

    Then after about another minute the signal is sounded again for the third soldier to assume front rank and the column marches forward, gaining ground.



    ...allowing the Romans to continually exhaust the enemy...

    ...while they appear inexhaustible to the enemy because of a steady rate of replenishing troops.

    Should a Roman soldier fall in battle...

    ...then the next fully charged soldier takes his place while a reservist is placed at the rear of the column to replace the one that was lost.

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