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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by komikskolektor View Post
    loeb and tim sale...yeah..they produced great books..check out their Superman for all season
    Yeah they have put out some pretty good stuff, they work well together.. I only recently found out that Loeb has written episodes Smallville and Heroes, and that Sale drew all the artwork that Mendez drew in the show

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    Awesome book. Have you read Dark Victory also?
    It's next on my list

  2. #2
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    piratescratch on the Marvel comics for the week of October 15th.

    Amazing Spider-Man #573 - New Ways to Die comes to an end. Dissapointed would be the word I'd use to describe this. Maybe I had my hopes set too high after all these stellar issues. Where was the big bang? Where was the climatic finale? The arc wraps up with a few loose ends for future story arcs no doubt. But all in all New Ways to Die is probably the best thing thats come out of Brand New Day. Oh the backup story with Colbert, I think ended up being more of a dissapointment.

    Astonishing X-Men #27 - I'm still not warming up to the art and colouring, it's just not doing it for me, I find it inconsistent and well downright hideous at times. Other then that it was a good read, I like the dialogue between Brand, Beast and Cyclops, "Xenophiliac experimentation parter?". Whilst it feels a bit slow, doesn't feel like much has happened in the past few issues, I'm looking forward to seeing where this story arc takes us.

    Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. #34 - Once again we're going through the Secret Invasion motions. War Machine takes out some Skrulls, gets no help from Russians, get's captured by Skrulls. I mean it's a solid issue but frankly I'm getting a bit tired of seeing the same old same old Secret Invasion scenarios that the heroes are being put through but they this is a lot better then the previous story arc, I much prefer this over that.

    Mighty Avengers #19 - And how is this related to the Mighty Avengers? Next issue however is the final issue of Mighty Avengers, hopefully it'll end on a high note.

    Uncanny X-Men #503 - What the hell has happened to Pixie? "I'm dark! I'm goth as hell!", seriously what? I liked her in The Quest for Magik arc in New X-Men but I'm not caring for this "new" Pixie here in Uncanny. It's not a bad read but it's just been a totally forgettable ride since #500.

    Young X-Men #7 - Probably my favourite X-Men title out this week. After a shaky series start Young X-Men has began to pick up, we're still going through the transition stage, setting up status quo and what not. Still hoping that we see some more New X-Men/Academy X characters join the fray, I still feel a bit shafted after it's cancellation with the big Messiah Complex event and no those Divided We Stand issues were crap.

  3. #3
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    Oops a bit slow but better late then never.

    piratescratch on the Marvel comics for the week of October 22nd.

    Amazing Spider-Man #574 - Flash Thompson filler. Solid read if nothing else.

    Captain America #43 - I love Captain America, even though we've moved on to a new arc this issue it still feels like one big overarching story.

    Ms. Marvel #32 - Last issue of Ms. Marvel was pretty forgetful, this months is much better. I swear Carol looks like Cammy (of Street Fighter fame) in the first panels. I really liked this issue, that torture scene was pretty brutal but Carol in her underwear wielding a sledgehammer is surprisingly hot. Looking forward to seeing how this "origins" arc will go.

    New Avengers #46 - New Avengers Secret Invasion fillers are a lot better then the Mighty Avengers ones not that they are all that great but still. New Avengers #46 just fills in the gaps for The Hood and his motley crew. Nothing we haven't seen before but an entertaining read none the less. We also abruptly (final page cliffhanger) discover the source of The Hood's powers, whether or not this will be followed up sooner or later is another thing.

    Secret Invasion #7 - Action packed, that's it for this issue. As a single issue I'm sort of disappointed with the lack of plot progress but I'm sure for those who plan to wait for the trade and read the whole Secret Invasion thing in one go they'll get more of a kick out of this. Yu's elongated faces still creep me out. Oh and god the last panel with the baby, ha ha what ..?

    Thunderbolts #125 - And we conclude this mediocre Secret Invasion tie in, the Thunderbolts clean up their Skrull mess and the issue finishes up with them joining the big party. The only thing that was slightly interesting in this issue was the final two pages which might be a foreshadowing of one of the possible big changes to come after this whole Secret Invasion fiasco is over also might have some ties to what Ms. Marvel said about Norman in Ms. Marvel #31.
    Last edited by piratescratch; 28th October 2008 at 09:28 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by piratescratch View Post
    Thunderbolts #125 - And we conclude this mediocre Secret Invasion tie in, the Thunderbolts clean up their Skrull mess and the issue finishes up with them joining the big party. The only thing that was slightly interesting in this issue was the final two pages which might be a foreshadowing of one of the possible big changes to come after this whole Secret Invasion fiasco is over also might have some ties to what Ms. Marvel said about Norman in Ms. Marvel #31.
    I foresee next year's big story arc to be revolving around Norman.

    They've been building him up in Thunderbolt's, he's taken a semi-lead role in SI, and I loved his little confrontation with Fury, and is ASM he's injected himself into local politics. Only a matter of time before he takes another step and make a power grab.

  5. #5
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    at one with the matrix...


    I ran across this & I thought you guys might get a kick out of it... (Some people are beyond help )

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    I ran across this & I thought you guys might get a kick out of it... (Some people are beyond help )
    Hmmm.. Only in Japan..

    North Melbourne-bot...?

  7. #7
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    piratescratch on the Marvel comics for the week of October 29th.

    Amazing Spider-Man #575 - I really dug Bachalo's art back when he did that Mayan diety arc, I'm glad to see him back drawing for the new Hammerhead arc. Fun enjoyable issue, well paced, good writing and of course lovely art, definitely looking forward to next issue. Also jeez I really like the cover for this issue, I'd kill for a poster sized print of this (please Marvel please!).

    Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (35) - We finally get to find out who's behind the mask, Jackpot that is. Wow what an issue, what a dissapointing issue. Big revelation is that Jackpot ...
    /SPOILER/OD's at the end, yep she just carks it at the end. Yeah what a way to kill her off. I know she was just some Brand New Day floozy but still I was expecting something more out of her character, dissapointing indeed. Issue ends with hints that Sarah might take up on the role as Jackpot./END SPOILER/

    Avengers: The Initiatve #18 - Another jam packed issue. Back following the new Skrull Kill Krew and their Initiative team road trip taking out sleeper agents. I'm glad we're seeing some older graduates, Cloud 9 to be more precise though I must admit I do miss the naive strawberry panty wearing Abby that we got to know.

    Giant-Size X-Men: First Class #1 - And we wrap up volume two of X-Men: First Class with a giant-size. Well this is one mediocre forgetful issue, evil plants and UFOs. The only thing I enjoyed out of this giant-size was the cooky Xavier short. Oh and please don't throw in some stupid Skrull secret invasion fluff at the end. Dissapointing end for such an enjoyable run.

    Immortal Iron Fist #19 - Ahh always nice to see the other immortal weapons again. "Fat Cobra. Deadly. Fat." Brilliant writing or brilliant writing?. Other then that it feels like not much progress was made in this issue, we're left with a cliched cliffhanger.

    Secret Invasion: Thor #3 - And with this we wrap up the Secret Invasion: Thor mini series. Story unfolded like any other Secret Invasion tie in but it's forgiven as Thor is seriously badass in this. I know the way they dealt with the super Skrull was extremely overkill but my god was it an awesome way to kill her off.

    Secret Invasion: X-Men #3 - Boring. Ugly. Forgetful. Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four was my least favourite Secret Invasion mini series but this might take that spot. One more issue left for this, let's see what comes out of this.

    Thor #11 - It's been how long since we've had an issue of Thor? Well it was worth the wait. Talking to Captain America, only JMS with Thor can pull that off without turning out like some cheap thrill. Oh and Thor walking down the side of a satellite, very cool. Once again another solid issue of Thor.

    Wolverine: First Class #8 - Second part of the Zone of Alienation story. Typical First Class fluff here. This whole story was pretty average, I mean I liked that bonus short at the end more then this whole thing, then again I have a soft spot for Colleen Coover's art.

    X-Force #8 - A bit more light hearted compared to the previous X-Force issues. Here we have the team hunting Vanisher which is quite a fun read, I really liked the hospital scene. Also nice to see Domino and I wonder if Elixir will end up staying as permanet or semi-permanent member of the team. I'm liking where X-Force is heading, sure the gruesome grim dark opening arc looked lovely but I must admit it was a bit hard to swallow.

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