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Thread: Comic book thread ON!

  1. #71
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    hahaha my bad, i guess i started it without looking at the main thread area and saw COMIC book ... ON!

    You can move it if you wanna :P

  2. #72
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    You were talking about half an Avengers series so it passes and I wont move it.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post

    I remember when I saw Bryan Hitch's art in X-Men Omega and I thought it sucked. I haven't looked at that issue in a while but it was probably not as bad as I remember, just very different from the less realstic style common in the X-books at the time. Same goes for Steve Epting on X-Factor/Factor X. I couldn't stand his art then but nowadays in Capt America is fantastic. Styles & tastes change.
    I know exactly what you mean. Hitch and Epting were always only servicable in my mind in their old Avengers, X-Men runs. But I was blown away to see their new stuff. I think the inking and the colour work is what's behind it. The old colours were too flat comparatively and it glaring juxtaposed the realism inherent in their styles. I'd say that Hitch has morphed more and more since those days though. He used to be an Alan Davis clone but he has his own unique spin now so its partially his growth as an artist. Epting is fundamentally the same as before. I think inker and colours are what have brought his stuff to life

    If I had time I will try to pick up the new She-Hulk trade and the third collection of the Onslaught saga. Does anyone read New Warriors? I like the characters it's picked up (spoilers! X-Men in disguise!) but I don't like how they've been treated in general by the powers that be at Marvel.
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  4. #74
    Join Date
    24th Jun 2008
    Lego replica of Melbourne (Box Hill)


    Marvel comics for the week of August 27th.

    Avengers: The Initiative #16 - Still the best Avengers title Marvel has to offer. They packed a lot in this issue. Yeah Skrull Kill Krew you are awesome, "Now we do it 'cause we like the taste". Crusader is slowly becoming one of my favourite characters from the series. Also glad that we will be getting to see some of the first graduates again. And Ant-Man how will you get yourself out of this? :P

    Mighty Avengers #17 - More Secret Invasion filler, medicore issue, more or less the same. Aww Pym.

    New Avengers #44 - I don't know how the Illuminati are considered New Avengers material but it does clear up some things from New Avengers #40 and what the Skrulls were trying to accomplish with their clone experiments. Again okay issue.

    Thunderbolts #123 - I've only been reading Thunderbolts from #110, enjoyed Ellis' run. Decided to stick around afterwards for the Secret Invasion tie ins. I've already mentioned how dissapointed I was with how Norman easily "dispatched" of Mar-vell. Nothing really special about this issue, progress was made, art was mediocre, final page made me chuckle.

    Wolverine: First Class #6 - Best Wolverine: First Class issue to date, first handful of issues were quite dissapointing (compared to X-Men: First Class) but it's starting to pick up. Lots of fun. Nice light hearted change of pace from everything else I've read this week.

    X-Force #6 - Conclusion to the first story arc; Angels & Demons. I think I'm only following this series for it's bloody kill everybody and thing that's against us (X-Men) ride. I mean the writing is pretty average so far and ditto with the plot, yeah I'm sure I'm just reading this for it's art alone.

    Also started reading Immortal Iron Fist now.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    25th May 2008
    Mount Barker, South Australia


    i just really wanted to brag about this yesterday(saturday) i went to a guys place that sells comics because i wanted to get some old spidey stuff and this guy has some real nice stuff. he has about 50,000 comics mostly back issues and alot of it he sells, trades etc..

    anyway after i grabbed the ones that i wanted, he then showed me his private collection which included stuff like very early action comics around issues#30 onwards very first phantom and alot of others. then he pulled out a folder from his locked up cupboard and in this one folder out of about a dozen or so had Amazing fantasy#15, Amazing Spiderman#1!!!!!! worth $50,000, first Daredevil, Ironman, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Avengers and some other number 1 stuff that i cant remember all in absolute mint condition it all looked brand new!!!!! I was very happy for him to show me all of this stuff as i probally never see anything like it again especially all together

  6. #76
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    I know what you mean, loophole. Vintage stuff is not something into these days but I have a friend with one of the most amazing comic collections I've ever seen. It's basically like what you saw. Just breathtaking to take a step back into history.

    Piratescratch, Yost and his co-writer just don't do it for me. Most of their stuff is too dark, dreary and just downright depressing. It's barely adventrous and just seems muddied and muddied. The only thing I partially enjoyed was the X-Men: Emperor Vulcan. But everything I;ve heard of X-Force is just not what I need to read. Now original X-Force I would've read.
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  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Now original X-Force I would've read.
    Did you read Rob Liefeld's X-Force miniseries a couple of years ago? That was original X-Force... and it sucked!

  8. #78
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Did you read Rob Liefeld's X-Force miniseries a couple of years ago? That was original X-Force... and it sucked!

    Rob Liefeld sucks!

  9. #79
    Join Date
    2nd Aug 2008


    Does anyone else read The Incredible Herc(formerly Hulk) ?

    I am a big fan of comics and the Hulk so I thought Id continue collecting it once it changed names, but honestly im really regretting it. I enjoyed the WWH tie in, but since then this series has really gone downhill in the storyline department and its a shame because when it was The Incredible Hulk, it was great!

    I guess what im after is anyone else that read's this series opinion on it, or if anyone knows if there are plans to go back to good old Hulk.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    Rob Liefeld sucks!
    You suck! Rob Liefeld's the man I tell you! The man!

    Wait. You do know that Liefield created Deadpool, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Did you read Rob Liefeld's X-Force miniseries a couple of years ago? That was original X-Force... and it sucked!
    Yeah, I did and I do agree it was disappointing. The original concept was great but I think it needs to be distanced from Liefeld. Take Cable and Deadpool. I picked it up being a fan of both characters and trusting Fabian Nicieza's craftsmanship and that worked b/c Liefeld was not involved. I think his stories and art were better when there was editorial reign on him back in the 90s but nowadays he's very lazy.

    The two x-books I still hold out hope for though are the original X-Force and X-Man. Neither of which will likely see the light of day again.
    Collection Count (w/ a 12.42% upsize): 3053
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