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Thread: Comic review: More Than Meets The Eye season 2: #28 onwards

  1. #51
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    It seems that this other Lost Light has had a different journey, no Megatron or the other recent additions on board, Overlord and Drift still on board, but still not Fort Max or Red Alert (I think).

    It's a cheat to get Rewind back, but the feels it will be mined for will make it worthwhile I am sure.

    Art was a mixed bag, some of the death shots and spreads were gorgeous, the panels with Ravage and Megatron very weak, especially how Ravage turned into a frill necked lizard at times.

    As always, the writing and characterisation was interesting, although the Nautica and Nightbeat in the elevator panels bothers and interests me, why was it out of order??? Surely an intentional mix up!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  2. #52
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    As always, the writing and characterisation was interesting, although the Nautica and Nightbeat in the elevator panels bothers and interests me, why was it out of order??? Surely an intentional mix up!
    It was a gag done by Roberts to give you the idea of how powerful the briefcase is. So powerful that even when it is empty it can warp time! Remember just before Nautica kicked the briefcase she mentioned that the space around them was fairly damaged from teleports and other weird stuff.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Wow, volume 32 was.. wow...
    utter carnage and plenty of nightmare fuel.
    so many questions raised, god I love this series.
    Nautica's newly improved Sonic Wrench is cool. and I'm sure we'll see plenty more of her wrench's billion uses (mostly the useless ones) this is a brainstorm invention after all.

    The scene where Megatron realises that he could be the killer was hilarious. time travel is so confusing. although it now looks like it's not time travel but something else.

    and that last panel, I literally screamed out that characters name and started to get emorional (at 5am) when I saw them alive and .... well? gotta wonder what they've been through given the rest of the ship, and now a Megatron with an Autobot Insignia has strolled in and picked you up.

    CAN. NOT. WAIT! for the next issue
    Last edited by Firestorm; 30th August 2014 at 08:49 PM.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Argh! My whole review just got deleted Ah well, I'll just type some of the main points.

    *I think Ravage being on board is a great idea. Megs has just been copping a bunch of behind-the-back muttering from the Autobots who don't really want him there, so it's great to have a Decepticon who has been there (the war) from the beginning to really take Megs to task on the betrayl he has done to them.

    *Between time-travel and Nauticas wrench which seems to do more and more things, I'm wondering if the writers are Doctor Who fans?

    *The usual mysteries abound and Nightbeat's inclusion in the crew has really opened up that element even more, they have such interesting plot twists in this series - it's one comic series where you really want to get to the next issue because of the plot, not just because it's going to be a good fight between Autobot A & Decepticon B.

  5. #55
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    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    So the whole alternate reality/dimension thing is explained away fairly well, it wasn't alternate realities or dimensions or anything, purely a double where after the explosion, events played out far differently.

    The story moved at a cracking pace, it is another real page turner, with gorgeous art and colours again. The writing is driven forward by the characters developing and learning and changing. (but not transforming, sorry Gok!)

    There is one reveal in this issue that is a complete blindside and I do not think anyone anywhere has even dreamt of, it is that far left of field, but I am interested to seeing where it leads to.

    The Megatron and Ravage stuff is great, Ravage as a whole is fantastic, as bad as he looks in this series. The whole issue is well done and enjoyable, a good semi-wrap up to the mystery we have had since the DC event. It has set up more intrigue to come, and here is hoping we may get some DJD vs. Lost Light in issues to come!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  6. #56
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Wow. I totally did not see that coming. A very engaging story! I like how this issue answers so many questions, while creating whole new ones!
    e.g. Rewind? Two briefcases? Dafudge happened with Brainstorm at the bar!?
    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    The writing is driven forward by the characters developing and learning and changing.

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    The Megatron and Ravage stuff is great, Ravage as a whole is fantastic, as bad as he looks in this series.
    I love the dynamic between Ravage and Nautica! I want a Nautica toy, damnit! And a Riptide one as well! Gah! Stop freakin' usin' non-toy characters! Okay, maybe with Nautica they had to since there aren't a lot of female Autobots to choose from... but surely they could've used another existing toy instead of Rip Tide. I'm personally using Sharp Edge in place of Riptide in my toy play, although of course Rip Tide's alt mode would appear to be more like Energon Mirage. Not that it matters since noone ever freakin' transforms!

    Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye

  7. #57
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    You know sometimes you read something, and then you've got the urge to go back and read again... I've got that now, for all of MTMTE and possibly Bullets as well.

    Also I think Megatron has one of his best ever lines in this issue, the one about sacrifice. Loved it.

  8. #58
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    8th Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    You know sometimes you read something, and then you've got the urge to go back and read again... I've got that now, for all of MTMTE and possibly Bullets as well.

    Also I think Megatron has one of his best ever lines in this issue, the one about sacrifice. Loved it.
    I also like Megatron's answer to Nightbeat about /!\SPOILERS/!\ the undercover Decepticon agents, and Megatron hinting that he wanted Nightbeat as an agent. Considering how Nightbeat was mindwashed by the Dark Universe, it doesn't seem to out of order. I need to read all the MTMTE issues to see if I can see hints about Brainstorm. One of the hints is shown in issue 29, where he is at Swerve's bar drinking from a tube in his arm

  9. #59
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Of course! Ten posts ago I thought that was just an amusing throwaway art gag.

    This could be the second time (with the same character!) everything we thought was wrong.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune



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