3 Days To Go and we're currently at $32,711USD - So close yet still so far, therefore Your Help is Still Needed!

George & Ayleen have just posted another update and this one is Even Better than the last!

A NEW PAIR of KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE ADDONS has been unveiled - The "Lightstar Crystal" Transparent Blue variants of Baron Dark and Titan Skeleton!!!

Any pledge over the $13USD level can add as many of these new Kickstarter Exclusive versions as one may want to their pledge.
Just add the amount below to your pledge for as many Lightstar Crystal Blue versions as you'd like;
  • Lightstar Crystal Blue Baron Dark - add $25USD per figure
  • Lightstar Crystal Blue Titan Skeleton - add $13USD per figure

E.g. If you want to add a Lightstar Crystal Blue Baron Dark and a Titan Skeleton? then just add $38USD to your current pledge.

It's that easy and these variants will ONLY be available through Kickstarter; The final production colour/transparency will more closely reflect the Cosmic Wave of Glyos figures from Onell Design like the Cosmic Wave Exellis below:

So you're asking: "What's the significance of this Lightstar Crystal Blue transparent version?"...

Well, when the all-powerful Lightstar Crystal, which has protected the planet Luminaire for eons, was broken in two by Baron Dark, it exploded in a brilliant flash of light...

...hence giving us our "Lighstar Crystal" Blue colour versions.

So check out the latest update & Kickstarter Exclusive figure variants but remember; Get in quick! as there's just 3 days left to get in on resurrecting the dead... toyline!

Please visit the Kickstarter page and Back this project!
At the very least please help by spreading the word via Facebook, Twitter or via your own Blog or Website.


I've personally upped my pledge, for the 2nd time , to the new $93USD Pledge Level which includes:
  • 1x Baron Dark (Normal Colour)
  • 1x Exclusive "Lightstar Crystal Blue" Baron Dark
  • 1x "Bone" Titan Skeleton
  • 1x "Glow-In-The-Dark" Skeleton
  • 1x Exclusive "Lightstar Crystal Blue" Titan Skeleton
  • 1x Traveler Skeleden

Yeah... I'm fairly all-in on this thing!