View Poll Results: TF4 Movie (AOE) - worth watching?

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  • excellent, must see

    25 24.75%
  • good, see if you can

    33 32.67%
  • average

    20 19.80%
  • disappointing, avoid it

    23 22.77%
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Thread: Movie Review - Transformers 4 : Age Of Extinction (spoilers)

  1. #211
    Join Date
    21st Nov 2008


    Finally got the chance to watch it yesterday on a double date with the missus and a couple friend of ours. I've only read a smattering of the comments here, so please excuse me if much of what I saw may be repeated stuff. So... after a day of thinking the movie through and jotting down some thoughts, here's my present view:

    Overall, I liked it! I'm not sure if this is a minority opinion - the latter half of the comments here sure seem rather more negative, so perhaps most of the voters who put positive answers haven't posted comments. Like many, I think it is above ROTF (although that's like saying it's better than something you've fished out of your sewage tank) and I also reckon it's above DOTM.

    When comparing to the first movie it seems like it's always gonna be behind the 8 ball as the historic impact of the first instalment (establishing TFs in the psyche of countless non-fans in the world) will not be repeated in this generation. I think the technical aspects are at least as good and the effects are better (but we ARE 7 years on). Acting is debatable... but I do favour Mark over Shia as the leading man, and I appreciated the work from the bigger names (Tucci and Grammer).

    That's the preamble. To avoid lengthy prose, much of the rest will be in point form.

    I liked many of the themes touched upon:
    - Autobot faith/trust/respect in humanity
    - The central Human and Cybertronian relationship
    - Technology getting out of control / biting off more than you can chew
    - Xenophobia
    - Blind courage

    Some highlights:
    - Prime - I've read quite a few negative comments about Prime in this movie, but this was one of the things I liked most. Prime has more characterisation in AoE than any of the others (and arguably more than the first 3 put together), and this has worked to endear me to this movie Prime where I never felt like that for the others. He is a different persona here, and one I felt I can relate to more. The only scene in the whole movie that raised goosebumps for me was when he faced off Grimlock... I found it simply awe-inspiring. The line 'makes you wanna die for him' tries to sum it up rather clumsily, but it gets the essence.
    - Humour - Much of it was very poorly timed I think, but a few lines were memorable and stuck up above the previous offerings. "What's Chinese for get the f*** outta the way?" comes to mind. And "I was expecting a giant CAR!!" strikes me as rather MtMtE James Roberts
    - Characters - Many were stereotyped and some were very weak, but I felt they were much less the caricatures that almost exclusively populated the first 3 movies. So, not really highlight, more an improvement.
    - Slug - Stuck out to me among the Dinobots, mainly coz I found him cute!! The scenes where he scrambles to run in the opposite direction when the giant magnet is pulling him upwards makes me think they motion captured a puppy!

    Some lowlights:
    - Humour - Again, much was poorly timed/placed. Li Bingbing's "Shiiit!" comes to mind... got a chuckle from me for its badness. Tucci's hiding in a glass box comment was also poor... theatre was dead silent for that.
    - Li Bingbing - I am Chinese and all for Chinese getting cast in big dollar productions, but she was (to quote) "Shiiit!". Won't elaborate.
    - Plot holes galore... some of the ones that stick to my mind:
    -- Prime's scan & renew/heal. I think us fans can rationalise that (he found an energy source to recharge off screen) but my companions were like WTF?
    -- Autobots forgetting the reason they stormed KSI just because Tucci interrupts them
    -- Lack of surveillance on Lockdown's ship
    -- Prime being stuck on a blade for minutes, which then gets pulled out immediately by... a pickup truck!
    -- Molecular transformation... makes you invincible (e.g. Galvatron's first battle) or... not.
    -- Letting building sized robot dinosaurs run loose!!! What!?!?
    -- Prime can fly!! This one was just plain stupid IMO.

    So there it is, my preliminary thoughts. In all I think it deserves to be closer to RottenTomatoes audience rating about circa 55% rather than the critic rating in the teens. I will watch it again some day.
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  2. #212
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    I think it's best not to overthink these movies Just switch off, sit back & enjoy.
    +1 Exactly my sentiments!

  3. #213
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    I've been reading a lot of people who attempt to defend this movie with the basic argument of, "just lower your standards," which really isn't a defence at all (although not as bad as the mother of all terrible rebuttals, "haters gonna hate" -- might as well just say, "I got nothin'." ). The better defenders are the ones who highlight the actual merits of the film rather than pleading with critics to dumb themselves down. Because of course everything is better if you don't have standards! Maccas is totally nutritionally beneficial if you just lower your expectations of good nutrition.

    P.S.: Penny Arcade & Transformium
    I do agree with how defenders shouldn't plead with critics to dumb themselves down, but I don't agree with 'hates gonna hate' being a terrible rebuttal - well at least not in the context that I'm thinking of.

    I think 'haters gonna hate' applies really well to this movie - I don't think AoE is a masterpiece but I don't despise it - it's meh. But the amount of backlash that this movie has gotten both on the internet and on the streets means to me that this movie is so notorious that people keep giving it attention, even though it's negative attention it's still attention nonetheless. If people really wanted to 'save' Hollywood instead of complaining about it, they should just ignore the film altogether instead of giving it any attention. I've seen plenty of films/shows of amazing calibre and what's unfortunate - despite my efforts to spread word about them - is that many people don't want to pay attention to them. Only those who were educated enough to critique an art enjoyed them - I think a great way to 'save' Hollywood is to educate the audiences about what is good art and bad art, not just whinging 'HOLLYWOOD SUCKS BECAUSE OF REBOOTS SEQUELS AND TRANSFORMERS AND TMNT AND MICHAEL BAY PUT A WMD IN MY ANUS AND RAPED MY CHILDHOOD'.

    Michael Bay knows that his films aren't your traditional run of the mill flicks, he knows that they lack a coherent plot and that the characters are annoying and stereotypical but the fact that he rakes in so much money
    means to him he's still a box office success. And with that much money and attention (even though it's mostly hate from his critics) all Bay does is put on a grin and walk off into the sunset one happy chap saying 'Haters gonna hate'. And I respect that about him because he had the balls to make something of himself in life.

  4. #214
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    +1 Exactly my sentiments!
    That's what I call lowering the bar. Even so, by the end I was so bored I was wanting the movie to end so 'shutting off your brain' doesn't work either, at least not for all.

  5. #215
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    I've been reading a lot of people who attempt to defend this movie with the basic argument of, "just lower your standards," which really isn't a defence at all (although not as bad as the mother of all terrible rebuttals, "haters gonna hate" -- might as well just say, "I got nothin'." ). The better defenders are the ones who highlight the actual merits of the film rather than pleading with critics to dumb themselves down. Because of course everything is better if you don't have standards! Maccas is totally nutritionally beneficial if you just lower your expectations of good nutrition.

    P.S.: Penny Arcade & Transformium
    At the same time, when people start disecting the absolute minutest of details like the corn in Cade's crap was from Arkansas even though the can he ate it from said Michigan (le sigh Bay knows nothing) & then waffling on & on... well, i just have to balk at that. Everybody should feel free to produce & submit a screenplay that you think the movie should be
    Anyway, everybody from the lovers to the haters will either buy it or download it to watch at a later date or have in their library, despite all the respective opinions

  6. #216
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post

    Anyway, everybody from the lovers to the haters will either buy it or download it to watch at a later date or have in their library, despite all the respective opinions
    That's not true. I will neither buy, nor d/l this movie (I also haven't seen it on the big screen either).

  7. #217
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I've been reading a lot of people who attempt to defend this movie with the basic argument of, "just lower your standards," which really isn't a defence at all (although not as bad as the mother of all terrible rebuttals, "haters gonna hate" -- might as well just say, "I got nothin'." ). The better defenders are the ones who highlight the actual merits of the film rather than pleading with critics to dumb themselves down. Because of course everything is better if you don't have standards! Maccas is totally nutritionally beneficial if you just lower your expectations of good nutrition.

    P.S.: Penny Arcade & Transformium
    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    That's what I call lowering the bar. Even so, by the end I was so bored I was wanting the movie to end so 'shutting off your brain' doesn't work either, at least not for all.

    What a load of old bollocks! While I kinda agree with Goks comments about people who use the defense of 'just lower your standards', choosing to switch your brain off and watch the movie with a relaxed attitude and for a bit of fun isn't 'lowering the bar' or 'lowering your standards'. It's choosing to chill the frag out and enjoy a diversion from the stresses of life for a few hours. It also may be that you decided that there is enough negativity in your life so you are trying to focus on positives and walked out of the movie thinking of all the things you liked instead of obsessing about all the things you didn't.

    You wanna slag off the movie - fine - there is a lot to slag off. But don't start attacking people who didn't hate the movie because they didn't go into the flick with the mindset that they were going to discect it to pieces And don't tell me what I am or am not doing, what the validity of my defense is and that my and others opinions are wrong because we didn't view the movie through the same lenses you did.

  8. #218
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    What a load of old bollocks! While I kinda agree with Goks comments about people who use the defense of 'just lower your standards', choosing to switch your brain off and watch the movie with a relaxed attitude and for a bit of fun isn't 'lowering the bar' or 'lowering your standards'. It's choosing to chill the frag out and enjoy a diversion from the stresses of life for a few hours. It also may be that you decided that there is enough negativity in your life so you are trying to focus on positives and walked out of the movie thinking of all the things you liked instead of obsessing about all the things you didn't.

    You wanna slag off the movie - fine - there is a lot to slag off. But don't start attacking people who didn't hate the movie because they didn't go into the flick with the mindset that they were going to discect it to pieces And don't tell me what I am or am not doing, what the validity of my defense is and that my and others opinions are wrong because we didn't view the movie through the same lenses you did.
    You Sir! the thread!

  9. #219
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    What a load of old bollocks! While I kinda agree with Goks comments about people who use the defense of 'just lower your standards', choosing to switch your brain off and watch the movie with a relaxed attitude and for a bit of fun isn't 'lowering the bar' or 'lowering your standards'. It's choosing to chill the frag out and enjoy a diversion from the stresses of life for a few hours. It also may be that you decided that there is enough negativity in your life so you are trying to focus on positives and walked out of the movie thinking of all the things you liked instead of obsessing about all the things you didn't.

    You wanna slag off the movie - fine - there is a lot to slag off. But don't start attacking people who didn't hate the movie because they didn't go into the flick with the mindset that they were going to discect it to pieces And don't tell me what I am or am not doing, what the validity of my defense is and that my and others opinions are wrong because we didn't view the movie through the same lenses you did.
    You're wrong.

    Sorry, had to be said
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  10. #220
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Metro View Post
    You Sir! the thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    You're wrong.

    Sorry, had to be said

    Smart arse

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