Toy Review - Silverstreak
Series - Takara Masterpiece
Sub-line - none
Size/class - MP Car
Wave - MP-18S
New/remould/redeco - redeco
Released here - No
Approximate Retail Price - 6090Y - $50-70AU
Approximate Size - Bit bigger than deluxe
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Datsun Fairlady 280ZX
Main Features/Gimmicks - retractable dual shoulder cannons
Main Colours - Silver/red/black
Main Accessories - Gun, attachable missile launchers

So Masterpiece Silverstreak arrived from Robot Kingdom and this is what it contains:

  • Exclusive monochrome box
  • Character bio card
  • Sticker sheet with big and snall Autobot logos
  • Instructions
  • Blister pack containing Silverstreak, gun and twin missile launchers

Additional crud/goodies

  • Silverstreak coin in pull-out sleve
  • Dark of the Moon official trading cards (x4)
  • Dark of the Moon
  • KREO sticker

Silverstreak is a redeco of MP-18 Streak so the transformation is the same. He feels a bit looser tho.

MP-18S Silverstreak is a lighter shade of silver compared to that of MP-18 Streak, and contains mica specs which give it a brighter appearance.

The Datsun Brothers - Elite Autobot troop of dancers.

Close up of face and paint application.