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Thread: Is Star Wars Episodes 1, 2 and 3 worth watching?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    IMHO it's more an excuse to allow C3P0 to deliver exposition when he translates. (The scene that comes to mind is when C3P0 explains what the plan is aboard the Death Star after R2D2 brings up the maps showing where the prision cells and tractor beam generator are)

  2. #62
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    There's also the fact that Astromech droids aren't really intended for frequent contact with sentient beings. They're mechanics - that's it! Nobody cares about what droids have to say anyway and certain droids are given speech modulators only if it suits their function. Threepio has speech because he obviously needs it as a translator.

    The droids was something that Lucas apparently got from Kurosawa Akira - the idea of telling a saga through the eyes of the lowliest members of society. In Kurosawa's 隠し砦の三悪人 ("The Hidden Fortress") we see the tale through the eyes of two comical peasants, the lowliest class in feudal Japan (especially compared to samurai warriors and princesses etc.). In the Star Wars universe droids have the lowest station in society - arguably even lower than slaves because they're not even living and absolutely nobody cares about their welfare or opinion whatsoever!

    "Let the Wookiee win."

    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 20th August 2008 at 10:02 PM.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I'm still waiting for a droid revolution in the Starwars universe where the droids rise up and attack there masters, I think it would be way better then those alien universe guys from the expanded universe.

    Quote Originally Posted by SilverDragon View Post
    I want to see Clone Wars because the animation style interests me
    Alas where as I don't want to see it because the animation style bugs me, and the actual animation itself looks very wooden, at least from the trailers, and all reports I've heard. I've decided to wait for the inevitable tv series instead.

    Combine it with the forthcomming live action series and the Star Wars universe is definately getting expanded, not sure if this is a good thing though.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    NSW (southwest metro)


    I feel that the animation style compared to the clone wars TV series look slightly different... it's kinda got that *mature* feel to it. Anyone?

    ps. this thread isn't about ep1, 2 or 3 anymore, is it?

  5. #65
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    As Paulbot said, this appears to have spawned into the All Things Star Wars thread. But for TP&E's benefit I think we should be careful with prequel spoilers until he lets us know that he's finally sat down and watched these movies. Hurry up TP&E! these movies have been around forever! Even Episode III has been rerun on free-to-air TV!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Zed
    I think it would be way better then those alien universe guys from the expanded universe.
    You mean Cobra-La the Yuuzhan Vong.

    "Crush the New Republic! This I command!"

    Their Vondun Crab Armour's pretty cool though. Isn't Darth Krayt's armour Vondun?

  6. #66
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    for TP&E's benefit I think we should be careful with prequel spoilers until he lets us know that he's finally sat down and watched these movies. Hurry up TP&E! these movies have been around forever! Even Episode III has been rerun on free-to-air TV!

    All good gok. After all this feedback I will hire at least #3 and see how we go from there. Most people seem to think #3 is worth the watch. No probs with the spoilers feel free as most have already to type as you will.

  7. #67
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    27th Dec 2007


    Episode III has been on free to air? It feels like only yesterday I watched it at the cinema.
    BTW, I think that once a movie hits free to air, we shouldn't need to give spoiler warnings!
    (Sorry TP&E)

  8. #68
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Demonac View Post
    Episode III has been on free to air? It feels like only yesterday I watched it at the cinema.
    BTW, I think that once a movie hits free to air, we shouldn't need to give spoiler warnings!
    (Sorry TP&E)
    Understand it’s not the law but gok’s just being polite as I would be back to him.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast

  10. #70
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


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