Dude! Be careful with spoilers!!

Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat
Aren't you forgetting that they could have cut crap like (snip)
Not really. While I agree that the love scenes and dialogue between Anakin and Padmé were poorly written and poorly executed, I disagree that the scene could've been cut. One of the most important things that Episode II needed to establish was the romance of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala because of course they need to fall in love so that Luke and Leia may be created. Could that scene have been done better? Absolutely. Could it have been deleted? No. To Lucas' credit he made the lovey-dovey talk between Anakin and Padmé very brief in Episode III - I think he realises that he's not very good at writing romantic dialogue.

Clone Wars Spoiler: In Clone Wars the romantic interaction between Anakin and Padmé is both very brief and extremely subtle yet beautiful and effectual. We see Padmé negotiating with Jabba the Hutt and Anakin congratulates the Senator on a job well done - we see Padmé and Anakin looking briefly yet longingly into each other's eyes (and as holograms!) and we can also hear a touch of melancholy in their voices - wanting to explode with love yet holding it back. Telling each other that they love one another but without actually doing so. I thought that was very well written and executed.