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Thread: Is Star Wars Episodes 1, 2 and 3 worth watching?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Dude! Be careful with spoilers!!

    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat
    Aren't you forgetting that they could have cut crap like (snip)
    Not really. While I agree that the love scenes and dialogue between Anakin and Padmé were poorly written and poorly executed, I disagree that the scene could've been cut. One of the most important things that Episode II needed to establish was the romance of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala because of course they need to fall in love so that Luke and Leia may be created. Could that scene have been done better? Absolutely. Could it have been deleted? No. To Lucas' credit he made the lovey-dovey talk between Anakin and Padmé very brief in Episode III - I think he realises that he's not very good at writing romantic dialogue.

    Clone Wars Spoiler: In Clone Wars the romantic interaction between Anakin and Padmé is both very brief and extremely subtle yet beautiful and effectual. We see Padmé negotiating with Jabba the Hutt and Anakin congratulates the Senator on a job well done - we see Padmé and Anakin looking briefly yet longingly into each other's eyes (and as holograms!) and we can also hear a touch of melancholy in their voices - wanting to explode with love yet holding it back. Telling each other that they love one another but without actually doing so. I thought that was very well written and executed.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    I concur that the love aspect is the whole point of the movie, but to that end it's hardly just a single scene; there are heaps of scenes cementing their feelings for each other, I was suggesting perhaps *one* of those could have gone. There's so much love story in there, i found myself saying "OK, I GET IT!!!, you guys are hot for each other!"

  3. #43
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    If only Irvin Kershner directed Episode II.
    Best Star Wars romance = Episode V Han Solo & Leia Organa.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    U do realise though that whats her face appearing in Clone Wars out of nowhere in the last 20 minutes of the movie is pretty damned amateur, right? Sure, there was the "moment" but its a very wtf that she appears in the first place.
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  5. #45
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    She didn't appear out of nowhere. Her role was important as she was crucial in uncovering the CIS'* plan and the truth behind the kidnap of Rotta the Huttlet and Ziro the Hutt's important role in that plan. After she was freed by Republic Clones (the commander that led that rescue raid looked like Bacara, but I could be wrong) she then used Ziro's communications channel to contact Jabba and provide important evidence (i.e.: Ziro's confession) that disproved Dooku's allegations against Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano (and thus proving their innocence). If not for Padmé, Jabba would have executed Anakin and Ahsoka.

    I also found it interesting that:
    1/ Ziro the Hutt appeared to be a Black Sun Vigo!
    2/ Ahsoka Tano fights using Shien style light sabre combat, which Darth Vader teaches to his secret apprentice Galen Marek

    *Confederacy of Independent Systems, aka Separatists

  6. #46
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    So, is the new clone wars as crap as everyone says? Jive-talking Miss Jabba?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post
    So, is the new clone wars as crap as everyone says? Jive-talking Miss Jabba?
    It depends on what you want to see it for. I knew it was going to be crap but I chose to see it (much to the chagrin of my mates) b/c I wanted to see the action scenes. All the weapons, soldiers, tanks and ships were really quite amazing and I was not disappointed.

    I should add that after seeing the movie I am really really keen to get a few other SW Lego too. The movie had that effect of getting you to marvel at the machines. On the top of my list are the Republic Gunship and the Magna Guard Starfighter which looked quite awesome and were used excellently in the movie.

    As for the plot, I had very low expectations for it and it barely even met those. The last 20 mins are wtf moments and there's a lot of cringeworthy dialogue that many a fanfic writer could do better on.
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  8. #48
    Join Date
    17th Feb 2008


    i love all the star wars movies, cant say much about the new clone wars one cause i haven't seen it yet, but ive heard its pretty poor..

    ive been reading up on all the expanded universe stuff on wookiepedia, man there is a lot... movies, novels, comics, games, cartoons... all up there is like a history from 7,500,000,000 years before the original movies, to 130 or so years after.. its just crazy to try and catch up on... slowly getting there though.. ha

  9. #49
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    Bear in mind that this movie is written for a younger audience (approx. age 12). In that context I think it's adequate - not exceptional (like say Beast Wars), just adequate. But I really liked the movie.

    I really liked the Clones. The writers have put in effort to individualise the clones and try to make the audience care for them. It also serves to form a bridge between Episodes II and III because in Episode II the clones lack individuality. Other than some different markings on officers' armour they pretty much all looked and behaved the same and didn't even care for each other (e.g.: if a clone fell, the rest kept fighting on). But by Episode III we see that the Clones have developed more individuality. They have individual callsigns like Oddball, Cody, Gree, Bacara, Bly et al. and customised armour and individual scarring on certain individuals (e.g. Cody) gained after years of fighting the Clone Wars. In Clone Wars we see the beginnings of this - clones having individual stylised hair styles (e.g.: Captain Rex's hair is very shortly shaven and dyed bright blonde). In the Dark Horse comics we know that it was the Jedi who influenced individuality amongst the clones (especially Anakin who started the trend of clones having individual names instead of serial codes - ironic that when he becomes Vader the opposite occurs amongst Imperial Stormtroopers (e.g.: TK-421)). In Episode III we also see clones inspecting fallen clones and summoning medics if they're still alive. We see this happen in Clone Wars. We also see a lot of clones taking individual initiative in battle instead of all fighting the same way. Different battalions of clones also use different tactics and styles of strategies, influenced by their Jedi generals. e.g.: the 501st (Anakin's clones) are more direct, forceful and cunning (like the way Rex managed to tip off Anakin when he fell under Ventress' mind trick or when he also tricked the Battle Droid into having a "closer look" at his wrist communicator just to get the droid close enough to grapple with it and take its blaster).

    Some people have criticised the Battle Droids for being too "cute", but I found them really funny. And after all, they had that more cutesy persona in Episode III so it makes sense that we see the beginnings of that new programming in Clone Wars. I liked how the Dwarf Spider Droids were treated like puppies by the Battle Droids ("Good boy"). But I also like how the Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids were at times portrayed like Terminators in battle, like the way they would close in on trapped clones or when the clones would try to fight them hand-to-hand and the droids would just utterly pwn them, yet at the same time although you knew those clones were doomed you couldn't help but admire their courage.

    Quote Originally Posted by jacksplatt1
    ive been reading up on all the expanded universe stuff on wookiepedia, man there is a lot... movies, novels, comics, games, cartoons... all up there is like a history from 7,500,000,000 years before the original movies, to 130 or so years after.. its just crazy to try and catch up on... slowly getting there though.. ha
    Transformers is worse. At least the Star Wars universe is mostly one single continuity (with a few exceptions). Transformers has never had a universal continuity with an ever expanding number of independent canonical sources!

    Still, I enjoy keeping all that Transformers lore in my head.

    P.S.: The advantage of having multiple canons is that you can pick and choose which ones you like! For example, I really don't like Galvatron from the G1 cartoon, but I love Galvatron from the G1 comics. Even Wheelie is pretty decent in the IDW universe (Spotlight). As much as people may complain about the prequels (e.g.: Jar Jar Binks) the fact is that they're official canon and officially part of the mainstream Star Wars universe! You don't really have any other real choice! Don't like how Anakin and Padmé hooked up? Tough bananas! It's canon! Whereas I can happily say that I dislike G1 cartoon Galvatron and default over to the G1 comics as my source for that particular character.
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 19th August 2008 at 01:09 PM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Well i was gonna watch 300 last night but couldn't find it, so i threw in Attack of the Clones Whilst my initial statement stands, my absolutely most hated thing about this movie is how they they got that stiff little kid to play Boba Fett. I'm seldom impressed by kid actors but that guy takes the cake! "Get him, Dad, get him. Fire!" ... & his permanently suspicious face when Obi first meets Jango.. it almost makes me sick! I did enjoy that they went into Boba's back story, but it's such a shame they couldn't do it without ruining the cool and mysterious image we had from the original trilogy.

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