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Thread: Masterpiece MP-23 Exhaust

  1. #41
    Join Date
    17th Aug 2009


    I'm with those who disagree on Exhaust having his own designated number. If they repaint MP-22 UM in Diaclone colors and designate him to MP-25, I'll crack the wobblies.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ITZTRU View Post
    I'm with those who disagree on Exhaust having his own designated number. If they repaint MP-22 UM in Diaclone colors and designate him to MP-25, I'll crack the wobblies.
    But you'll still buy him, right?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    ... but i'm so glad that they have the Marlboro Chevron & not some other wierd abstract shape approximating it.
    They're playing it a little safe actually, the proper chevron is sharp in the middle while Exhaust's looks a touch rounded.

    Whilst i agree he probably should have been numbered differently, i'm surprised anyone cares enough to complain.

    They've done a good job matching his deco to the Diaclone toy, but i'll be waiting to see how much i like the mold before deciding... cause to me the red/blue and head design is pretty ugly, and the white makes it not very different from regular Wheeljack. I would have preferred Slicer in Action Master colours, now that's good lookin'!

    I am glad they've decided to do Diaclone variants though, if it sells well enough, it might help in getting other characters made (that would otherwise have minimal repaint potential)

  4. #44
    Join Date
    15th Aug 2010


    Yes. Just yes!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barrel05 View Post
    Wonder if theyll do a Slicer
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharky View Post
    i would of rather seen them attempt to do Slicer....
    Yep -I would have been happier with a Slicer, but chances are he will still turn up to get yet another use out of the mold. Just a simple recolour and take the wings off

  6. #46
    Akky82 is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I don't mind it, but I think the only way I'd get it is to put him and smokescreen on MP UM or dia stack, I'm not keen on the head, and same with smokescreen, otherwise i display everything robot mode. A choice of decals would be good, or hopefully easy to repro label something.

    I agree about the lack of decepticons lately, but if they could make MP-25 be Jazz or Tracks, I would be so happy. Of course then they could do stepper orred tracks, which i'm sure would both be popular.
    Last edited by Akky82; 3rd September 2014 at 09:29 AM.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaiden View Post
    I went to the TF wiki page and its already been edited from 'unnamed' Decepticon to Exhaust.

    I wonder if this will be like G2 Sideswipe and come with different decals cause I want to put Marlboor on mine.

    That headsculpt is awesome...
    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    most likely Reprolabels will come out with some, just give em time heheheh
    Can't wait til Reprolabels get their offerings out!

    変われ! ヘッドマスター! Kaware! Headmaster!
    戦え! ヘッドマスター! Tatakae! Headmaster!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    27th Apr 2012


    This one is cool. Dont have to spend 5 grand on the diaclone one. Can spend the 4930 on hookers and cocaine

  9. #49
    Join Date
    23rd Aug 2009


    I can generally be quite pedantic with things like numbering systems and such, but in this case, I am surprised with the quantity of comments against his number. I might have missed something, but I don't recall quite the upstir when Ha$bro started their own MP numbering when TakTom were up to MP-18, so when you say Masterpiece Soundwave, it's now followed by "MP-13/TakTom or MP-02/Ha$bro?", let alone Ha$bro's prior MP's having nothing at all. I get that's more of an inconsistency issue with Ha$bro than TakTom, but I was just quite surprised with criticism based on a release number. I do agree with a couple of points made that all (to my knowledge) sub numbers are exclusive, and often tied to the original in some way being an evil clone or duplicate etc, and remaining essentially the same mold (again, as far as I know). So maybe they wanted a brand new character to have a wider release than be a limited exclusive. I know there was "new character" Tigertracks, but he just looks like Sideswipe & Sunstreaker got jiggy and retained Sideswipes' looks. This guy, to me, looks like a new character with a new head, not just a redeco.

    My thoughts on this guy:

    Do I know him? No (but neither do any of us). Do I think he fits in with the MP aesthetic? Yeah, I kinda do, because Wheeljack is deco'd in Alitalia livery, common for 70's/80's motorsports, and Exhaust is deco'd in Marlboro, another common livery of the era. So to me, these two guys can rep their era of motorsport quite nicely (along with Smokescreen) =o) This is an obviously biased opinion seeing as I LOVE 70's/80's/90's motorsport (particularly rally), but none the less, I think he matches Wheeljack well enough to fit in, even if he isn't exactly G1.

    I do like his headsculpt, although I don't get a very G1 vibe from it, maybe a little more like Prime...?

    I can live with the name, it's not the greatest, but I can see how it fits, and it's not like they called him Seawinch or anything unrelated (there's plenty of other names I find more daggy =oP). Let's keep in mind TF's are 30 years old now, they aren't exactly spoiled for choice when it comes to cool names, both from those previously used, to any that have a slight chance at causing offence in a certain demographic. With that in mind, I think Exhaust works well enough =o)

    Like others have said, I'm glad to see another D-con, but my main criticism of this guy would be his allegiance... I get a 'light' vibe from his deco, not a sinister one, so I would've preferred this be Wheeljacks long lost brother, so then you've got Sideswipe & Sunstreaker rep'ing the road races and Wheeljack & Exhaust rep'ing the circuits =o) (Then Smokescreen needs a bro to rep rally, and I can die happy XD)

    Oh, and name suggestion for shiggles: Wheelbro XD

    Please have a listen to my songs. Feel free to comment if you wish, any constructive feedback is appreciated =o)

  10. #50
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by theshape View Post
    This one is cool. Dont have to spend 5 grand on the diaclone one. Can spend the 4930 on hookers and cocaine
    I think you would make an excellent politician and would like to vote for whichever party you represenet

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