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Thread: Things That Aren't Rocket Science.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus View Post
    That sounds reasonable. The reason I brought that up was because the TakaraTomy feedback/survey you linked to once says 'Jazz' not 'Meister' in katakana (unless I'm reading it wrong ).
    Hmmm, you're right, but that might be an anomaly on the survey. MP Condor's (Laserbeak's) tech specs says "Autobot" instead of "Cybertron," which I've never seen before in MP literature (as they always use the original Japanese G1 names). But we know that since 2007, TakaraTOMY have started adopting the Anglophone names for Japanese TFs, so perhaps they're getting confused at some stages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    Stepper had a toy in 87, but he was seldom featured in fiction, only being in Headmasters comics. You can appreciate his presence as a toy, which has also had a reissue in the collection series. He's definitely not as obscure as Sunstorm, who was just thought up on the spot it seems, but still generally obscure.
    The Obscure Transformers Web Site defines a truly "Obscure" Transformer as one that has never appeared in more than one medium. Stepper is not obscure because, as you've noted, he originally appeared in two media in 1987 -- the toy and the manga. Oh, and "Obscure" Transformers also must be named, nameless ones are called "Generic" Transformers. Until the eHobby toy came along, Sunstorm was a Generic Transformer because he only ever appeared in one media and was nameless.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    The Obscure Transformers Web Site defines a truly "Obscure" Transformer as one that has never appeared in more than one medium.
    I can't believe this site exists... What sort of update is this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Obscure Transformers Web Site
    Updated the US Cartoon characters. Not much revised content, just added thumbnails to create galleries for this section.

    変われ! ヘッドマスター! Kaware! Headmaster!
    戦え! ヘッドマスター! Tatakae! Headmaster!

  3. #43
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    The site was created before TFwiki existed. Both of the guys who made the site are now part of the crew who maintain TFwiki. The Obscure TF Web Site doesn't really need updating though as it's pretty much an online time capsule of what were the Obscure and Generic Transformers during the original G1 and G2 run.
    e.g. Hauler was an Obscure Transformer during that time. He has since become un-obscure since the toy was released, but that happened many years after G1 finished. Hauler was still an Obscure Transformer during the original G1 series. Stepper on the other hand was never an Obscure TF during the original G1 run, as he did appear in two media in 1987. Not that the Obscure TF web site ever covers Japanese TFs, but going by their definition of Obscurity, he wouldn't have counted anyway.

  4. #44
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    Sydney NSW


    If TakaraTOMY ever decide to make MP Sunstreaker, one redeco potential could be the police car, but as a new character -- here's a suggestion: Barricade, and yes, it'd be another Decepticon like Exhaust. Also have the tech specs bio establish that this Barricade is the same character as the original G1 Micromaster; and either this is before Barricade has been rebuilt as a Micromaster (similar to how Hot Rod was rebuilt as a Micromaster), or perhaps Barricade has now been upgraded as a larger Transformer. And you'd have that "To Punish and Enslave" logo on the toy. That way, the toy would be paying triple homage to Diaclone, original G1 (Micromaster) and the live action film.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    18th Jun 2012
    St Clair


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    If TakaraTOMY ever decide to make MP Sunstreaker, one redeco potential could be the police car, but as a new character -- here's a suggestion: Barricade, and yes, it'd be another Decepticon like Exhaust. Also have the tech specs bio establish that this Barricade is the same character as the original G1 Micromaster; and either this is before Barricade has been rebuilt as a Micromaster (similar to how Hot Rod was rebuilt as a Micromaster), or perhaps Barricade has now been upgraded as a larger Transformer. And you'd have that "To Punish and Enslave" logo on the toy. That way, the toy would be paying triple homage to Diaclone, original G1 (Micromaster) and the live action film.
    Now this I like, Sunstreaker would be good and a police car Barricade would be awesome

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