Name – Sky Byte
Series - Generations
Sub-line - Thrilling 30
Size/class - Voyager
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 5
Released here – Not yet
Approximate Retail Price - $29.00US
Approximate Size – 25cm
Allegiance - Predacon
Alt-mode – Cybernetic Shark
Main Features/Gimmicks – Spinning missile launcher/tail
Main Colours – Blue, Silver, Yellow
Main Accessories – Spiral Missile

Robot Mode
Very stylized, one of the most detailed Generations toys to date. Everything from his helmet to the spiral going around his missile to the fins that come out of his shoulders looks great. The face is fantastic with a big toothy sneer, though the head does look like it should be facing up a bit more. The feet look a bit funny as just flat rectangles compared to the rest of him but this is one great looking Predacon! You have the option of having the big wing-looking pieces on his upper back either down like in the pics or up like in the instructions - personally I prefer them up. Once I get my digital camera fixed I will take some pics myself as the pics I could find online don't have things like his shoulder fins out etc.

Shark Mode
These colours should not work together – yet they do. A nice big solid looking shark that really does it’s best, like the robot mode, to be a subtle mix of both the old RID cartoon and the current RID comics. Looks great, very streamlined, spinning tail, opening jaws etc. How you would display him in Shark mode though I am buggered if I know, you would need a special stand or something as he is very curved.

Not as hard as it looks, though I reckon for your first time from robot to shark looking at the instructions is a good idea. Only problem is getting the myriad of little tabs to all click in place when converting to shark mode without unclipping others. But generally a good transform.

I am way more of a Decepticon man than a Predacon man, but I do like cybernetic looking creatures and this is one bitchin looking shark and Pred! Looks way better than the original toy, the only thing missing is the mouth missile launcher in shark mode. This figure looks and feels like it has been designed by folk that really love the character – heck there is even a haiku on the box! Despite not being my usual fare I highly recommend this action figure!

Sky Byte’s A Great Toy
Well Worth Getting Imported
You Should Buy Him Now!