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Thread: STL's Journey into BWs

  1. #11
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by roller View Post
    i think after a few million years transmetal terrorsaur and scorponok will be found by some human archaelogists
    A distinct possibility in some future comic.

    What would rock beyond this world is if they ever make an Animated cartoon that links G1 into Beast Wars. Such as the signing of the Pax Cybertronia, the reformatting of the Transformers (Using Micromaster Technology, I presume) and what happened to many of the "retired" bots and Cons.

    I know that there is a comic that covers the above somewhat but I have never read it as it was a Club Exclusive and very unattainable.
    Milf chinese
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 02:35 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by STL
    So I see Megatron has a need for new troops now. A big need.
    Yup! Just like G1 (comics and movie) BW has a tendency to off certain characters before introducing new ones.

    It was actually more essential to do that in BW than it was in G1. In G1 older characters/toys were offed in some way (or in the case of the G1 cartoon - simply forgotten!) so that they could focus the stories on newer toys. Because CGI is actually really freaking expensive, Hasbro was more vigilant in telling Mainframe which characters they needed to remove when in preparation for which toys they wanted to insert into the story. Having said that, Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio, much like Simon Furman, generally make a really good effort in trying to explain the disappearances and appearances of characters. Terrorsaur and Scorponok's deaths were lame, but I believe it was because Hasbro didn't give them much time to write a better way... I think it was like after they'd finished making Season 1, Hasbro told them that they wanted Terrorsaur and Scorponok gone within the first episode of Season 2, and with so many other things happening in the story as it is they just didn't really have the time to write them a more interesting ending. Fortunately this doesn't happen too often.

  3. #13
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    29th Dec 2007


    Yeah, wait till you get to the end of this season. You have seen nothing yet compared to what is coming.
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 02:36 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Coming of the Fuzors part 1:

    I haven't been well for the past 2 weeks and really should've made more headway into season 2 than I have. I'm really regretting it now b/c as I get better, my time is going to dry up again...

    The continuation of the Maximals without Primal continued to impress. Rattrap attempting to fill Primal's shoes provides not only a good measure of comic relief but also a reminder of the burdens of leadership. I think it makes for interesting stories without Primal as while the comic medium has delved into it with greater frequency, it's not something we've seen in the many iterations of Transformer cartoons.

    The introduction of the new characters.
    - Quickstrike is plain as day. I see him almost as anotehr Inferno minus the loyalty factor.
    - Silverbolt clearly will become a Maximal. Having seen the toys, I know that for sure and the writers sure made it obvious.

    Neither imo add much to the mythos. I'd have much preferred either Terrorsaur or Scorponok than Quickstrike. It's an interesting toy though. I do appreciate how the malfunctioning of the pods helps to explain their eerie forms. There's a nice logic to it.

    New characters aside, it was the riveting conclusion to part1 that left me hanging on the edge of my seat. I'll get around to the next ep tomorrow morning hopefully! The way the scene was set up, the arming of the Maximals, there was sense of grandeur, scope and epic to this tale.

    Tarantulas definitely is creepy and a plotter. I think its underlined by the fact that Megatron knew Tarantulas had betrayed him but pretended to be oblivious to that fact and instead welcomed Tarantulas back into Predacon ranks. Tarantulas proves to be every bit as sinister by maintaining a psi-link with Blackarachnia. (I'm starting to feel sorry for her)

    Dinobot abusing poor Waspinator was muito fun. The greatest moment of hilarity was when Waspinator made an offer of partnership to Dinobot. Poor 'bot has no idea how out of league he is.

    Another great episode and I look forward to more of the same.

  5. #15
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by STL
    The introduction of the new characters.
    - Quickstrike is plain as day. I see him almost as anotehr Inferno minus the loyalty factor.
    Quickstrike and Inferno are simple but fun and lovable characters.

    Quote Originally Posted by STL
    - Silverbolt clearly will become a Maximal. Having seen the toys, I know that for sure and the writers sure made it obvious.

    Neither imo add much to the mythos. I'd have much preferred either Terrorsaur or Scorponok than Quickstrike. It's an interesting toy though.
    They all play their parts in the mythos. Unlike Wheelie, removing either of these characters would alter continuity. And as you said, Quickstrike is like Inferno - simple-minded brute - but unlike Inferno, is without Inferno's die-hard loyalty... they play more on that later.

    And Silverbolt... yeah, he'll add a lot more to the mythos, don't you worry.

    Quote Originally Posted by STL
    I do appreciate how the malfunctioning of the pods helps to explain their eerie forms. There's a nice logic to it.
    Indeed. The Fuzors were a really odd toy concept that could've easily flopped - most of them peg-warmed for a really long time. But the show did do well by attempting to justify their forms.

    Ditto with the Blentrons - different origins, but equally interest attempt at justifying their inherently Fuzor forms.

    Quote Originally Posted by STL
    I think its underlined by the fact that Megatron knew Tarantulas had betrayed him but pretended to be oblivious to that fact and instead welcomed Tarantulas back into Predacon ranks.
    Oh hell yes. And Tarantulas knows that he's faking it. Megatron knows all about Tarantulas... and although Tarantulas isn't fully aware of how much Megatron knows about him, he knows that Megatron is highly suspicious of him and knows some of the truth about him (in reality Megatron knows the whole truth). They continue to play this very interesting political game throughout this series where they mutually maintain this pretense that they both know is a load of bollocks (but they maintain it to prevent anyone aside from themselves from getting wind of it).

  6. #16
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Coming of the Fuzors part 2

    Not as good as I hoped it'd be. It actually felt down like a major let down. For me, this is in large part due to the epic feel at the end of the previous part (the fading to brown as if this is a battle that will forever be etched in our memories) but the animation is too weak in this episode. The battle scenes weren't done well enough to back up the epic feel that you felt you were getting. It left me really disappointed.

    Mind you, the return of Primal lwas done quite well though with the smokeclearing to reveal him. However, the animation of him on the surfboard looked... unnatural to say the least.

    It did seem a bit much though that Primal turned the tide on his little lonesome with his massive new weapon. While I do like Primal's new look, his old form is much more appealing.

    Blackarachnia's a sneaky little witch, isn't she?

    I almost thought that thsi was where Dinobot would bite the dust. I was wrong though. Probably something to do with that epic feel that I was left with from the 1st part.

    Some good moments with Rattrap on speeding along and Dinobot riding him. However, by the end, it felt more of a relief to get there cos I was sorely underwhelmed b/c my expectations had been built so high. I think in large part this is due to the limitations in the animation.

    Tangled Web

    The first thing upon reading the title that hit me was an old Spider-Man story followed by that anthology series they had awhile back. Really warmed to this one.

    I was glad to see Blackarachnia free of Tarantulas grasp. It gives her more autonomy and keeps me guessing what she'll do next. A good trait. She really is one of the most interesting Decepticons (or Predacons) in Transformer lore. I believe she's suppsoed to bite the bullet at some point and I hope there's more of her to enjoy in this seres before I see that.

    The bad part is I know which of the important characters die along the way. The good part is I don't know when and that keeps me on the edge of my seat.

    I'm curious about how long before Megatron realises Tarantulas dirty little doublecross. It's interesting that Megatron has no choice but sends the two spiders together. If he separates them, it gives them each more room to plot. However, if he keeps them together, there rivalry will keep them fighting each other instead of him. Really quite smart of Megatron.

    That's what I really like about the series, there's more if you look and think about it.

    Oh, and I love Quickstrike's infatuation with Blackarachinia. Poor bugger.

    The one thing at this stage I'm finding is I'm starting to adore the Predacons a lot more. They're slowly pushing aside my favourite Maximals b/c there's that degree of unpredictability and duplicity to them (with the exception of Waspinator of course).

    The Maximals almost seem like they have no direction to go in. They're almost reactive and less interesting now.

  7. #17
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    29th Dec 2007


    Don't worry, soon enough the Maximals will have A LOT of direction due to coming circumstances. The same with the Preds. Keep watching and you will soon see why we rave so much about this series, you are close to it.
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 02:40 PM.

  8. #18
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    27th Dec 2007


    To be honest, Megatron in BW (before he went all psychotic in Beast Machines) is quite possibly the most brilliant villain I've ever seen in a series. Scheming, much more in the know than anyone and a very strong leader. Not only does he live up to his namesake, he surpasses it 10 fold.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanatos View Post
    To be honest, Megatron in BW (before he went all psychotic in Beast Machines) is quite possibly the most brilliant villain I've ever seen in a series. Scheming, much more in the know than anyone and a very strong leader. Not only does he live up to his namesake, he surpasses it 10 fold.
    Most brilliant, and still manages to lose. (unless you count the SPOILER"draw" in Beast Machines)

    So yeah, the perfect villain!
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Most brilliant, and still manages to lose. (unless you count the SPOILER)

    So yeah, the perfect villain!
    Not really, the series does manage to keep the victories and defeats on both sides fairly balanced, maintaining the threat as very real. The Maximals for example do get their butts seriously kicked by the Preds in future episodes.

    And no more spoilers please!
    Chrysler Hemi-6 Engine History
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 02:41 PM.

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