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Thread: STL's Journey into BWs

  1. #91
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Just wanted to add my 2 cents.

    I've just finished watching rise of the fuzors and I am enjoying Beast Wars (Okay I was wrong!) I am surprised to say that my favourite character is... Dinobot. I really didn't like this guy in the begining but he has really grown on me. Love some of his one liners. (I can't recall the name but the episode where they lose their sight has some good comic relief from Dinobot in it). Still like Cheetor. Can't stand Rattrap (keep hoping Dinobot steps on him). Don't mind Silverbolt (although that regal music that plays after he says a line is a bit annoying) The rest of the characters are so so in my opinion. Naturally I still get creeped out by Tarantulas.

    Plot wise I like how the story is developing in season 2 and I like how everything came to loggerheads at the end of season1. It cgot me that wrapped up in it that I watched the last 3 episodes in one sitting (something I hadn't done prior). My only criticism is they didn't make that big a deal out of Scorponok and Terrasaur's deaths. I nearly missed it as I was scooping up the last of my rice I was eating.

    Anyway I wanted to say that even though I'll probably never collect the toys I do like the show. Is it my favourite? Only time will tell.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    Just wanted to add my 2 cents.

    Anyway I wanted to say that even though I'll probably never collect the toys I do like the show. Is it my favourite? Only time will tell.
    Time will tell when you get to the end of Season 2

  3. #93
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim
    My only criticism is they didn't make that big a deal out of Scorponok and Terrasaur's deaths.
    You can kinda blame Hasbro for that.

    btw STL, during Depth Charge's debut, remember how Rampage spoke of "Starbase Rugby"? That's a reference to an old online fan-run TF toy store called Rugby's Starbase. I love how this show is just choc-full of fandom references like that!
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 2nd April 2008 at 10:32 AM.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    It's not particularly good development, but it's still development - and it's officially canon.
    At least it won't ever be part of my canon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    Just wanted to add my 2 cents.
    2 cents? Cheapass!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    I've just finished watching rise of the fuzors and I am enjoying Beast Wars (Okay I was wrong!) I am surprised to say that my favourite character is... Dinobot. I really didn't like this guy in the begining but he has really grown on me. Love some of his one liners. (I can't recall the name but the episode where they lose their sight has some good comic relief from Dinobot in it). Still like Cheetor. Can't stand Rattrap (keep hoping Dinobot steps on him). Don't mind Silverbolt (although that regal music that plays after he says a line is a bit annoying) The rest of the characters are so so in my opinion. Naturally I still get creeped out by Tarantulas.

    Plot wise I like how the story is developing in season 2 and I like how everything came to loggerheads at the end of season1. It cgot me that wrapped up in it that I watched the last 3 episodes in one sitting (something I hadn't done prior). My only criticism is they didn't make that big a deal out of Scorponok and Terrasaur's deaths. I nearly missed it as I was scooping up the last of my rice I was eating.

    Anyway I wanted to say that even though I'll probably never collect the toys I do like the show. Is it my favourite? Only time will tell.
    The one where they were blind in was Call of the Wild, I think. Personally i hated that episode. It felt like a drain. I'd say you like the end of Season 1 much more than I did. I couldn't really feel it. I also agree w/ the death of Scorponok and Terrosaur. I actually missed it too on the first round. I'm glad you enjoying it too and it looks like you might finish before me even though I started before you. Like you, I'm still not sure what my verdict is on the entirety of the 3 seasons but I guess we'll find out soon enough.

    Oooh if you were in Melbourne I'd show you some of the toys! I think they're much better personally than you really expect. Not all of them but Optimus Primal, Megatron and a few of the others are really great toys. Next Sydneyside meet, get some of those Sydney metro boys to bring some figures. Like yourself, I was proven wrong on all counts. I still fondly recall Borgeman and myself agreeing we'd never buy these stupid shellforming sorry excuses for Transformers. Borgeman's stuck to that. Me? Since six months ago, they're a large part of my collection.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    scorponok and Terrorsaur aint deaded

    They will return

  6. #96
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post

    2 cents? Cheapass!

    The one where they were blind in was Call of the Wild, I think. Personally i hated that episode. It felt like a drain. I'd say you like the end of Season 1 much more than I did. I couldn't really feel it. I also agree w/ the death of Scorponok and Terrosaur. I actually missed it too on the first round. I'm glad you enjoying it too and it looks like you might finish before me even though I started before you. Like you, I'm still not sure what my verdict is on the entirety of the 3 seasons but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
    Yes I'm cheap

    I wasn't that thrilled about call of the wild I just enjoyed Dinobots comic relief. Like when Rhinox announces they are at the waterfall and over the sound of the tumbling water Dinobots yells "What a brilliant deduction You've made there".

    Yeah I'm trying to make it through season 2 as quick as I can although my wife keeps stopping me because she wants to watch Heroes (we just got season 1 on dvd refer non tf accquisitions)

  7. #97
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    If there is one figure that should get you wanting to collect the figures it will be someone who debuts late in Season 3.

    I'd also suggest not looking at some of the Japanese only Beast Wars figures, figures like Longrack, Stampy and Lio Convoy are quite damn good.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  8. #98
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Needed a break from application writing (which seems to be my life these days) and finally got to the next episode:

    Feral Scream Part I

    I thoroughly enjoyed it. The interactions were great between Depthcharge and all the other characters, Maximal or Predacon. I especially like how the writers tie in Rampage's spark to the new Dinobot which brings Depthcharge into the fold. There's no doubt who is in the shadows, it's a bit obvious. (and i'm not saying that from the pov of a person who already owns a TM2 Cheetor!)

    I felt sorry for widdle Waspinator. He flies into the battlescene only to get toasted by Megatron. Black Arachnia grabbing the drive adds that little bit of intrigue to the story imo. And since she has a TM2 form, I suspect it's only a matter of time before we see it.

    One of my principal problems was the typical new character = all powerful syndrome. It's always been a feature of many cartoons before the characters start drifting back to more realistic levels. The crazed cheetor here is able to take out a horde of Maximals. There are some hardened nuts in that crew and it's jarring that dark Cheetor can subdue them - enhanced or not.

    Now one of the things I've noticed, quite annoyingly, is that Rhinox is taking more and more of a back seat as a secondary character. He hasn't had the same love as Rattrap, Cheetor and co. (I guess that's why they tried to make it up by giving him a Hard Hero Statue ) I'm all for the new characters getting spotlight but it's a pity they forgot about the older ones. Rhinox's character hasn't really gone anywhere or been tested. Likewise with Rattrap. They've more fitted into their roles and been rather static despite the change in the war. I guess though you see that as the strength of their character.
    Hey! I have just realized that you missed an episode: 'Cutting Edge' its the last episode of Season 3 Disc 1 of the Madman release, just before Feral Scream Part 1!

    It's just an 'ok' episode but it is a bit of a prelude to Feral Scream.

  9. #99
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    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Hey! I have just realized that you missed an episode: 'Cutting Edge' its the last episode of Season 3 Disc 1 of the Madman release, just before Feral Scream Part 1!

    It's just an 'ok' episode but it is a bit of a prelude to Feral Scream.
    Oh crud! You're absolutely right! Gah! Knew it was a long time episodes!

    I did get to Feral Scream part 2 though.

    I didn't mind it. Now one of the other things that's irking me is Cheetor's crush on Black Arachnia. Is it me or does the pussy cat need a whacking? When did he start falling for her? Why would he? Just b/c she's a fembot? Kind of happens out of nowhere.

    I loved Optimal's line with Cheetor. "I know what's going on. I just wanted you to trust me enough to tell me yourself." Great line that reflects the leader that BW Optimus is.

    The episode in its entirelty was mediocre at best in my opinion. I knew where it was going and the great parts were cameos by ohers like Rattrap, Megatron and Waspinator. Cheetor's problems were pretty secondary and it's irksome that after this "I am toughness" fiasco he reverts to being an insecure little pussy.

    And I did think it was going a bit too far to have TM2 Dinobot slice Waspinator into think pieces. Just too far imo. They're team mates after all on a mission.

    Off to rectify my mistake now....

  10. #100
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    yeah, personally I am not a big fan of most of Season 3, Beast Wars reached its peak in Season 2 in my opinion. However Season 3 does have a lot of good stuff even if it was very much rushed due to Hasbro deciding to can the series for Beast Machines with hardly any notice at all.

    Don't worry about the Cheetor and Blackarachnia thing, it will not last more than the next episode.

    Once you finish the Season, I will send you a comic that makes up a bit for some of the rushed aspects of Season 3 and the Prequel comic.

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