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Thread: How to answer the Takara-TOMY online feedback survey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default How to answer the Takara-TOMY online feedback survey

    (mods please sticky)

    Included with your TakaraTOMY Transformers is a small slip of paper with instructions on how to access the TakaraTOMY survey page. Do not throw this paper away as it contains your customer ID number which is unique for each toy (and will alter the set of questions that will follow as a result).

    This series of instructions is based on answering the survey for Encore Ironhide and questions may vary for different Transformers, especially from a different series.

    Here is the slip of paper I was talking about...

    Circled in green is the survey URL. Enter this URL into your web browser.

    You should now see this screen...

    This is the typical "legal blurb" page giving you TakaraTOMY's privacy policy/statement and how it's all done over a secured connection yada yada yada...

    If you agree to these conditions and you're willing to proceed, click on the big red button.

    You should now see this screen...

    In the first box (three boxes linked by dashes) enter your customer ID number. You don't need to add the hyphens nor do you need to hit TAB or click over with your mouse - the site will automatically bring your cursor to the next box as needed. Neat, huh? So just enter your customer ID number as one single continuous number with no breaks.

    Then you enter your bar code in the next box. Make sure that you're entering the bar code number that is located under the bar code on the back of the box and not the bar code that is shown on that little slip of paper. The bar code on the slip of paper is only a sample and will not work!

    Once you've done all that, click on the button below to begin the survey.

    If you receive this error message...

    it means that you've incorrectly entered the customer ID number. So just check again and re-enter it correctly. I've only ever tried entering it in upper case - never tried it in lower case.

    If you receive this error message...

    It means that the bar code has been entered incorrectly. So check again and re-enter it correctly.

    That's what I did - and it still didn't work! I clicked on the link to check my bar code - the link takes you to a search engine where I punched in Ironhide's name but couldn't find any links for Encore Ironhide.

    So I called Takara. And the operator did the whole usual trouble-shooting routine with me, making sure that I was entering the right bar code from the back of the box and that I was entering the thirteen digit code under the bar code and not the 6-digit code above it, asked if I'd tried using the search engine etc etc etc, the usual thing that support staff do with troubleshooting. After realising that I'd done everything correctly, she put me on hold to speak to her supervisor (worst hold music - ever!) and she came back and told me that Ironhide's bar code was not yet listed on the site's database! She then told me that she would refer the fault to the head of Takara's Transformers department who should then take steps to rectify the error and advised me to try again in 2-3 days' time!

    I mentioned to her that although I haven't tried Ratchet's bar code yet that because Ratchet came out around the same time as Ironhide that I suspect that some of the newer releases may not have had their bar codes entered into the site database yet and that she might want to make a note for the TF dept. to check and make sure that all the new Transformers' bar codes have been correctly updated and entered on the site database.

    So yeah... this is as far as I could get. Will have to try again in 2-3 days' time and see if I can get any further and obviously when I do I will post updates on this thread.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    thanks..that's very helpful. i was wondering what those sheet of paper does?
    also thought it was sort of a lucky draw or prize give-away that i'm missing out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    NSW (southwest metro)


    very good instructions, Gok! definite sticky!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Saintly View Post
    very good instructions, Gok! definite sticky!
    Done (:

    (gah not enough characters. Everyone ask for reissue Time Warrior)

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I tried the survey this morning - and it worked! Looked like TakaraTOMY's TF staff must've worked pretty quickly to update that database! Now that's service!

    So anyway, here's the actual survey (it's all on one page so prepare for much scrollage). Oh yeah, unlike the older surveys, this one no longer asks you to select up to 3 Transformers that you would like TakaraTOMY to reissue, which was disappointing. But if you would like to tell TakaraTOMY what you think of your toy (in this case, Encore Ironhide) then proceed...

    Yeah, the survey only allows you to enter your name in Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana (Japanese scripts). I tried to do it in Roman alphabet, but it gave me an error message. :/ For those of you with a Kanji background (Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc heritage) then this shouldn't be a problem - just use your Kanji names. For those of you with a non-Kanji background... erm... make one up?

    Entering your name and address are not marked as required fields is only important if you want TakaraTOMY to send you your lucky-draw prize (I assume that leaving these fields blank simply means that you're not in the draw).

    If you really want to be in the draw (and remember, it's a lottery) you'll need traceable name and Japanese address, so I would recommend asking a friend in Japan.

    And here's how you fill in your address and phone number...
    Although the prefecture that is selected in the green box is different (it's Saitama, not Tokyo) Tokyo is the 2nd one below that and is the one that appears in the orange circle

    The next part's quite self-explanatory...

    Email address is a required field but obviously you leave the first check box blank if you don't want to receive promotional stuff from TakaraTOMY.

    This next section is optional for those of you who have children...

    And the rest is self-explanatory...

    That's it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Nice work Gok!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Thanks Gok. I just completed it with the papers that came with my TCS #20. Your instructions were fantastic... although I had an extra page or two of questions AFTER the rating section.. i.e. Very Satisfied vs. Very Unsatistfied.

    Here are the three pages:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Hmm... I need to fill out the online survey for my TFC Kup and Wheelie.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

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