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Thread: Gun-Formers (imitation weapons) laws and requirements for Australia

  1. #191
    Join Date
    1st Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I will inquire this week with the 6 states, 2 territories and the federal body, and see which ones say it is a replica, an imitation or neither... and if either of the first two, if any permits are required.

    Speculation before then is just going around in circles.
    Thanks, griffin.

    I'm still waiting for a response email from both the Vic minister for police and the licensing regulation department of the police. In my message to the licensing regulation, I linked the letter of exemption that was posted earler stating that NSW residents those who see a Megatron Transformer as a toy are exempt from the fees.

    I'd still pay a fee if I have to, but I'd like clarification on if it's an ongoing fee, like for renewals or if that's free of cost in Victoria.

    If you could also look into that it'd be much appreciated, as I have no contacts with the police so I doubt I'll get a proper response from them any time soon.

  2. #192
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    The Gillard government was pushing to have more common national standards for many laws, breaking down differences between the states. e.g. she introduced the Australian national curriculum which is still being rolled out in schools. The idea now is that when a child changes schools between states, s/he should be able to follow the same syllabus. Prior to this, and still in some courses, standards can vary wildly.

    The current government hasn't necessarily halted these initiatives, but I'm not aware of them continuing on or expanding this idea. They haven't exactly dropped the ball, but they're not running with it either.

  3. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by aching878 View Post
    it may not be a replica but it would most likely fall into the category of imitation firearms, which most states will have some regulations about the owning / importing
    Do you need a firearms license to own Han Solo's gun? Or similar non-realistic looking or fictional guns?

  4. #194
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Even in a place like America they have different laws in each state for guns, tho their laws are much more extreme in differences. In some states it's legal to own a minigun for instance , in some states you can go armed in public. While in others it's more like Australia where you have limits on the types of guns you can own and must transport them safely.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  5. #195
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    Do you need a firearms license to own Han Solo's gun? Or similar non-realistic looking or fictional guns?
    You might need it in the case of Han Solo's gun since it's actually a real gun (the C96 Mauser) with a scope and barrel tip added on.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  6. #196
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    1st Jun 2011


    I received a very generic response from the Licensing Regulation department in Victoria, simply stating that Megatron Transformers figurines are a imitation firearm, you need to obtain either a Chief Commissioner of Police Approval to possess Prohibited Weapons (CCP) or a Governor In Council Exemption (GIC).

    No mention of if being a toy hobbyist is exempt, just a list of historial and collector organisations, and no Megatron Club. If that's the case maybe I shouldn't bother joining that club.

    Can a Victorian who had their Chief Commissioner's Prohibited Weapons Approval application approved please private message me what they wrote? I feel like writing answers like this might not cut it:

    "I am a genuine Transformers toy hobbyist and other non-prohibited weapons would be able to be to substitute this version of Megatron, as it is the most cartoon accurate version of the toy released, and scales in height with the rest of my masterpiece collection of Transformers," and "I plan to purchase a 40cm tempered class display cube with a lock."

    And with this requirement: "Limited to genuine collectors who can demonstrate the theme of their collection, defence, historical re-enactment, commercial/trading (retail), martial arts (if applicable)." Would attaching a quick photo of a couple shelves of transformers suffice?

    Also, would a 40cm tempered glass display cube actually be enough to satisfy the storage requirement in Victoria? It doesn't mention any specific requirements for imitation firearms. It does mention in the other prohibited weapons section the if the mass weight of the storage unit is less than 150kg, it needs to be affixed to either the frame of the floor or wall. Would this apply to the imitation firearms section is it it separate?

    Genuine Collector You must provide:
    1. (a) A copy of a current membership card to a recognised Collector’s
    13 Revised 04/14
    14 Revised 04/14
    For persons who wish to collect,
    but not use prohibited weapons.
    Organisation; or
    (b) Evidence that you are a bona-fide collector by attaching a list and/or
    photographs of the Prohibited Weapons you currently possess or propose to
    collect to demonstrate; and
    2. A dated and signed letter recording each prohibited weapon type you propose to
    collect and detailing the theme of each type of weapon in your collection. Themes
    may be of a commemorative, investment, historical or thematic nature, or of a
    particular range or era. You should provide as much detail as possible (e.g.
    valuation certificates, collector club endorsement etc) to demonstrate that your
    collection is/will be of obvious and significant investment, commemorative,
    historical or thematic value.
    Note: If you have indicated you have more than one Genuine Reason for applying for
    this approval, you must clearly show which weapons are linked to which reasons
    in your application and accompanying letter.
    So I'm not a member of either a collector organisation or do I have any prohibited weapons. Could I just attach a photo of my Transformers, or do I need to join one of these organisations:


    15th King’s Light Dragoons (Hussars) ‘C’ Troop, Gippsland Inc.
    21eme Regiment de Ligne
    30eme Regiment de Ligne
    42nd Royal Highland Regiment 1815 (Australia) Inc.
    62nd New York State Volunteers (Anderson Zouaves)
    73rd Regiment of Foot
    95th (Rifle) Regiment of Foot
    95th Rifles (Australia) Inc.
    Australasian Living History Federation
    Ballarat Living History Society
    Captain Sandham’s Company R.A.
    Colonial Re-Enactment Society Inc
    Commemorative History Society Australia
    Corangamite Light Horse Re-Enactment Troop
    Creswick Youth Alliance (Inc.) – Corangamite Light Horse Troop; Horsham RSL Light Horse
    Troop and Bairnsdale Light Horse Troop
    ‘D’ Troop, 15th King’s Light Dragoons (Hussars) – Melbourne Inc. (also known as ‘D’ Troop,
    15th King’s Light Dragoons (Hussars) – Victoria Inc.)
    Frontiers Living History Group Inc.
    Geelong Military Re-enactment Group
    Historical Re-enactment Society of Australia
    History Up Close
    Living History Australia
    Living History Resource Group
    Mansfield Colonial Re-Enactment Society
    Military History Group Incorporated
    Nelson’s Navy
    Shenandoah Crew Australia
    The Australian Napoleonic Association
    The Blue and Grey Re-Enactors Inc.
    The Pike and Musket Society Inc.
    Victorian Colonial Infantry Association (Inc) (Mt Alexander Rifles)
    Victorian Lighthorse Ceremonial Regiment
    Victoria Police Historical Society
    Victorian Military Vehicle Corps
    Victorian Re-enactment Society
    Wartime Living History Association Inc.


    Antique & Historical Arms Collectors Guild of Victoria
    Ararat Historical Arms Collectors Club
    Ballarat Arms and Militaria Collectors Society Inc.
    Commemorative History Society Australia
    Golden City Collectors Association Inc. of Bendigo
    Living History Resource Group
    Military History Group Incorporated
    Northern Victorian Arms Collectors Guild
    Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Arms and Militaria Collectors Club
    Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Mildura Collector’s Guild
    Victorian Military Vehicle Corps
    Wartime Living History Association Inc.

  7. #197
    hYpNoS is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    So in the other thread this was posted

    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    Um guys.... I think something needs pointing out.

    Mp-36 is NOT a replica firearm.

    Mp-05 was an oversize replica of a Walther P-38. This is a fictional gun with no real world equivelent.

    This is also supported by the "translated" magazine pages that went up the other day.

    I've run this past my firearms officer contact (for my actual license) and other contacts (consulted for Victorian gunlaws) and all agree that this totally exclude MP-36 from the replica conditions.
    I don't get how its excluded, would be great news but if he's in gun mode in packaging (been looking at my mp shockwave) I'm still very much worried since the shape is still a gun, just because he's covered in panels doesn't hit the fact from a small distance you may not recognize that its a toy.

    I hope its true that he doesn't count in Victoria, its nice someone went through the trouble of asking officers but I'm worried someone higher up might think otherwise

  8. #198
    Join Date
    7th Oct 2015


    Bakakun, you do not need to join a collectors club. Your quote shows that to be a Genuine Collector you either need to provide evidence of:

    1. A copy of a current member ship card of a recognised collectors organisation


    2. Evidence you are a bona fide collector by attaching photographs of the prohibited weapons you currently possess or propose to collect to demonstrate.

    If you have previous iterations of gunforming Megatron, then great. BUT if you don't then I believe a picture of your Transformers collection proves you are a genuine collector of Transformers, of which Megatron will be included.

    At least you've received confirmation that MP36 is considered a imitation/prohibited weapon which IMO settles the debate.

  9. #199
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    1st Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    Bakakun, you do not need to join a collectors club. Your quote shows that to be a Genuine Collector you either need to provide evidence of:

    1. A copy of a current member ship card of a recognised collectors organisation


    2. Evidence you are a bona fide collector by attaching photographs of the prohibited weapons you currently possess or propose to collect to demonstrate.

    If you have previous iterations of gunforming Megatron, then great. BUT if you don't then I believe a picture of your Transformers collection proves you are a genuine collector of Transformers, of which Megatron will be included.

    At least you've received confirmation that MP36 is considered a imitation/prohibited weapon which IMO settles the debate.
    Thanks for clarifying that.

    Actually I have not received confirmation on MP36, only Megatron Transformers in general.

    I did however send them image scans of MP36 after they sent me that email, so hopefully I can get a confirmation on MP36 next time they reply.

  10. #200
    Join Date
    1st Jun 2011


    Would a different colour scheme prevent it from being classed as a imitation weapon?, like purple for green?

    I know gold won't because there are gold plated guns in existence.

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