Quote Originally Posted by danny-boy View Post
There's absolutely no chance that I'm going to risk a heavy fine, possible jail term, and a criminal record, for a toy. I'm jumping through whatever hoop it takes to stay legal.
A jail term? You really think they will throw you in jail for importing a toy?

I am friends with a few cops and have a nephew that was in law. Do you know how busy these people are dealing with robbers and wife-beaters and real criminals? Come to think of it I live in a rural coummunity where i am the only guy in my area that doesn't own a real gun.

Seen the statistics for repeat-stalkers being let out on bail? No one is going to jail you for a toy. In fact chances are no one will give a crap if you don't draw attention to it. I got MP05 imported from Japan no problem and the powers that be couldn't have cared less. Bigger fish for them to fry. If anything all the attention paranoid TF collectors have brought to the authorities will, more than anything else, make them feel they are expected to do something about it whereas otherwise they wouldn't care. It's causing an issue where before none existed.