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Spotlight issues are entirely intended as a guide for Ozformers members or the internet going public as to the possible or actual personalities, functions, abilities or appendange sizes of those featured in the issue. All names and personalities featured are not entirely fictionous, the names of the guilty have not been changed. Any representation is intended to be only 35% truthful {69% of truth} or however gullible the reader is to believe this. Spotlight issues are not in any way affiliated with National Geographic or Tang's Department store Singapore. Any physical or mental harm caused by reading Spotlight issues is entirely superficial.

Spotlight issue 3

The OzFormers universe is vast, and populated by many characters.

Name: Roller

Function: OzFormers PR

"Your Mum!!!"

Originally an up and coming donut seller young Roller was swayed to become toy saviour after witnessing the deaths of so many tfs at the hands of greedy children. Once rescued a G2 tf toy from his evil scalper cousins by hiding it in his undies for 4 hours. Has the ability to shout continuously for 3 hours after a 2 hour sleep followed by a train ride with druggies. Objects to studying hard and instead composes mindless drivle. Has plans that involve kidnapping Hasbro Epping staff and randsoming them for BotCon Australia 2012. For his services all OzFormers members leave their tfs to him in their wills just before they die.
