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Thread: Spotlight Roller

  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007

    Default Spotlight Roller

    Legal Disclaimer

    Spotlight issues are entirely intended as a guide for Ozformers members or the internet going public as to the possible or actual personalities, functions, abilities or appendange sizes of those featured in the issue. All names and personalities featured are not entirely fictionous, the names of the guilty have not been changed. Any representation is intended to be only 35% truthful {69% of truth} or however gullible the reader is to believe this. Spotlight issues are not in any way affiliated with National Geographic or Tang's Department store Singapore. Any physical or mental harm caused by reading Spotlight issues is entirely superficial.

    Spotlight issue 3

    The OzFormers universe is vast, and populated by many characters.

    Name: Roller

    Function: OzFormers PR

    "Your Mum!!!"

    Originally an up and coming donut seller young Roller was swayed to become toy saviour after witnessing the deaths of so many tfs at the hands of greedy children. Once rescued a G2 tf toy from his evil scalper cousins by hiding it in his undies for 4 hours. Has the ability to shout continuously for 3 hours after a 2 hour sleep followed by a train ride with druggies. Objects to studying hard and instead composes mindless drivle. Has plans that involve kidnapping Hasbro Epping staff and randsoming them for BotCon Australia 2012. For his services all OzFormers members leave their tfs to him in their wills just before they die.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    From the writer

    Welcome to issue 3, after the success of our last 2 issues the publisher extended our licensce. Unfortunately owing to recent events [previous issue] we are now forced to print this legal disclaimer at the start of all our issues, which sucks since Opera Goth publications was founded on the principle of having no legal disclaimers ruining the front of our dvds cases or our magazines inards. Anyway i hope you enjoyed this issue, if not go jump, any questions or queries please write in.

    Next issue will feature either Tober or Saintly, its up to the readers who vote. So get voting for either Tober or Saintly. Its also up to how much i can come up with.


    roller-author of Spotlight

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I don't know what was a worse fate for those G2 TFs... being mauled by your cousins or being stuffed down your undies.

    You forgot to add..

    Weaknesses: Has yet to adopt an avatar matching his namesake. Upended if reminded about his former alias Roller Force, that's right, the pink Decepticon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    NSW (southwest metro)


    LOL!!! that's unforgetable! someone who knew more than the average joe didn't know about the pink decepticon :P

  5. #5
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blame the old name on youth, and the fact that it sounds cool

    Rollerforce makes up for his colour with his name yeah that excuse will do

    Now vote my caravans vote!!!

    Tober or Saintly

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Roller, would you like me to take care of the avatar for you? [evil grin]

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by roller
    Rollerforce makes up for his colour with his name yeah that excuse will do
    well it worked for Barricade, who was also pink! He's all "da bomb" now that he's "black & bad" since he became a big movie star! Barricade needs to appear in one of those "Before They Were Stars" TV shows...

    (American accent)
    "Today we know Barricade from 2007's blockbuster hit 'Transformers' as a bad-a$$ Decepticon who transformed into the slick black police car that terrified Shia LaBeouf..."

    "But long before he became a movie star, Barricade transformed from a blue Formula-1 race car to - get this - a pink robot! Forget carrying Frenzy around or beating up on little Bumblebee, as a dimunitive Micromaster he was utterly dwarfed by both Bumblebee and Frenzy during the G1 days!"

    "In an interview in 1990, Barricade once told a reporter that he would one day like to get into dance theatre, or failing that perhaps join the police force. I guess that first dream didn't quite work out, eh?"

    "On our next episode we look at what Unicron looked like before he appeared in Transformers the Movie, back when he was a stunt double for Orko!"

    (/American accent)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    Roller, would you like me to take care of the avatar for you? [evil grin]
    He made the same offer to me for a signature... don't do it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    his offer is tempting...but i dont think its worth my soul

  10. #10
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    I vote for Saintly so he can suffer this humiliation before I do.

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