Series - Generations
Sub-line - Combiner Wars
Size/class - Leader
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 1
Released here - scheduled for March 2015, early release at Toyworld
Approximate Retail Price - AU$95
Approximate Size - 10cm
Allegiance - Decepticon/Autobot
Alt-mode - Tank
Main Features/Gimmicks - Firing Missile
Main Colours - Silver, Grey, Black
Main Accessories - 2x Combining Guns, Missile

Hope the above is close enough to what's normally done here.

First thoughts on Megatron, photos to follow later tonight/tomorrow.

Robot Mode

I really like the silver over the grey they could have used, wish the shin pieces were also silver, but I can deal.

Robot mode looks, for lack of a better description, awkward. Don't get me wrong, he can pull of some pretty sweet poses, but when stood next to Brainstorm, it just doesn't look as "natural" - I think it has to do with the size difference between the legs and the arms.

Unlike the promo photos, you CAN rotate his fusion cannon around, so the large end faces forward and looks more traditional, just no missile obviously.

Head is quite large for a transformer, bigger than Jetfire's by a little, and the face sculpt is perfect, angry Megatron.

Tank treads can sit in a couple of positions on his back due to the transformation, stick up further, or hidden away a little, or can be left out to the side, similar to his earlier IDW appearances such as Stormbringer - though doing so well prevent you from pointing his fusion cannon forward.

As has been reported, while the Decepticon sigils are tampographed on to the figure, he does come with a sticker sheet with both Autobot and Decepticon sigils, so you can choose what faction he belongs to - following his about face in the recent IDW series. I haven't chosen yet, so I've just stuck on some holo glow Reprolabels for now.

Tank Mode

Tank mode is imposing. I don't have any other leader class tanks, but compared to ROTF Bludgeon and Gen. Blitzwing (both Voyagers) he is immense. The instructions state that his robot mode cod-piece connects to the rear of the turret, however doing so prevents rotation. Leaving it down covers a slight gap, but he's pretty gappy at the back when the turret is rotation about 90°. Front panel is solid so there's no worries there.

Having the turret extend in tank mode solves the problem of having either too small a turret, or too large a fusion cannon (as with WFC Megs.)

However, the best part, WORKING RUBBER TREADS! They roll. No false treads and plastic wheels here.

As stated above photos and comparison shots will come soon, hope you enjoyed.