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Thread: Google Chrome

  1. #21
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    And google is doing what now? You do realise how big they are right?

    This is so ironic it hurts. I can't believe you guys, blinding jumping on the largest corporations buggy crap like its pure diamonds in melted gold.
    Who is jumping?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    NSW (southwest metro)


    i haven't jumped ship from IE7 yet...

    all I'm saying is that Google is getting into the right frame of mind about what everyone wants

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    i'm using Google Chrome now...seems alright.
    got to work out what other benefits it can bring

    font seems weird and too small for my eyes...i'm back to Firefox for now.
    Last edited by iceburn; 5th September 2008 at 11:19 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Sam View Post
    From a purely work oriented perspective, I am not too enthusiastic about another new web browser ... because being from Google, it has potential to be used by more and more people. And for me, it's another web browser to check the pages against when building websites, which means more work. :0
    I'm in the same boat, but you can rest a bit easier as Chrome simply uses the WebKit engine, same as Safari, and an increasing number of mobile devices, including every iPhone, Nokia and upcoming Android phone. Web developers don't have it too bad anymore, because if you write good code, Gecko (Firefox) and WebKit are going to treat it well, so you're still only really stuck dealing with Microsoft. If you're starting to use the current crop of awesome JavaScript frameworks, browser compatibility is also not a worry. Again, it's Microsoft holding the industry back here.

    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    This is so ironic it hurts. I can't believe you guys, blinding jumping on the largest corporations buggy crap like its pure diamonds in melted gold.
    Oh man! The irony of YOUR irony is hysterical! Here's the Microsoft Windows guy talking about others using "the largest corporations buggy crap"?!?! You've got to start using the preview button.

    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Who is jumping?
    And yeah, as Kup says, seems to me that everyone in this thread is cautious. I haven't heard anybody professing love, adoration or blind trust faith.

    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Still, its some corporations power play for market share, right?
    That's quite an over-simplification, because most of these vendors aren't selling the browser as a commercial product (with one exception: Opera), so it's not like Dell vs. Lenovo or BMW vs. Mercedes in the traditional sense of market share. I find this so fascinating, so let me attempt to shed some light:

    Like many open source projects, there's definitely a bit of ideology doing the motivating here to simplify the browser, remove the previous Microsoft dominance, reduce resource requirements, improve speed, and be more standard compliant. But... Mozilla makes money, make no amends. And ironically, there source of income is Google. Whenever anyone searches for anything from the Firefox search field and/or the default Firefox home page, any AdWords links that are clicked are through Mozilla's affiliate account at Google, so when you apply that revenue across the millions of Firefox users, Mozilla makes MILLIONS on Google Advertising. FYI, Firefox is based on Mozilla's "Gecko" engine, which is present in all of the other Mozilla products and some other ones.

    Safari is Apple's baby, and is based on Apple's open source engine, WebKit. There's a little bit of ideology here (albeit not as much), as Apple is also interested in standards compliance, because Apple wants webpages to work on Macs and iPhone, because Apple is in the business of selling boxes. Apple ONLY MAKES SOFTWARE in order to sell boxes. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is wrong (to quote our colleague Pulse: "Pure and simple")

    The proverbial 500-pound gorilla in the room is interested in maintaining a pre-existing market dominance, to leverage their other businesses units and preserve their cash cows of Windows and Office. The two collectively make up near 50% of the [real] largest corporation's profits. Now, Microsoft, like Google, saw the writing on the wall, in that the upcoming power and obvious portability of web applications greatly threatened those two sectors. Ever heard of Google Docs? Microsoft has tried to move their Office products online and to subscription models, both failing miserably, like virtually all of their modern ventures. Now, in the wake of devastation known as Microsoft Vista, Google has released the second of their one-two punch. If people are already using Gmail and Google Docs, and all the other web apps out there, there is seemingly even less reason to by the US$500 Windows Craptop when you get a US$200 non-Windows one from Walmart that also runs all the same web apps.

    People look at many of these companies with lots of different products (e.g. Google, Microsoft and Apple) and see them as complex, diversified businesses, but virtually each one is almost consistently singularly focused. Apple sells boxes. Microsoft sells platforms, and Google sells advertising. EVERYTHING THAT GOOGLE DOES IS ONLY DONE TO SELL ADVERTISING. They are virtually the ONLY company that has found success in internet based advertising and the magic word is context. They understand context-based advertising, and that is seemingly one of the only types of advertising that is responded to in modern times.

    So... back to your question. Isn't it just about market share? Sure, but market share of what? Browser sales? Computer sales? Platform domination? Advertising sales?

  5. #25
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    i don't particularly care about market share if they are not directly asking me for money

    the only thing I worried about is if Google end up monopolising everything, then they could potentially charge everyone that uses their services.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    17th Feb 2008


    im using firefox and it does everything i need/want, so i wont use anything else until i actually need more from a web browser..

    ive had my nokia 6230i for 3 years now for the same reason, it still works and does everything i need, so i wont bother buying anything new till i need more..

    i know google chrome is free, but you get what i mean

  7. #27
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by jacksplatt11 View Post
    im using firefox and it does everything i need/want, so i wont use anything else until i actually need more from a web browser..

    ive had my nokia 6230i for 3 years now for the same reason, it still works and does everything i need, so i wont bother buying anything new till i need more..

    i know google chrome is free, but you get what i mean
    I have a similar philosophy. I used my ancient Nokia Mobile monochrome phone for like 6 years. I only replaced it because the battery had died and there was no spares. Only then did I decide to get a new phone. The new phone is flashy with a built in GPS but I will likely not replace it until it dies. I have no need to keep buying the latest and greatest. If it does the job then its good.

    However trying out a new Browser is not the same. Its free, there is minimal effort to acquire and install and it enhances the perception of what can be done with a browser.

    If you don't try, how do you know if it will be better/worse/same than what you are used to now?

    My grandfather is the type who refuses to touch a computer because he is satisfied with how he has been doing things for 50 years. He will never know if he could have been doing things better, easier and more enjoyably.

    I don't want to end up with that frame of mind so I will try things out and judge them if they are good or not for myself but I will not just ignore new things because I am satisfied with the way I things are now.
    Last edited by kup; 5th September 2008 at 11:48 AM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaydisc View Post
    So... back to your question. Isn't it just about market share? Sure, but market share of what? Browser sales? Computer sales? Platform domination? Advertising sales?
    Anything that gets you to post in Gok-like volumes.
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  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Here's a nice writeup explaining when, how and why Google Chrome talks to

    Preventing paranoia: when does Google Chrome talk to

    Featuring this great quote referenced from a NYT article (emphasis mine):

    Will Google ensure that its own services run better in Chrome than in other browsers? Is this part of Google’s great conspiracy?

    That’s a no and a no. Chrome is open-source, meaning that its code is available to everyone for inspection or improvement — even to its rivals. That’s a huge, promising twist that ought to shut up the conspiracy theorists.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Does the Google Chrome icon look like a Pokeball to anyone else?

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