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Thread: The Transformers Collection Count & Historical Events Game

  1. #51
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    As stated in post #1, if your post count exceeds the current year then you may go into B.C.E. So ya know, you could potentially play this game until your collection reaches 13,820,000,000,000,000,000

  2. #52
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime brings my collection count to 1977:
    * May 25: Star Wars debuts at Mann's Chinese Theatre. In an unprecedented move, Mann's Theatre holds a second opening on August 3 where See Threepio, Artoo Detoo and Darth Vader place their footprints in the theatre's courtyard.
    * Star Wars also revolutionises the toy and merchandising industry.
    * The Commodore PET debuts, becoming the first personal computer made available to retail consumers. Apple Computers is incorporated and a few months later releases the Apple II series. The Atari 2600 home gaming console is released.
    * Harvey Milk is elected City Supervisor by the people of San Francisco, becoming the first openly gay official to be voted in office in a large US city.
    * Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is the first Arab leader to visit Israel in an attempt to negotiate a peace settlement.
    * Sydney experiences the Granville Rail Disaster. That was my mum's train to work but she missed it because she was running late that morning.
    * The Liberal Party under Malcolm Fraser is voted in for a second term of office.
    * The first Space Battleship Yamato (Star Blazers) animated film is released in Japanese cinemas.
    * Hasbro releases a new line of GI Joe figures known as the Super Joe Adventure Team, scaled down to 22cm to make them similar in size with competing Mego figures.
    * Takara releases the Microman Micro Command series.
    * Simultaneous filming for both Superman and Superman II begins.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    * The Pol Pot regime ends
    * Thatcher becomes the first UK female PM
    * Voyager I photographs Jupiter's rings
    * Skylab crashes in Western Australia
    * Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Alien are released in cinemas. Production begins on Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
    * The Sony Walkman debuts in Japan
    * Yokoi Gunpei is riding on a bullet train where he watches a bored businessman amusing himself by randomly pressing buttons on a calculator. This inspires him to develop the Nintendo Game & Watch (1980) and Game Boy (1989)
    * Takara releases the Rescue Team Microman series
    * Merrill Hassenfeld, son of Hasbro co-founder Henry Hassenfeld and CEO of Hasbro passes away. Merrill's brother Harold did not recognise Merrill's son Stephen as the successor to Hasbro.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Legion Class Groundbuster makes 1980:
    * Mt St Helens erupts, killing 57 people. This volcano and eruption was possibly the inspiration for the volcano that the Autobot Ark crashed into (Mt St Hillary) which erupted in 1984, reactivating the Ark's computer (AUNTIE or Teletraan-1).
    * Japan becomes the world's number 1 manufacturer of automobiles.
    * Voyager I transmits the first high resolution images of Saturn and confirms the existence of the moon Janus.
    * Japanese toy company Namco releases the Pac-Man arcade game. Wok-wok-wok-wok-wok...
    * The Empire Strikes Back and Superman II
    * The Olympic games are held in Moscow, USSR. Australian athletes compete under the Olympic flag, not the Australian flag. 66 countries boycott the Moscow Olympics in protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
    * Remember this?
    * A dingo ate their baby
    * Homosexuality is decriminalised in Victoria
    * Saaaaaale of the Century!
    * SBS begins broadcasting
    * Nintendo release the Game & Watch
    * Journey to the West completes its second and final season

  5. #55
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    * Tonka releases Bandai's Machine Robo toys as GoBots (known in Australia as Machine Men), sparking the transforming robot toy sensation in the west.
    * Hasbro execs attend the Tokyo Toy Show and notice Takara's display of Diaclone and Microman Micro Change toys. They begin making plans with Takara for a joint venture...
    Hasbro also makes a deal with Sunbow Productions to create a cartoon series for GI Joe A Real American Hero.
    * Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi hits cinemas, marking the end of the Original Trilogy.
    * NCP on ARPANET is replaced with TCP/IP protocols, giving birth to the internet.
    * The Motorola DynaTAC becomes the world's first commercially available mobile phone.
    * The Ash Wednesday bushfires ravage across SA and VIC, becoming one of the worst bushfire disasters in Australian history.
    * Bob Hawke becomes PM
    * Tokyo Disneyland opens
    * Philippines Opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. is assassinated.
    * US President Ronald Reagan declares January 15 to be a new public holiday known as Martin Luther King Day.
    * Treasurer Paul Keating floats the AUD
    * Nintendo releases the Family Computer 8 bit game console. It would be later released in the West as the NES.

  6. #56
    Megatran Guest


    For those old enough to remember & living in Melbourne at the time, February 1983 gave us the mother of all dust storm. Scared the crap out of this little school kid.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    1987 was when I first went to Melbourne. My brother and I wanted to bring our Headmaster Horrorcons along for the long car ride and also just to play while we were there, and we decided to leave the accessories at home, 'hidden' under a divider which looked just like this one. But when we got home, for some inexplicit reason, the accessories were gone! Nothing else was missing, so it didn't seem that we were robbed. We never had mice at that house. Overzealous cockroaches?

  8. #58
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    When I started this thread, one thing I was looking forward to was going through historical events during the G1 years. And I got excited at the prospect of doing this when my collection hit 1983 just before I went to Japan... but after coming back from Japan my collection count has now hit 1993, so... I'm going do things a little bit different and state just one fact about each year for my previous 10 acquisitions.

    * Q Transformers Tracks = #1984
    Transformers debuts!

    * TAV-56 Nemesis Prime = #1985
    Feb 10: The South African government offers Nelson Mandela freedom from prison if he promises to reject the use of violence and terrorism. Mandela refuses.

    * TAV Scorponok = #1986
    Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    * LG Weirdwolf = #1987
    Hoddle Street Massacre; 19 year old Julian Knight goes commits a public mass shooting in Clifton Hill, Victoria. He kills 7 and wounds 19 before being arrested by police. He is currently serving 7 life sentences.

    * Max-B = #1988
    The Australian Bicentenary is celebrated, creating much controversy, including the largest national protests and demonstrations in Australia since the Vietnam War. The Uniting Church encouraged people to boycott the Bicentenary unless Aboriginal rights were recognised. A memorial is built to commemorate Aboriginal lives as a result of European colonisation.

    * Nightbird Shadow = #1989
    The Berlin Wall falls. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. declare the Cold War to be over.

    * Animated Ramjet = #1990
    Germany reunifies

    * MP G-2 Sideswipe = #1991
    The U.S.S.R. collapses

    * CW Scrounge = #1992
    The anime series, "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon" begins airing on TV Asahi

    * CW Cybaxx = #1993
    Riots break out across Los Angeles as a result of the acquittal of the police officers who used excessive force against African-American suspect Rodney King.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    * Hasbro released Laser Rods, the first Transformers designed with fully articulated robot modes. Transformers takes its first steps from being just transformable toys to being transformable action figures.
    * Sarin gas attack in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
    * The Chase for Skase begins.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    * The Cyberjets take Transformers articulation to a whole new level with ball and socket joints.
    * Move over laser discs, here comes the DVD!
    * Japanese police arrest Aum Shinrikyou cult leader Asahara Shoko.

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