I'm wondering how everyone sets up their displays. Do you display your collection by year released, line, year + line, faction, character, another way or some combination of ways?
By year
By line
By year + line
by character
Another way (please specify)
A combination of methods.
I'm wondering how everyone sets up their displays. Do you display your collection by year released, line, year + line, faction, character, another way or some combination of ways?
I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.
I tend to display mine according to the line/universe they are from, for eg:
- TFPrime
- Generations/Classics
- Masterpiece
- WfC/FoC
- TF Movie
- RotF
- DotM
- AoE
- 3rd party - wherever they fit best amongst the other lines.
I only collect Optimus so be default I display "by character" but my 8 year old son displays his Transformers by "faction" then by character. So the Autobots display together, normally with all the Optimus' from all lines in one area, Bumblebee's in another. The Dinobots have their own "area" with Grimlocks taking prominence. The Decepticons have their own area below the Autobots and then stuff he doesn't quite think fits either due to size or individuality - eg Predaking he displays separately on top of one of his display cabinets. He's only 8 but he's quite particular about where his figures are placed and takes great pride in his display.
I display my TFs as lines on my shelf, which usually take up one shelf, but for my bigger lines (ie movies) I have a seperate Autobot and Decepticon one.
For me it's by faction, as I really only collect classics-verse releases, plus thise I can shoehorn in as pseudo-classics. I do have small sections for WFC/FOC and Movie releases, but my table top is classics only
I have the better known characters displayed together if I have at least a dozen of that particular bot. So I have 26 Grimlocks, 20 Soundwaves, countless Screamers, Bbees, Megs and Optimus''. In fact if I can recall the characters I have displayed with their Multiverse counterparts are:
Ultra Magnus
Hot Rod/imus
Then I have mulitiverse subgroups together:
Soundwaves minions
After that I have the rest of them sorted by toy genre (G1, Unicron Wars, movies etc)
I guess I can count it as other, but mine are by Universe. Classicsverse (mainly) includes the bulk of my figures. I put the IDW/FOC figures that aren't in my classics already to the side with each other. For example, I have FOC Starscream and IDW Thundercracker next to Generations Rattrap and Waspinator.
Seeking the Following:
- CW Brawl
- Earthrise Runabout
- Earthrise Thrust
Mostly by line, except where I dont.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain
Tetris style. Getting boxes to line up on a shelf with minimal empty spaces takes some effort.