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Thread: SEQ weather event

  1. #1
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    Default SEQ weather event

    Anyone severely affected by the SEQ weather event on 1 May?

  2. #2
    Akky82 is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kovert View Post
    Anyone severely affected by the SEQ weather event on 1 May?
    Flash flooding again, worse than last 2 times, by the time i got home the water in the driveway was above the sandbags my neighbour thankfully put out, but too high this time, only got about 4 inches through the garage, 2-3 inches through downstairs. Wife had prepared better before going off to work so nothing really damaged, but skirting in the garage has come unsealed at the bottom on one side, top on the other, and the doorway to kitchen has swollen.

    Went out to get more sandbags and plastic to help other neighbours but got stuck in traffic for 3.5+ hours. By the time i got my wife from work and got home it had all drained, but the muddy water left a mess and a half (and leaves in the garage). All in all not so bad in the end just lost my weekend though (including an hour with the hair dryer on the bottom of the couch). Body corporate better get it's act together about the state government owned pensioners units draining into our land.

    Side note i was wading through 8 inches and stopped to video the torrent of water coming from next door as proof when a sneaky floating recycling bin came up behind me and knocked me on my ass, and dropped my phone. Had it in rice within 10 minutes and its all good but somehow... its bent (iphone 5s). So yeah, still no proof to show /sigh

    Edit: also might've had a powr surge, only thing i had left on was my modem which was dead, but it was 6-7 years old and i had a spare (which was intended to replace my old one 2 uears ago but the bad line at my old place it couldnt handle, drop outs all the time so i kept using the old one, but the newish one works perfect now), though the net was down til early sunday morning anyway.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akky82 View Post
    Flash flooding again, worse than last 2 times, by the time i got home the water in the driveway was above the sandbags my neighbour thankfully put out, but too high this time, only got about 4 inches through the garage, 2-3 inches through downstairs.
    Doesn't sound good at all, Akky. The slightest bit of water entering a housing structure would be a pain to deal with, let alone 4 inches of it. Then there's the cleaning and drying. Even with the clear weather it would take a while to air out.

    I'm sorry to hear you lost your evidence and your iPhone with it. Have you tried gathering support from other residents and contacting your state MP about the other property?

  4. #4
    Akky82 is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    The owners who live here got the renters to contact their real estates and in turn contact the body corporate last time and have them put it tothe committee to look at drainage etc. and the body corporate look at how to approach the neighbouring property. This time however, i will be contacting body corporate out of courtesy to inform them we're going straight to someone ourselves, we know of people who've been in the reverse situation and the state government has made them improve their drainage to stop it flowing into neighbouring properties, so if it's the state government themselves who own the property then hopefully it can be handled with little hassle.

    Btw my iphone is fine, 3 cups of rice in a sandwich bag for 24 hours and it's fine, but yeah, the neighbours got some photos this time to show the height, but no video.

  5. #5
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    MV75 is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    What suburb you at Akky82? Problem around here now is too much development in the low lands, it can't handle drainage, so we get these massive floods now, were as we previously wouldn't.

    I had a grand adventure that night. Started off at Aspley, I found out on last Monday that I had left just in time, the street out from the car park was almost under, just deep water gutters, but it ended up flooding into work and destroying the front office completely, and they were up hill from the road. It was real bad.

    Anyway, I left work at 4:30, managed to get through to Brendale, after a water crossing (flooding really), on beams near bridgeman, then went through two more water crossings on leitches road, I could still see gutters and lines, but there were still people hesitant to go through, man I love my rally car. And following big utes. Heh.

    Made it to Strathpine after having to be forced back from the football fields along Samsonvale road, they looked way too bad even for my car and experience, gotta know when to call it. If you can't see the road or guides like gutters, and the water is running fast, forget it. And never go around closed road signs. And there were also popped manhole covers too, a bloke at work told me he was close to hitting an open hole.

    Last flood I plowed through down from pine rivers high in the right lane, everyone was in the left, so I left them there. Made it to the pool at Lawnton, and it was a ghost town. Straight run to Petrie, rain had stopped too. Got some dinner and was home just after 6:30.

    I got lucky that night and made my own luck too. Next time we all agreed that if this sort of thing happens again, we're all just going to go home early, customers can come back with their cars another day.
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