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Thread: The Pros & Cons of Michael Bay - discussion topic

  1. #131
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Going to share this here: Transformers ruin your favourite movies.

  2. #132
    Join Date
    13th Dec 2012


    ^Love it!

    At the end of the video with Michael Bay, my girlfriend goes "was that Michael Bay? I've never seen him before. I always imagined he was just a suit with a lense-flair for a head."

  3. #133
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Going to share this here: Transformers ruin your favourite movies.
    Very good

  4. #134
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Yongeltron View Post
    Transformers fan-hood isn't predicated on your level of knowledge, your years of following or the size of your collection. It's whether you like Transformers (for whatever that means to you).
    I'm not talking about fans (I don't need to justify being a fan to another fan ), I'm talking about non-fans who perceive the live action films as being the entire TF franchise. They think that Transformers actually didn't exist before 2007! So when people see that I'm a fan of Transformers, they immediately make certain assumptions about my taste in movies/stories, and so I'm often left having to defend my passion for Transformers by explaining to them that it goes well beyond just the live action film series.

  5. #135
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'm not talking about fans (I don't need to justify being a fan to another fan ), I'm talking about non-fans who perceive the live action films as being the entire TF franchise. They think that Transformers actually didn't exist before 2007! So when people see that I'm a fan of Transformers, they immediately make certain assumptions about my taste in movies/stories, and so I'm often left having to defend my passion for Transformers by explaining to them that it goes well beyond just the live action film series.
    same here, Many do not know beyond the existence of the flim series.

  6. #136
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    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Smint View Post
    Inbetween your lol's you missed the point. The point wasn't about bums in seats, if this was the case McDonalds would be restaurant of the year.
    1.4 billion returns to McDonalds shareholders for FY14 isn't something to be scoffed at. But, hey, you don't enjoy the Bay films? then don't invest any more time and/or money into them -just don't sit there and tell me that an over glorified popcorn movie like The Avengers has

    Good story, smart characters, no devastator balls are all im asking for. Bay gets it completely and utterly wrong AND makes a terrible movie.
    We must've watched two different versions then. What Avengers story? What smart characters? What development? We love taking pot shots at Bay for lack of character driven stories, but to throw The Avengers into the mix as a comparison? You've got to be kidding me, right? Tell me you're kidding. I've seen better stories on Dora The Explorer.

    The TF movies are very bad but clearly people like yourself love this stuff
    See, that's just an assumption. I don't "love" the Bay films and don't lose any sleep over them either. Labelling me as such would be akin to me calling you a pseudo intellectual overzealous Marvel Fanboy.

    I think what's lol is TF4 with a 18% on rotten tomatoes. It joins the ranks of The Rock's Toothfairy and is worse than the last Resident Evil movie. Pretty sure those movies made decent money too.
    I'm sure they have and I'm glad that you've taken the time out to illustrate that to me. Ratings on a website have absolutely zero bearings on how i feel about a particular movie. 1% or 100% i couldn't care about it either way. 18% on a website or a billion dollars in takings? Which one do you think that the makers of AoE consider a more important measure of success.

    I wont comment on your taste but if you don't consider Avatar, Avengers and LOTR movies "great" then you're in the minority.
    And I'm glad that I am

  7. #137
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I pick Avengers or Pacific Rim over the last 3 TF flims.

    If money was a concern then all the more I would have prefered if TF movies are done more seriously with a better plot.

    I still watch them, just saying it could have been way more better and Takara and Hasbro can earn way more.

  8. #138
    Smint is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"]
    See, that's just an assumption. I don't "love" the Bay films and don't lose any sleep over them either. Labelling me as such would be akin to me calling you a pseudo intellectual overzealous Marvel Fanboy.
    So you're defending the TF movies for what? Because it made money? Everyone knows it made money. We were discussing the movie itself, TF making money was not even the point.

  9. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    1.4 billion returns to McDonalds shareholders for FY14 isn't something to be scoffed at. But, hey, you don't enjoy the Bay films? then don't invest any more time and/or money into them -just don't sit there and tell me that an over glorified popcorn movie like The Avengers has

    We must've watched two different versions then. What Avengers story? What smart characters? What development? We love taking pot shots at Bay for lack of character driven stories, but to throw The Avengers into the mix as a comparison? You've got to be kidding me, right? Tell me you're kidding. I've seen better stories on Dora The Explorer.

    See, that's just an assumption. I don't "love" the Bay films and don't lose any sleep over them either. Labelling me as such would be akin to me calling you a pseudo intellectual overzealous Marvel Fanboy.

    I'm sure they have and I'm glad that you've taken the time out to illustrate that to me. Ratings on a website have absolutely zero bearings on how i feel about a particular movie. 1% or 100% i couldn't care about it either way. 18% on a website or a billion dollars in takings? Which one do you think that the makers of AoE consider a more important measure of success.

    And I'm glad that I am

    Whoah Sinner! I've never seen you so vehement!


  10. #140
    Join Date
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    St Clair


    This is my new favourite thread to read when I am bored.

    Oh the hypocrisy featured here

    But it does make me LOL.

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