Series - Timelines
Sub-line - N/A
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - new
Wave - N/A
Released here - Club exclusive
Approximate Retail Price - US$59 (Club store)
Approximate Size - 12.7cm up to top of head, 13.5cm up to top of panel behind the head
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Cybertronian vehicle
Main Features/Gimmicks - It's Nova Prime?
Main Colours - White & Black
Main Accessories - ion blaster, Energon axe

And so we have Nova Prime, like Carzap, it's a new head. Unlike Carzap, the headsculpt is not as solid, feels "softer" and it shows in the lack of fine detail, and paint overspray. Size wise it's a little wider than Orion Pax's, which is why it initially appeared smaller, when in fact it's about the same height.

My version of this figure had a slight issue with one of his pins, causing it to block his right arm from coming around in bot mode, but I managed to fix that (and have a bit of fun at the same time.)

Deco-wise it's a stark difference from Orion Pax, very bright white (not off white) with black parts (upper legs/arms and forearm "wings") giving quite a contrasting look, with some painted yellow highlights and blue "window" (which actually is a closer match to the JP Orion Pax than the Hasbro version).

His gun is a true black, unlike the deep grey of Hasbro's OP, and his battleaxe is now the same blue as his "window."

Comparison pics (I'll have to re-shoot this when Lio Convoy arrives, which knowing my luck will be tomorrow...).

Recommended for someone who wants an official version of the character, but be aware of the potential for a less than perfect headsculpt, and don't pay after-market prices.