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Thread: Scalping 7 Devastators on ebay

  1. #61
    Join Date
    22nd Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by MayzaPrime View Post
    Sadly it looks like he has only 3 left...
    And had a dig at us.

    "(special thanks to the Ozformers and TCCA fan clubs for advertising for me, much appreciated!)"

    Ah well, can't help it if there are people willing to pay an exorbitant premium for this.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    15th Jun 2015


    Comic shop I went to marked up 50% GIJOE Transformers when they were selling at general price on line and when I tried to barter with him he would not budge a bit even when I mentioned what they were going for on line, if anything he got nasty and said best of luck getting cheaper than what he asked for it and to this day still has not sold it. When he sees me I can tell he still has an issue with me in trying to barter with him but I do understand his predicament as a shop owner/rent running a business and I guess it can not be considered to be scalping when he paid for the freight for his merchandise and therefore is hoping to make profit on these items.
    It must be hard these days for stores like this to make a marginal profit as most people at some stage buy on line. Therefore it is niche market in which his best chances are for those not able to source items and general store browsers who buy things on sight with no or little research on item.
    My rant is complete

  3. #63
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2010


    Thank you for your eloquent post bossbot, you perfectly summed up my thoughts and feelings on the matter for certain as I live in the Campbelltown area so am one of those most likely to be affected.
    As you say it all comes down to ethics, something this tool and maybe the back dock supplying him have never heard of.
    While I would have loved to join in everyone's enjoyment now I suppose I'll just have to wait till September.
    At least everyone's posting up lots of wonderful pictures for us to enjoy

  4. #64
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by MayzaPrime View Post
    Sadly it looks like he has only 3 left...
    Quote Originally Posted by BruiseLee View Post
    And had a dig at us.

    "(special thanks to the Ozformers and TCCA fan clubs for advertising for me, much appreciated!)"

    Ah well, can't help it if there are people willing to pay an exorbitant premium for this.
    Wow that's really freakin cheeky eh!

    Must be laughing at all the Transfans nerds impotently getting pissed at his actions .

    I was annoyed but still kinda ambivalent before as I got my Deve, but now he is actively thumbing his nose at our community on purpose and laughing at us, may I just say with all respect:

    'Mate, you can go ****ing **** yourself hard and deep with a ******* pointed stick in the **** until you spurt blood and have to **** your **** with a ******* **** - and those aren't cheap you ******* ****** of *****!'

  5. #65
    Join Date
    19th Oct 2014


    I was afraid that threads like this one would just be a form of advertising for him. Damn, looks like I was right.

    I guess we can't fault him for seeing a demand in the market, but his mark up was ridiculous. As I stated earlier maybe 10-20% at most to cover his costs/time...

    I really dislike it when people take advantage of others for personal gain.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    30th May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Post #51 has been moved back to the original news topic, as it was mistakenly included in the 62 posts that were ticked and moved to this discussion topic. It was a rather time-consuming process, so I didn't get to read through most of the posts, and was bound to miss some.

    As such, some of the more hostile or trolling posts in this topic have now also been deleted now that I've read through them all, as were a couple of posts that quoted those posts which could be deleted without removing anything from the ongoing discussion.
    Wise as always Many thanks for all the effort you put into this place. Seriously.
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

  7. #67
    Join Date
    18th Jun 2012
    St Clair


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Wow that's really freakin cheeky eh!

    Must be laughing at all the Transfans nerds impotently getting pissed at his actions .

    I was annoyed but still kinda ambivalent before as I got my Deve, but now he is actively thumbing his nose at our community on purpose and laughing at us, may I just say with all respect:

    'Mate, you can go ****ing **** yourself hard and deep with a ******* pointed stick in the **** until you spurt blood and have to **** your **** with a ******* **** - and those aren't cheap you ******* ****** of *****!'
    You win Ozformers today !

  8. #68
    Join Date
    27th Jun 2015
    Bentleigh East


    Thanks man, I will try not to advertise the next scalper's ebay posting in the future hahaha.

    As an 80s kid I have been buying TFs since forever. Gave away almost all my collections to my younger cousins and nephews and now started buying again after my son was born. I am not a collector per se. I think they need to be played and not just sitting in a box waiting to be sold again in a later future. Call it the Toy Story effect

    Let's try to ignore and avoid eBay scalpers and refrain from posting their links here

  9. #69
    Join Date
    3rd Sep 2014
    North-west Sydney


    I'll update this when I'm needing help finding particular figures

  10. #70
    Join Date
    15th Apr 2010
    Western Sydney


    There's so much on ebay now

    Wish we could persuade others not to buy. Do you think Devy will make an appearance at the Penrith fair?

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