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Thread: The Random Transformers Thoughts Thread

  1. #1761
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    While I enjoyed the read, where you refuse 3rd parties some of these gaps may never be filled.
    I collect Transformers(TM).

    I accept that some of these gaps may never be filled. And this is only looking at the First Year of G1! My actual dream is to collect all of G1 in CHUG.

    So here's a list of Anglophone G1 Transformers and whether I've managed to fulfill them in CHUG or not.

    1984 Optimus Prime ✓ I have lots (Classics, WFC etc.).
    1984 Bluestreak ✓ Henkei
    1984 Jazz ✓ United and SS86
    1984 Hound ✓ Henkei
    1984 Ironhide ✓ Henkei
    1984 Mirage ✓ Classics & Siege
    1984 Prowl ✓ Henkei
    1984 Ratchet ✓ Henkei
    1984 Sideswipe ✓ Henkei & Siege
    1984 Sunstreaker ✓ Henkei
    1984 Trailbreaker ✓ ER
    1984 Wheeljack ✓ United
    1984 Brawn ✓ Universe, TR Titan Master, TR Legends
    1984 Bumblebee ✓ I have lots (Classics, Buzzworthy, LG etc.)
    1984 Bumper X none exist (Buzzworthy Core Bumblebee resembles the vehicle, but not the robot nor in name)
    1984 Cliffjumper ✓ ER
    1984 Gears ✓ T30
    1984 Huffer ✓ T30 & Kingdom
    1984 Windcharger ✓ RTS & CW
    1984 Megatron ✓ I have lots (Henkei, WFC, RTS etc.).
    1984 Soundwave ✓ WFC, Kingdom etc.
    1984 Buzzsaw ✓ TR
    1984 Laserbeak ✓ WFC
    1984 Frenzy ✓ United
    1984 Ravage ✓ Henkei, WFC
    1984 Rumble ✓ United
    1984 Skywarp ✓ Classics
    1984 Starscream ✓ Classics
    1984 Thundercracker ✓ Generations
    1985 Jetfire ✓ Classics, T30, Siege
    1985 Omega Supreme ✓ Siege
    1985 Blaster ✓ TR
    1985 Grapple ✓ United
    1985 Hoist ✓ ER
    1985 Inferno ✓ Henkei
    1985 Red Alert ✓ Siege
    1985 Skids ✓ Legacy
    1985 Smokescreen ✓ Siege
    1985 Tracks ✓ United
    1985 Perceptor ✓ SS86
    1985 Beachcomber ✓ Universe, POTP
    1985 Cosmos ✓ T30
    1985 Powerglide ✓ CW
    1985 Seaspray ✓ TR
    1985 Warpath ✓ Generations, Kingdom
    1985 Roadbuster ✓ T30
    1985 Whirl ✓ T30
    1985 Grimlock ✓ Classics, SS86
    1985 Slag ✓ POTP, SS86
    1985 Sludge ✓ POTP, SS86
    1985 Snarl ✓ POTP
    1985 Swoop ✓ POTP
    1985 Topspin ✓ TR
    1985 Twin Twist ✓ TR
    1985 Camshaft X none exist
    1985 Downshift X none exist
    1985 Overdrive X none exist
    1985 Powerdasher ("Drilldasher") ✓ WFC Cromar
    1985 Powerdasher ("F-1 dasher") ✓ WFC Aragon
    1985 Powerdasher ("Skydasher") ✓ WFC Zetar
    1985 Shockwave ✓ CW, Siege, Galactic Man
    1985 Dirge ✓ Generations
    1985 Ramjet ✓ Classics
    1985 Thrust ✓ Gentei
    1985 Astrotrain ✓ Henkei, LG
    1985 Blitzwing ✓ TR
    1985 Bombshell ✓ CW
    1985 Kickback ✓ TR, Legacy
    1985 Shrapnel ✓ T30
    1985 Barrage X none exist
    1985 Chop Shop ✓ CW
    1985 Ransack X none exist as of yet
    1985 Venom X none exist
    1985 Bonecrusher ✓ CW
    1985 Long Haul ✓ CW
    1985 Hook ✓ CW
    1985 Mixmaster ✓ CW
    1985 Scavenger ✓ CW
    1985 Scrapper ✓ CW
    1985 Mini Spy (Buggy) X none exist
    1985 Mini Spy (Porsche) X none exist
    1985 Mini Spy (Jeep) X none exist
    1985 Mini Spy (Toyota) X none exist
    1986 Rodimus Prime ✓ Kingdom
    1986 Ultra Magnus ✓ CW, LG, Siege, Kingdom etc.
    1986 Wreck Gar ✓ RTS, CW Legends, CW Deluxe, SS86
    1986 Blurr ✓ Generations, SS86
    1986 Hot Rod ✓ Classics, SS86, TL
    1986 Kup ✓ Generations, SS86
    1986 Broadside ✓ TR
    1986 Sandstorm ✓ T30
    1986 Springer ✓ T30
    1986 Metroplex ✓ T30
    1986 Sky Lynx ✓ ER
    1986 Hubcap ✓ GS
    1986 Outback ✓ POTP
    1986 Pipes ✓ KD
    1986 Swerve ✓ T30
    1986 Tailgate ✓ T30, POTP
    1986 Wheelie ✓ TR
    1986 Eject ✓ KD
    1986 Ramhorn ✓ LG
    1986 Rewind ✓ TR
    1986 Steeljaw ✓ FOC (technically Aligned Cont., but I've repurposed it as G1)
    1986 Air Raid ✓ UW
    1986 Fireflight ✓ UW
    1986 Silverbolt ✓ UW
    1986 Skydive ✓ UW
    1986 Slingshot ✓ UW
    1986 Blades ✓ UW
    1986 First Aid ✓ UW
    1986 Groove ✓ TR Legends, TR Deluxe
    1986 Hot Spot ✓ TR
    1986 Streetwise ✓ TR
    1986 Galvatron ✓ Univ, Kingdom, GS
    1986 Cyclonus ✓ Kingdom
    1986 Scourge ✓ Gen, SS86 (and SS86 Sweep)
    1986 Octane ✓ Henkei, TR
    1986 Gnaw ✓ TR, LG, Quint Judgement Pit, SS86
    1986 Trypticon ✓ TR
    1986 Runabout ✓ ER
    1986 Runamuck ✓ ER
    1986 Breakdown ✓ CW
    1986 Dead End ✓ CW
    1986 Drag Strip ✓ CW, TL
    1986 Motormaster ✓ CW, TL
    1986 Wildrider ✓ CW
    1986 Blast-Off ✓ CW jet, CW shuttle
    1986 Brawl ✓ CW
    1986 Onslaught ✓ CW
    1986 Swindle ✓ CW
    1986 Vortex ✓ CW
    1986 Divebomb ✓ POTP
    1986 Headstrong ✓ POTP
    1986 Rampage ✓ POTP
    1986 Razorclaw ✓ POTP
    1986 Tantrum ✓ POTP
    1986 Ratbat ✓ Siege
    1986 Spectro ✓ Siege, Recon Team
    1986 Spyglass ✓ Siege, Recon Team
    1986 Viewfinder ✓ Siege, Recon Team
    1987 Fortress Maximus ✓ TR
    1987 Brainstorm ✓ T30, TR
    1987 Chromedome ✓ TR, Retro HM
    1987 Hardhead ✓ TR
    1987 Highbrow ✓ TR
    1987 Blurr X I used to own TR Blurr w/ Haywire^Hyperfire, but I've since sold it
    1987 Hot Rod ✓ I've sold off TR Hot Rod but I have Siege Firedrive (which my SS86 HR holds)
    1987 Kup X I used to own TR Kup w/ Recoil^Flintlock, but I've since sold it

    1987 Crosshairs ✓ Siege
    1987 Pointblank X does not exist
    1987 Sureshot X does not exist

    1987 Cloudraker ✓ LG
    1987 Fastlane ✓ LG
    1987 Punch/Counterpunch ✓ POTP
    1987 Doublecross ✓ TR
    1987 Grotusque ✓ TR
    1987 Repugnus ✓ TR
    1987 Afterburner ✓ UW
    1987 Lightspeed ✓ UW
    1987 Nosecone ✓ UW
    1987 Scattershot ✓ UW
    1987 Strafe ✓ UW
    1987 Chase ✓ TR Roadburn
    1987 Freeway X does not exist
    1987 Goldbug X does not yet exist; hopefully I can get the next Worlds Collide pack one
    1987 Rollbar X does not exist
    1987 Searchlight X does not exist
    1987 Wideload X does not exist

    1987 Scorponok ✓ TR, ER
    1987 Apeface ✓ TR, Siege
    1987 Mindwipe ✓ TR
    1987 Skullcruncher ✓ TR
    1987 Snapdragon ✓ ER
    1987 Weirdwolf ✓ LG, TR
    1987 Cyclonus ✓ Universe, Legacy
    1987 Scourge ✓ TR. I also have United Fracas.
    1987 Misfire ✓ TR
    1987 Slugslinger ✓ TR
    1987 Triggerhappy ✓ TR
    1987 Sixshot ✓ TR
    1987 Overkill X does not exist
    1987 Slugfest X does not exist

    1987 Pounce ✓ LG
    1987 Wingspan ✓ LG
    1987 Battletrap ✓ POTP
    1987 Flywheels ✓ Siege
    1987 Hun-Grrr ✓ POTP
    1987 Blot ✓ POTP
    1987 Cutthroat ✓ POTP
    1987 Rippersnapper ✓ POTP
    1987 Sinnertwin ✓ POTP
    1988 Optimus Prime ✓ TR
    1988 Getaway ✓ TR
    1988 Joyride X does not exist
    1988 Slapdash X DNE
    1988 Hosehead X DNE

    1988 Nightbeat ✓ T30
    1988 Siren X I never got the stand alone Titan Master
    1988 Landfill X DNE
    1988 Quickmix X DNE

    1988 Scoop ✓ T30
    1988 Catilla X DNE
    1988 Chainclaw X DNE

    1988 Cloudburst ✓ POTP
    1988 Groundbreaker X DNE
    1988 Gunrunner X DNE

    1988 Landmine ✓ POTP
    1988 Sky High X DNE
    1988 Splashdown X DNE
    1988 Waverider X DNE

    1988 Quickswitch X didn't get the Sixshot redeco
    1988 Backstreet X DNE
    1988 Dogfight X DNE

    1988 Override ✓ TAV (technically Aligned but repurposed)
    1988 Fizzle X DNE
    1988 Sizzle X DNE
    1988 Guzzle X DNE

    1988 Slamdance ✓ Siege
    1988 Squawkbox X DNE
    1988 Darkwing ✓ POTP
    1988 Dreadwind ✓ POTP
    1988 Doubledealer ✓ ER
    1988 Fangry ✓ TR, Worlds Collide
    1988 Horri-Bull X didn't get the stand alone TM
    1988 Squeezeplay X didn't get the stand alone TM

    1988 Needlenose X does not exist
    1988 Quake ✓ TR
    1988 Spinister ✓ Siege
    1988 Bomb-Burst ✓ POTP
    1988 Bugly X DNE
    1988 Carnivac X DNE
    1988 Finback X DNE

    1988 Iguanus ✓ TL
    1988 Roadgrabber X DNE
    1988 Skullgrin ✓ Gen, POTP
    1988 Snarler X DNE
    1988 Submarauder ✓ TM
    1988 Crankcase X DNE
    1988 Ruckus X DNE
    1988 Windsweeper X DNE

    1988 Cindersaur ✓ POTP
    1988 Flamefeather X DNE
    1988 Sparkstalker X DNE

    1988 Snaptrap ✓ GS Turtler
    1988 Tentakil ✓ GS Tentakil
    1988 Nautilator ✓ GS Lobclaw
    1988 Seawing ✓ GS Kraken
    1988 Skalor ✓ GS Gulf
    1988 Overbite ✓ GS Overbite
    1989 Bumblebee X DNE
    1989 Grimlock X DNE
    1989 Jazz X DNE
    1989 Doubleheader X DNE
    1989 Longtooth X DNE
    1989 Pincher X DNE
    1989 Crossblades X DNE
    1989 Vroom X DNE
    1989 Skyhammer X DNE

    1989 Big Shot ✓ Siege
    1989 Flak ✓ Siege
    1989 Sidetrack X DNE
    1989 Sunrunner X DNE
    1989 High Jump X DNE
    1989 Mudslinger X DNE

    1989 Powertrain ✓ Siege
    1989 Tote ✓ Siege
    1989 Freewheeler X DNE
    1989 Roadhandler ✓ Siege
    1989 Swindler ✓ Siege
    1989 Tailspin X DNE
    1989 Fixit X DNE

    1989 Red Hot ✓ Siege
    1989 Seawatch X DNE
    1989 Stakeout ✓ Siege
    1989 Erector X DNE
    1989 Overload X DNE

    1989 Hot House ✓ GS
    1989 Ironworks ✓ GS
    1989 Countdown ✓ Siege
    1989 Groundshaker ✓ Siege
    1989 Thunderwing ✓ Generations
    1989 Starscream X DNE
    1989 Bludgeon ✓ POTP
    1989 Octopunch ✓ POTP
    1989 Stranglehold X DNE
    1989 Birdbrain X DNE
    1989 Bristleback X DNE
    1989 Icepick X DNE
    1989 Scowl X DNE
    1989 Slog X DNE
    1989 Wildfly X DNE
    1989 Roadblock X DNE

    1989 Nightflight ✓ Siege
    1989 Storm Cloud ✓ Siege
    1989 Tailwind X DNE
    1989 Whisper ✓ Siege
    1989 Blackjack ✓ CW, Siege
    1989 Detour X DNE
    1989 Hyperdrive ✓ Siege
    1989 Roadhugger X DNE
    1989 Flattop X DNE
    1989 Roughstuff X DNE

    1989 Airwave ✓ GS
    1989 Greasepit ✓ GS
    1989 Skyhopper ✓ Siege
    1989 Skystalker X DNE
    1990 Optimus Prime X DNE
    (unless you count TR)
    1990 Blaster X DNE
    1990 Bumblebee X DNE
    1990 Grimlock X DNE
    1990 Inferno X DNE

    1990 Jackpot ✓ Golden Disk Collection
    1990 Jazz X DNE
    1990 Kick-Off X DNE

    1990 Mainframe ✓ Kingdom
    1990 Over-Run X DNE
    1990 Prowl X DNE
    1990 Rad X DNE
    (but I do have WFC Lioniser)
    1990 Rollout X DNE
    1990 Skyfall X DNE
    1990 Snarl X DNE
    1990 Sprocket X DNE
    1990 Wheeljack X DNE
    1990 Gusher X DNE
    1990 Pipeline X DNE
    1990 Retro X DNE
    1990 Surge X DNE
    1990 Crumble X DNE
    1990 Groundpounder X DNE
    1990 Neutro X DNE
    1990 Takedown X DNE
    1990 Blaze Master X DNE
    1990 Eagle Eye X DNE
    1990 Sky High X DNE
    1990 Tread Bolt X DNE
    1990 Big Daddy ✓ ER
    1990 Greaser X DNE
    1990 Hubs X DNE

    1990 Trip-Up ✓ ER
    1990 Big Hauler X DNE
    1990 Heavy Tread X DNE
    1990 Hydraulic X DNE
    1990 Slow Poke X DNE
    1990 Oiler X DNE
    1990 Power Run X DNE

    1990 Roadburner ✓ Galactic Odyssey Collection
    1990 Slide X DNE
    1990 Strikedown X DNE

    1990 Wheel Blaze ✓ GOC Fireguard
    1990 Barrage X DNE
    1990 Blastmaster ✓ ER, GOC
    1990 Heave X DNE
    1990 Missilemaster ✓ GOC
    1990 Moonrock ✓ GOC
    1990 Phaser ✓ ER, GOC
    1990 Full-Barrel X DNE
    1990 Overflow X DNE
    1990 Axer X DNE
    1990 Banzai-Tron X DNE
    1990 Devastator X DNE
    1990 Gutcruncher X DNE

    1990 Krok ✓ TR
    1990 Megatron X DNE (unless you count TR)
    1990 Shockwave X DNE
    1990 Soundwave X DNE
    1990 Starscream X DNE
    1990 Treadshot X DNE
    (ex. BotCon exclusive)
    1990 Bombshock ✓ ER
    1990 Dropshot X DNE
    1990 Growl ✓ ER
    1990 Tracer X DNE
    1990 Barricade ✓ GOC Decepticon Runner
    1990 Ground Hog ✓ ER
    1990 Motorhead ✓ GOC
    1990 Roller Force ✓ ER
    1990 Blackout X DNE
    1990 Spaceshot X DNE
    1990 Meltdown X DNE
    1990 Half-Track X DNE

    1990 Direct-Hit ✓ Siege
    1990 Powerpunch ✓ Siege
    1990 Fireshot X DNE
    1990 Vanquish X DNE
    1990 Excavator X DNE
    1990 Grit X DNE
    1990 Hammer X DNE
    1990 Knockout X DNE
    1990 Sledge X DNE
    1990 Stonecruncher X DNE
    1990 Cement-Head X DNE
    1990 Terror-Tread X DNE
    1991 Powerflash X DNE
    1991 Sideswipe X DNE
    1991 Tracks X DNE
    1991 Circuit X DNE
    1991 Rumbler X DNE
    1991 Omega Spreem X DNE
    1991 Windmill X DNE
    1991 Gripper X DNE
    1991 Flame X DNE
    1991 Lightspeed X DNE
    1991 Bombshell X DNE
    1991 Charger X DNE
    1991 Double Punch X DNE
    1991 Slicer X DNE yet
    1991 Take-Off X DNE
    1991 Thundercracker X DNE
    (ex. BotCon)
    1991 Turbo Master X DNE
    1991 Overlord ✓ LG
    1992 Boss X DNE
    1992 Flash X DNE
    1992 Hurricane X DNE

    1992 Rotorstorm ✓ GS
    1992 Scorch X DNE
    1992 Thunder Clash X DNE
    1992 Rescue Force drill tank X DNE
    1992 Rescue Force buggy X DNE
    1992 Rescue Force claw tank X DNE
    1992 Rescue Force jet X DNE
    1992 Falcon X DNE
    1992 Skydive X DNE
    1992 Skyquake X DNE
    1992 Snare X DNE
    1992 Stalker X DNE
    1992 Talon X DNE
    1992 "Bonecrusher" X DNE
    1992 "Hook" X DNE
    1992 "Long Haul" X DNE
    1992 "Mixmaster" X DNE
    1992 "Scavenger" X DNE
    1992 "Scrapper" X DNE

    1993 Pyro/Spark ✓ (BotCon)
    1993 Deftwing X DNE
    1993 Ironfist X DNE
    1993 Aquafend X DNE
    1993 Deluge X DNE
    1993 Jetstorm X DNE
    1993 Speedstream X DNE
    1993 Rapido X DNE
    (ex. BotCon)
    1993 Skram X DNE
    1993 Turbofire X DNE
    1993 Windbreaker X DNE

    1993 Colossus/Clench ✓ (BotCon)
    1993 Calcar X DNE
    1993 Fearswoop X DNE
    1993 Hawk/Eagle Eye X DNE
    1993 Snipe/Afterburner X DNE
    1993 Terradive X DNE
    1993 Tornado/Windrazor X DNE
    1993 Aquablast X DNE
    1993 Drench X DNE
    1993 Hydradread X DNE
    1993 Rage X DNE

    My current collecting policy now is that if CHUG releases any new G1 character, then it's a must buy for me. Repeat characters in CHUG are a maybe (case by case basis), but any new G1 TFs to CHUG, then HasTak can shut up and take my money. And while this list only includes Anglophone G1, my rule applies to any G1. Looking forward to getting Legacy Minerva, baby! And I would have preferred to see the TR Jumpstarters repainted as Salt Man X and Salt Man Y instead of the Diaclone colours. Or heck, name the Diaclone coloured ones "Salt Man A" and "Salt Man B."

  2. #1762
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    DeltaPrime's thread is a good resource too, but of course everyone can make their own lists. This reminded me to update mine!

  3. #1763
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    My actual dream is to collect all of G1 in CHUG.
    Ah, a man after me own black heart. I'm working on a similar list, but it excludes pretenders and micromasters, and while it doesn't contain any late G1/JG1/G2, I'm certainly taking whatever comes along from those sections

    I'm 50-something off, and closing fast. Reckon my list might be ticked off by 2024.

  4. #1764
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    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    DeltaPrime's thread is a good resource too, but of course everyone can make their own lists. This reminded me to update mine!
    Thanks for the reminder to update.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  5. #1765
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    2nd Jan 2018


    Great list!

    While I applaud the people who steer clear of 3rd Party, I collect for character and there's just certain characters I wouldn't be able to ignore. Beachcomber? Give me all the Beachcombers (Fun fact, Universe Beachcomber is because of me - Yay).

    That said, this Chug thing, I'm totally on board with that. However I need proper re-implementations for me to be happy. TitanMasters don't cut it, nor do lazy recolours like Cindersaur. I'd aaalllmost say that Siege onward lifted the bar for Chug. Meaning I would not be upset if we got redo's for say, Dreadwing/Darkwing... or any of the other Combiners. The only thing that holds me back from that is I can't see a world where we get another crack at say Doublecross or the clones. Prime Wars gave us a lot of deep cuts that we'll likely never see again.

    All that said, Man-o-Man, do I want to see the Firecons done right. Finish off the Targetmasters and Powermasters, give us the Triggerbots/cons. Omnibots Please and Venom!! It's not like I'm super greedy, but nice faithful releases of these guys with sexy ankle tilts and I'll be happy. Then we can talk about what to do with the Throttlebots, or Pretenders. Heck, I'm still surprised the Battlechargers didn't get remoulded into Chase, Freeway and Searchlight.

  6. #1766
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    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    That said, this Chug thing, I'm totally on board with that. However I need proper re-implementations for me to be happy. TitanMasters don't cut it, nor do lazy recolours like Cindersaur. I'd aaalllmost say that Siege onward lifted the bar for Chug. Meaning I would not be upset if we got redo's for say, Dreadwing/Darkwing... or any of the other Combiners. The only thing that holds me back from that is I can't see a world where we get another crack at say Doublecross or the clones. Prime Wars gave us a lot of deep cuts that we'll likely never see again.
    I'm fine with Cindersaur. At least they did give him a retooled head and the velociraptor mode is close to his G1 dinosaurish monster mode. It's a lot better than the silly "G2 Cindersaur" BotCon toy (which I also have ). I would rather see Hasbro focus on finishing off G1 in CHUG before redoing already done characters. Everything that I've listed in bold is what I would like to see Hasbro prioritise in CHUG. We've already had two CHUG Darkwings but zero CHUG Fearswoops? And Fearswoop has been the only Transformer to transform into a YF-22, the prototype test jet for the F-22 Raptor.

    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    Heck, I'm still surprised the Battlechargers didn't get remoulded into Chase, Freeway and Searchlight.
    I'm surprised that Titans Return Chase (called "Roadburn"*) didn't get retooled as Freeway, Searchlight and even Rollbar with extensive enough retooling! Goldbug is coming. Wideload would most likely require a new mould.

    *Not for trademark reasons, but because Hasbro didn't want kids to confuse G1 Chase with Rescue Bots Chase. Gah. It's also why Earthrise G1 Barricade was called "Decepticon Runner," because they didn't want kids to confuse him with the Bayformers-inspired police car Siege/ER Barricade. Stupid kids!

  7. #1767
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'm fine with Cindersaur. At least they did give him a retooled head and the velociraptor mode is close to his G1 dinosaurish monster mode. It's a lot better than the silly "G2 Cindersaur" BotCon toy (which I also have ). I would rather see Hasbro focus on finishing off G1 in CHUG before redoing already done characters. Everything that I've listed in bold is what I would like to see Hasbro prioritise in CHUG. We've already had two CHUG Darkwings but zero CHUG Fearswoops? And Fearswoop has been the only Transformer to transform into a YF-22, the prototype test jet for the F-22 Raptor.
    But... but... but, if we need to get Sparkstalker and Flamefeather, then we may as well get a new Cindersaur along with them.

    Unfortunately for Fearswoop, he falls in that is it G1 or G2 category... millage may vary depending on your location at the time. If we're going through the various figures that fit in that transitional period... whoo boy there's plenty on that want list.

    On the point of Darkwing... It's like Doubledealer. You could have that dodgy Blitzwing repaint, ooor, the fantastic Earthrise version. I'd love a proper reimplementation for Darkwing/Dreadwind. That said, I agree, there's plenty of characters on the "to make" list.

  8. #1768
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    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    But... but... but, if we need to get Sparkstalker and Flamefeather, then we may as well get a new Cindersaur along with them.
    Sure, I guess. Apparently Hasbro has a policy now where if they do one character in a group, they will do the whole group. So we're supposedly going to get all the SS86 Dinobots and Legacy should do all of the Insecticons; the name of the sub-line may change, but basically they should all get done in Generations in the same style. Cos yeah, having orphaned characters does suck. I really wish that the Micromaster patrols had been released in sets of four instead of two; even if it means sacrificing the tertiary weapon mode that nobody asked for. I don't need my CHUG Roadhandler and Swindler to be able to transform into a pair of guns that can combine into a larger gun; I'd gladly give up that feature to get Tailspin and Freewheeler in the same set. The Siege/Earthrise Micromasters were pretty crummy value for money, which is kinda ironic considering that the entire reason why Micromasters existed in G1 was to make Transformers more affordable (re: 1989/90 global recession).

    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    Unfortunately for Fearswoop, he falls in that is it G1 or G2 category... millage may vary depending on your location at the time. If we're going through the various figures that fit in that transitional period... whoo boy there's plenty on that want list.
    Considering that we're getting CHUG toys based on Diaclone variants that were never originally part of G1 (e.g. Lift-Ticket, Cordon, Spinout, Deep Cover, Tiger Track etc.), I think that CHUG could stand to include some G1.5ers in there. Besides, we do also have G2 CHUGs, so why not G1½? Not that I have anything against pre-TF CHUGs; I own heaps of them too! Gens Selects Galactic Man is my favourite since, like many Aussie kids growing up in the 80s, I had Astro Magnum from Tandy as the original G1 Shockwave toy was never released here. So Galactic Man has the greatest childhood nostalgia for me among all the pre-TF CHUGs. Second is Spinout because I knew a kid at school who had a red Diaclone Lamborghini Countach Super Tuning model kit (I think he got it from some Asian grocery store).

    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    On the point of Darkwing... It's like Doubledealer. You could have that dodgy Blitzwing repaint, ooor, the fantastic Earthrise version. I'd love a proper reimplementation for Darkwing/Dreadwind. That said, I agree, there's plenty of characters on the "to make" list.
    Sure, but I'd still rather see those characters shoved down the CHUG priority list over toys that have never had a post-G1 toy made. If you look at the list of the last 3 years of G1, only one character has appeared in CHUG; Rotorstorm. Technically also Overlord, but that toy was really inspired by the 1988 Takara release rather than the 1991 Hasbro one (although IDW's Overlord was 100% based on the Hasbro toy's bio). Pyro and Clench only exist as BotCon exclusives. Heck, even Rotorstorm was a Gens Selects exclusive; not as hard to get as BotCon exclusives, but still not mass store release either. But that's fine... I'm happy for all of those later G1ers to come out as GS exclusives... just make them happen! CW Liokaiser was never repainted as the Autobot Rescue Force. If they're gonna do a better CHUG Liokaiser, then at least repaint them as Rescue Forcers. And yeah, my list only looked at Anglophone G1; I'll take Japanese G1, European G1, Latin American G1... any new G1 character in CHUG is an instant buy for me.

  9. #1769
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Gens Selects Galactic Man is my favourite since, like many Aussie kids growing up in the 80s, I had Astro Magnum from Tandy as the original G1 Shockwave toy was never released here. So Galactic Man has the greatest childhood nostalgia for me among all the pre-TF CHUGs.
    I received my Generations Astro Magnum on Wednesday precisely because that's the Shockwave toy I bought for myself from my newsagent for $20. I always thought it was a knock-off, until I finally read about it being the original toy some time in the past 20 years

    I would be quite happy for late-G1/G1.5/G2 toys to be given priority for the next few years, and for there not to be any more early-G1 toys in that period if they've received a deluxe and up in the past 7 or so.

  10. #1770
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJJ View Post
    I received my Generations Astro Magnum on Wednesday precisely because that's the Shockwave toy I bought for myself from my newsagent for $20. I always thought it was a knock-off, until I finally read about it being the original toy some time in the past 20 years
    Same here! I wish I'd kept my Astro Magnum... although it was pretty broken as one of my favourite childhood toys (and mum stepping on it which snapped the arms off ). Since I didn't have G1 Megatron as a kid, "Shackwave" was the leader of my Decepticons. I wish that Gens Selects had used the name "Shackwave" or given him some other new persona instead of just "Galactic Man Shockwave." Ah well.

    Quote Originally Posted by JJJ View Post
    I would be quite happy for late-G1/G1.5/G2 toys to be given priority for the next few years, and for there not to be any more early-G1 toys in that period if they've received a deluxe and up in the past 7 or so.
    Same! <on screen high five>

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