I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.
Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.
If it's in a law or by-law then that makes it pretty clear cut. We have similar laws here too, depending on what kind of property you live on. Either way, it's the responsibility of residents to comply with these rules.
e.g. if you live in a strata title, you cannot hang your clothes out on your porch or balcony; your mailbox must be the same colour and shape as your neighbours etc.
Looking To Buy Either Siege Or Earthrise Ratchet, and Buzzworthy SS86 ER Cliffjumper.
I was just thinking that it's been quite a few years since Titans Return came out. Might be time for Hasbro to heavily revisit the Head/Target/Powermaster era and give us more of those characters. Plus I wouldn't mind a new take on Powermaster Optimus.
I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.
Think the 87 Headmasters and Targetmasters are well done, just give us Sureshot!
But new toys of Nightbeat, GoShooter, Siren, Hosehead, Squeezeplay, and Horribull would be welcome
And all of the Powermasters, including Prime/Ginrai (Would like to see Commander size)and Dreadwind and Darkwing (would like to see as voyagers)
When Fiction Becomes Fact
Back in 1984, issue 1 of the Transformers Marvel comics described Cybertron as a rogue planet. i.e. a planet that was ejected from its mother star and wanders through the galaxy; specifically the Alpha Centauri galaxy. Issue 1 also states that it was the Cybertronian wars that caused Cybertron to be ejected. Cybertron was on collision course with an asteroid belt, and so the Autobots launched the Ark to clear a path for Cybertron. Now of course, while some science fiction like Transformers and Star Wars like to portray asteroid fields as being tightly bunched, in reality asteroids are gigametres apart from each other. There is a certain possibility of being on collision course with one deadly asteroid that could cause a mass-extinction event, but not heaps.
But in 1984 having tightly bunched asteroids wasn't the only scifi fantasy element, so was the idea of a rogue planet. Because back then, we didn't know that rogue planets existed. The first potential rogue planet was sighted in 1998, although astronomers aren't certain if it's a planet or a brown dwarf. Continual improvements in gravitational microlensing has allowed astronomers to confirm the existence of exoplanets in the 21st century, with the first confirmed sighting of a rogue planet in 2012. And in December 2021, up to 170 rogue planets are discovered. Astronomers have now discovered more rogue planets than fixed-orbital planets. This means that wandering worlds like Cybertron are actually in the majority, while planets that orbit a star like Earth are in the minority!![]()
Cybertron in other media
Most other Transformers media don't seem to have definitively stated if Cybertron is a rogue or fixed-orbital planet. Sure, we can see day and night on Cybertron, but that could simply be Cybertron passing by a star much like a comet does; not necessarily fixed in an orbit around it. In the Sunbow cartoon, Galvatron once constructed a planetary engine ([i]The Rebirth[i]) so that he could control Cybertron's movement. This means that Galvatron was either willing to use this engine to eject Cybertron from its mother star, or Cybertron was already a wandering planet and that Galvatron simply wanted to be able to pilot the planet. Beast Machines, the one Transformers series that's entirely set on Cybertron, does show cycles of day and night, which does heavily imply that Cybertron is in a fixed-orbit around a star; so I would say that at least in the Beast Wars/Machines cartoon continuity, Cybertron is a fixed-orbital world. Mind you, in the Beast Era cartoon...
1 deca-cycle = 30 days
1 mega-cycle = 1 hour = 100,000 deca-cycles
1 day = 20 hours = 20 mega-cycles = 2,000,000 deca-cycles
...I don't get it either.
Or maybe Cybertron doesn't have a fixed stellar orbit in Beast Wars/Machines and time is measured by some other means beyond relative positions of stars and moons (and perhaps every day and night we see is just Cybertron hurtling past different stars and some ridiculous speed, because even at the speed of light it takes years to pass from one star to the next).
Yes, I'm overthinking this.![]()
Thanks to Ultimate Doom, aren't we saying it's floating around our star?