Some Transformers related info...
Peter Spellos, the voice of RID Sky-Byte (the cartoon from 23 years ago), is apparently battling pancreatic cancer.... which has one of the lowest survival rates of various cancers, so it isn't good to hear that he has it.
Meanwhile on Instagram, former Hasbro designer Aaron Archer has been posting up his artwork, done on the toy instructions of that character.
A collection of the postings can be seen here -
I'm glad to see TakaraTOMY differentiating their products more from Hasbro again, although it's just EarthSpark atm, hopefully it might spread to more.
One downside with the brand globalisation thing between Hasbro and TakaraTOMY is that we collectors suddenly lost the option to choose between the Hasbro or TakaraTOMY deco. Some might prefer Hasbro's decos, others might prefer Takara's... that's fine, but having differences between the two meant that we consumers had a choice (and shipping to Australia is relatively cheaper compared to other Western countries, thanks to our location in the Asia-Pacific region).
Would people count the new Japanese Beast Wars 2 packs as more of this?
Those, more so than Earthspark, give me Henkei flashbacks, seeing toys coming out in shinier, more cartoon-accurate colours in Japan.
I see the Beast Wars 2-packs as their own special toyline, that uses moulds that were already released in Japan (and Hasbro)... as it is only a redeco of a small selection of the Kingdom/Legacy toys, instead of the entire line, like how TakaraTomy used to do it with their Generations toys before Seige (and what they are doing once again for Earthspark).
Mind you, I have all 7 of these JP Beast Wars 2-packs on order, so I can't wait until March next year when they are all out, as they should look nice all together on the one display shelf, as the full season one cast of the cartoon, in premium colours. (it will compare with the 10th anniversary BW toys, but this time it is more of the cast)
I just got my SS86 Ultra Magnus. Hasbro really seems to be taking the mini-Masterpiece meme to heart.
I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.
Just realised after seeing the Transformers: The Movie retro G1 figures of Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp next to each other on a JB Hi-Fi shelf (apart from SS and SW having the same robot box artwork - lazy) that these toys have not sat together in an Australian retail store for ~40 years?!?