With the news core class is being cancelled it got me thinking about what we got from it, it definitely gave us some great little toys, probably not a single bad one but i can probably list the one's i physically saw in stores on one hand and it just makes me think retail killed this size class, and with no 'smaller' sizes classes and deluxes now being $40+ i really feel bad for the kids who want to save up for a toy, i remember being so excited when i saved up to buy my first toy (Cybertron Metroplex, lots of chores and birthday money, i was probably 5 maybe 6?) and it is a memory i still remember and when i worked retail i remember kids being so excited counting their coins to buy a toy, $40 is a lot of money as a kid (hell for a toy now as an adult it's getting a bit much which is why i've slowed down buying at retail)

Anyway all this to say i hope hasbro introduces some form of smaller size class for kids, not just cheap authentics and gimmicky crap that ends up in land fill. Wheres the toys for 6-10 year olds that are an afforable puzzle. I guess i now sound like one of those fans who goes 'back in my day' but in this case maybe it's justfied, bring back scout class, the entry point to most lines shouldn't be $40.