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Thread: Starwars Force Awakens figures found.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    i just came back from chadstone toys r us in melbourne and they didn't have any of the new lego sets. i missed most of the action figures related to the new movie too. i did see a couple of black series boxes but i don't know what they had. i bought something anyway so i didn't leave empty handed but not sure if it was worth it looking at a couple of pics on the official star wars facebook page it was definitely low key compared to what's on there.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    My fart creates more disturbance in the force than these new releases.

    Hope others enjoy them.....

    Speaking of figures, I saw some Black Series KO's in a shop yesterday for $7.99 with the horribly unimaginative title of
    Episode VII The New Role

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    What's the quality like? Do they have elbows and knees? and final question, is Hasbro making them?.
    Quality is poor. Five points of articulation, so no elbows or knees.
    We have to wait many months to see when/if Black Series renditions will be available
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    17th May 2014
    Terra Australis


    Not into 5 POA unless it's a Kenner 1980's figure.

    Will wait to see if the Wal-Mart exclusive Super Articulated figures can be sourced either online or via retailers here before I get into this trilogy's toys.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I had the chance to fiddle around with some of the new Star Wars toys today. I'm not impressed by the figures. As others have said, the 70s/80s style 5 points of articulation is just poor by today's standards. The Millenium Falcon play set looks like a lot of fun; I was impressed with how the main cannon fires a Nerf dart. The Micro Machines Star Destroyer play set is also neat enough. Finn's X-Wing Fighter seems... basic. I'm not a Star Wars collector, but I've seen TheScreamMan's impressive collection of X-Wings from other series, and this one feels like a step backwards in design/engineering. I could be wrong though.

    Kylo Ren's Force FX light sabre is absolutely beautiful. It's really heavy (≈2-3kg?). The paint ops on it are really stunning; it looks like it's been personally hand painted. There's also a slight delay between when the main blade ignites and when the two cross-guard blades ignite, similar to what we see in the trailers, which I thought was pretty cool. RRP is $399 though. Having a play with this toy, the cross-guard hilt feels really impractical, and I found myself stabbing the cross guard blades into my own forearms a couple of times. #JediFail Little wonder that such multiple bladed swords never existed in real life ancient combat. One funny thing about Ren's sabre hilt is that there's this exposed red wire that runs down the side. It feels like such an exposed critical weakness. But I guess deliberately engineering a critical flaw has become standard practice in the Star Wars universe. Exposed wire on a lightsabre hilt, shafts that lead directly to the main reactor on two Death Stars... yup.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I saw them at Myers in the city. I have to say, they are not as cheap and tragic looking as I was expecting given the current state of mainstream toys. It was pretty impressive actually.

    ...Too bad about the price tags..

  7. #17
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    So just like main line Transformers, Star Wars figures are getting reduced articulation.

    I think this is just a sign of the times, articulation and a lot of the stuff we used to take for granted is now restricted to higher end collector figures aimed at least partially at the adult collector market.

    PS: Goktimus your meme is missing a pic of the Executors Bridge.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    I was not happy with the 5POA figures at first. Then it took my 10 year old to remind me of a few things.

    1. They are Kids figures Dad.
    2. Why do you need more articulation? You dont play with them or touch them. They just stand on a shelf getting all dusty.
    3. Super Articulated SW figures are a new thing. She then shows me POTF 2 figures from the 90s and even Ep 3 figures and early clonewars. All had 6POA

    My Daughter made some good points. In the end its the sculpt that matters and that im happy with. ....and new SW so yay for me.

    Oh TFA two pack figure sets are at Big W. Two scavengers and BB-8, R2 and 3PO, Rebels Asoka and Vader, and some others. All $25 each. Thats not to bad for a change.

  9. #19
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by VERT View Post
    1. They are Kids figures Dad.
    And kids love articulation! Who remembers growing up in the 80s and wishing that their SW figures had GI Joe level of articulation? I even wished that Transformers could be more articulated, and I'll admit that I was excited when I first saw Action Masters in stores. Even though they can't transform, the idea of them being fully articulated action figures excited me. Then I bought one and the dream died. But I remember when articulation finally set in during mid-late G2, I was super stoked! Then Beast Wars made it better and standardised it, and I just started throwing my money at the franchise again.
    Quote Originally Posted by VERT View Post
    2. Why do you need more articulation? You dont play with them or touch them. They just stand on a shelf getting all dusty.
    Yes, we do need articulation. We do play with them. The day that my collection sit around not being played with is the day I get rid of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by VERT View Post
    3. Super Articulated SW figures are a new thing. She then shows me POTF 2 figures from the 90s and even Ep 3 figures and early clonewars. All had 6POA
    Which is not really that 'new' (re: approx 15-20 years). It's around the same time that articulation became standard in Transformers too, and we still expect our Transformers to have articulation (and they transform!). Barring reissues, if they ever went back to G1 level of articulation w/ Transformers, we'd spit chips. Just look at the One Step Changers; they're no worse than the G1 Battlechargers...

    The other thing is price. If they're going to strip away articulation, then at least make the toys cheaper.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    No you need to play. I dont. I just like to look at them. Kids dont care about that. They dont know any better....I know I did not care less in the 80s lol. Anyway those were the views of my kids. Who have grown up with this stuff and do know better than the average kid.

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