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Thread: Classics 2.0/Universe Comments thread

  1. #281
    Join Date
    4th Apr 2008


    I got Dinobot. Aside from the colours, he is a rather good toy. Both modes look good (the dinosaur looks like a genuine dinosaur species), the robot mode optional claws are fun, as is the faction insignia and the sword/missile, and overall it's a great toy.

    The instructions say to turn his dinosaur arms up onto the tops of his shoulders. I don't do that, since in my opinion it looks rather messy (it doesn't nearly have the effect of, say, Prowl's door wings) and detracts from the rest of Dinobot's appearence.

  2. #282
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    I got the Jetfire repaint, Tread bolt over the weekend. He's a beautifully designed figure but it seems the jetfire mold is suffering from some wear. Heres some things I noticed.

    -The hole which is meant to hold the engine panel of the aircraft to Tread bolt's back in robot mode isn't big enough for the peg.
    -The clips which hold the booster pack are molded poorly so the pack sags to the front a couple of mm.
    -The fist holes for the half guns are really tight making it difficult to put guns in. the combined gun peg is fine.
    -The pegs which hold the engine panel of the aircraft in alt mode seem loosish
    -The piece behind the cockpit doesn't fit into place near the air brake naturally. You need to purposefully fit it.

    On the plus side
    -I dont have to line up the springs for the missile launchers in order to put them in like I have to do with Jetfire (tho i did get him second hand)
    -Beautiful paint apps
    -The brown doesn't look as horrible as the 'enhanced' Hasbro pics make it out to be
    -The bruticus helmet is super cool
    -Tread bolt's booster back is rather bland compared to jetfire but I display him in his blue angels glory anyway.

    Overall great looking figure with good detailing (by universe standards) but seems to be suffering from some issues due to what I think is mold wear.

  3. #283
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Lint View Post
    Overall great looking figure with good detailing (by universe standards) but seems to be suffering from some issues due to what I think is mold wear.
    Oh god, Blue Angels... Blue Angels! Damn Kyle!!!

    I've got three Blue Angels (I think that's the perfect number and I'm going to give each one a little paint addition to vary them a little) and the quality control across them varies. I found one was all round great another had really dodgy back begs for when the back wings fall down and the other has a really droopy nose. I think it just varies across the range
    Collection Count (w/ a 12.42% upsize): 3053
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  4. #284
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Ah, looks like its more than just mold wear then. I kinda feel a lot better about mine now, thanks!

  5. #285
    Join Date
    4th Apr 2008


    I have come late to the Universe Sunstreaker party. This is because I lacked interest in him until I got Movie Bumblebee and realised that car Transformers are actually pretty cool. Also because he isn't widely available nowadays since he was one of the first Classics-Universe toys.

    Sunstreaker is fabulous. Both modes rock (car mode rolls, and robot mode is really poseble), and his 'dramatic head reveal' only sweetens the transformation process. I really appreciate the fact that his head is on a ball-joint, since all the other Universe figures I have can only turn their heads, not look up or down without moving the body.

    Sure, there's the mismatched paint on his roof compared to the rest of the car, but I'm not going to nitpick on that when the rest is utterly awesome.


  6. #286
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Today I got Henkei Dinobot. This Dinobot is arguably an improvement when it comes to show accuracy but just like Henkei Cheetor, he does not represent 10+ years of progress in toy technology. Althogh this guy is more show accurate he is not a better toy and the original toy feels more sturdy and playable.

  7. #287
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Universe Inferno. The transformation evokes a very retro G1 feeling rather than the modern/classics feel. He's impressively tall and poseable in robot mode and deceptively compact in truck mode, which is great because I believe he's actually in scale with the deluxe cars. I'm a bit of a ballistics nut so the swivel and tiltable spring fired water cannon is much appreciated. I must also note he's the best-rolling car transformer i've bought in a very long time.

    Unfortunately the majority of the non-ratcheted joints on my inferno are quite loose which makes him fail the most basic of kung-fu poses.

    If this weren't the inferno character I might have complained about the lack of weapons for a voyager class toy.
    Last edited by Lint; 4th May 2009 at 07:34 PM.

  8. #288
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Forgive me as I've mentioned this elsewhere, but of the two Infernos I have, one is nice and tight (the other quite loose). Those with extremely loose ones should consider asking for a replacement.

  9. #289
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Inferno is the cause of a whole hunk of love from me.

    other than his cannon being mildly loose, his other joints seem to be fine and dandy. He ain't the most poseable of bots, but overall he is a fair whack of awesomesauce.

    Now I have to hold off on the urge to attempt (and royally stuff up) making an Artfire and/or Grapple.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  10. #290
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks
    Now I have to hold off on the urge to attempt (and royally stuff up) making an Artfire and/or Grapple.
    +1. At $25 a pop I was tempted to get one to repaint as Artfire.

    I just saw Gutsman Heavy's photo of Henkei Cliffjumper, Brawn and Beachcomber in the May Acquis(i)tions thread;
    + Beachcomber: Looks the same as Universe.
    + Brawn: Looks nicer than Universe. TakaraTOMY have used a nicer green. Still not a fan of the black face though.
    + Cliffjumper: 9 flavours of fail. Shame on HasTak for trying to palm off another red Bumblebee as Cliffjumper.

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