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Thread: Classics 2.0/Universe Comments thread

  1. #11
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I have only experienced the Onslaught mould and it seems pretty good particularly for a modern Ultra (Ever since BM, most large toys have generally been crap).

    However Silverbolt and Powerglide are huge downers, particularly Powerglide. Silverbolt suffers from a micromaster type transformation which is not fitting of a figure in his size class despite both modes looking rather good. Yes it's very G1 accurate but not up to standards with modern toy designs, particularly at this size scale and the fact that it doesn't need to combine into a gestalt. Dissapointing.

    Powerglide, we have discussed what is wrong with this figure plenty of times.

    Although I have not experienced powerglide and Silverbolt, it's easy to see from pics that they will not be 'favorites'.

    When it comes to Galvatron, although I have experienced the mold, I would need to own it and properly play with it to give a verdict. All that I can say is that the fluro orange bits on his joints in the Hasbro version ruin what would otherwise be an excellent color scheme. If I get this version, I will pull him apart and paint over all the orange bits as they are just awful.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    4th Apr 2008


    I'd contribute to this thread if I could actually find any of the Universe toys I want.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast

    Default Solid Sh*t

    I bought the two Animated Leaders and Powerglide and Onslaught last night. I know this is a Universe thread, but bear with me. I opened the Leaders first, and while both were quite simple, they had a nice, solid feeling and I really enjoyed both.

    Then, I opened Powerglide. The transformation was clever and unique. As with most Ultras, the stupid electronics kept firing off driving me mad! Anyway, the rotating of the wings makes me quite nervous as I'm quite sure it will not stand the test of time. At first, I was wholly unimpressed by how the wings sat where they did in robot mode, and then immediately after, I realized they clipped in. I really appreciate things clicking in to place with TFs.... it's very satisfying and helps keep things solid. His legs are a bit flimsy and it's tough to do decent poses without him buckling and falling over one way or another.

    Like STL, I was possibly setting myself up for disappointment, but I was saving Onslaught for last, expecting him to be my favorite. To be fair, I think most of my complaints refer to the specific quality of the one I got and hopefully not the figure in general. For starters, the shield would not stay on the turret in alt mode. It kept popping up/off. Then I transformed. It was a bit simple. He looks sort of like an ice hockey goalie, but yeah, his robot mode is menacing and screams G1 to me. However, there is this little gray cage the you flip out and then flip one of the wheels behind it, and close the gray cage around it. This stupid little freaking gate(s) would just not stay clicked in to place. Also, when going back to alt mode, it did not have any of the solidity that both Leader and Voyager Bulkhead had.

    After opening the four toys, I sat back and reflected and was so surprised by my findings.... The Animated toys appeared to have considerably better manufacturing, albeit at the potential sacrifice of considerably simpler transformations. Now, I'm a Movie-Ironhide-loving,-like-my-sh#t-complex,-kind-of-guy on most days of the week, so this surprised me. However, I've started to appreciate solidity more and more, and to me, none of the Universe 2.0 toys I've played with to date, feel solid in any way.

    I've previously played with LCZ's Prowl and Sunstreaker momentarily and I also have a loose Tankor. I enjoy Tankor, but he suffers the obvious triple change pitfalls. And yeah, while parts don't pop off (actually, the comb sometimes does in between the two alt modes), he's just not very solid either.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    I totally agree with the solid feel of the Animated Leaders and their quality. They are certainly the crowning jewel of the Animated lines. Although I found most of the deluxes to be just as solid as well. When comparing Universe quality with Animated. Animated wins hands down.

    You are lucky jaydisc that your Powerglide wings clip on securely. Mine are a little loose. Although I didn't have any of the problems you stated about Onslaught. The grey leg cages stay put for me and the shield is very securely fit on the siren and on the arm. Although I seem to can't convert his arms properly from robot to vehicle mode though. There must be something I'm doing wrong as I have to always force it back in stressing the plastic a little bit on the cockpit of the truck. :/

  5. #15
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy View Post
    When comparing Universe quality with Animated. Animated wins hands down.
    Blasphemy! Down with Stompy! Down with Jaydisc! Down with all naysayers!

    You are lucky jaydisc that your Powerglide wings clip on securely. Mine are a little loose. Although I didn't have any of the problems you stated about Onslaught. The grey leg cages stay put for me and the shield is very securely fit on the siren and on the arm. Although I seem to can't convert his arms properly from robot to vehicle mode though. There must be something I'm doing wrong as I have to always force it back in stressing the plastic a little bit on the cockpit of the truck. :/
    My arms have no problems. Looking at it, I turn it on a slightly 45 degree angle when I fold it down so there's no force or abrasion with the sides of the cockpit of the truck.

    There are a lot of grooves on Onslaught that you have to much around w/ to get right for it to fit snugly. I kind of enjoy it but then I kind of don't if that makes any sense.
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    17th Feb 2008


    ok so i gave in and opened onslaught a day early, couldnt help it..

    the APC mode, although a bit small, is awesome, exactly what onslaught would be in a modern representation of his G1 self, the drop down claws and sounds are great gimmicks, and the turret is pretty awesome too, the only thing i would change is to add some up/down movement for the guns themselves, but its still great as is..

    the robot mode, although big and imposing as he should be, has its let downs... first off, whats with the legs?? mine just don't want to hold together, nothing clicks together so it always come loose, at the moment i have a couple of see-through elastic bands holding them tight, but poor QC, or design in the first place, has left it a bit broken, i guess you could say... also the head, surely they could have put a ball joint in, or at least have it sitting horizontally, why is it at 45 degrees?? does onslaught have confidence issues and always look down?? bit of a let down.. and also the lack of a gun in robot mode, he has that small underarm blaster but he just feels so empty without a big gun in his hand, what they could've done was made a gun that fit in his hand, then in robot mode it could have formed a gun on the turret, cant have been that hard yet they didn't do it..

    anyway apart from those few things, i'm really happy with him, a great representation i feel, and the only real drawback on him appears to be the QC issues with parts not joining together in robot mode, which i can get over after giving it a little fix..

  7. #17
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Anyone noticed the fandom reference on this toy? I'm tempted to get the Universe version of Onslaught for its fan tribute (which is also a 2nd degree tribute to Australian Transfandom too).

  8. #18
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Anyone noticed the fandom reference on this toy? I'm tempted to get the Universe version of Onslaught for its fan tribute (which is also a 2nd degree tribute to Australian Transfandom too).
    It's also present in USA Edition, I believe.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I like Onslaught, although they messed up the electronics. As good as the gunfire sound it, why does it have to alternate with a useless single-cycle siren? Definitely a case of less is more!

    I have complaints about his enginerring. Yes, he's simpler than I want of an ultra, but considering Hasbro feel that ultras need electronics, he's fine. Better than say, Cybertron Jetstorm, who has a transformation put to shame by many basics.

    Powerglide does not impress me, so I'll not pick one up. It's not the colours, but the breasts, which I hate. Silverbolt I do want, because of the tribute, although I can tell from what I've seen that he's very simple. I haven't actually played with either, yet.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  10. #20
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Without going into the controversy of Powerglide's general colors, I think his head it too big and too red. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Granted his head does form part of the alt mode.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Anyone noticed the fandom reference on this toy? I'm tempted to get the Universe version of Onslaught for its fan tribute (which is also a 2nd degree tribute to Australian Transfandom too).
    This has been mentioned multiple times:

    Quote Originally Posted by FFN View Post
    Basically the 'Transformers USA' Universe release in Japan is more accurate to both the original toy (general colour) and the cartoon (head deco). Tomy kept Hasbro's deco shout-outs to the American fan Monzo, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by FFN View Post
    But other than the face paint you mentioned, he's exactly the same, even down to the references to longtime TF fan Monzo.
    And as Kup properly reinforces, it's not exclusive to the Universe version.

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