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Thread: Classics 2.0/Universe Comments thread

  1. #291
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    + Cliffjumper: 9 flavours of fail. Shame on HasTak for trying to palm off another red Bumblebee as Cliffjumper.
    I have a feeling that they did that as a compromise. It seems that they wanted to release Cliffjumer in the Henkei line but didn't want to repaint toy that was clearly Bumblebee such as the deluxe so instead they went for the Legends class Bumblebee which is arguably less G1 Bumblebee character model accurate.

    Also Takara rarely makes unretooled repaints unless the mold is paying tribute to a G1 figure who was a originally a repaint such as Bluestreak and Smokescreen unless its an exclusive of some sort.

  2. #292
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    I've been using Movie/Universe repaints as my method of obtaining Cybertron molds. Before Drop Shot was available, Overload had been announced and looked considerably better, and I had no intention of getting both. During a sale, I thought I'd grab Dropshot, and planned to not open him until I could compare with Overload when released and return the unopened lesser of the two. One night, before that happened, during a moment of weakness, I opened up Drop Shot. While somewhat simple, I enjoy the toy. I really liked how the combined arms in alt mode could still rotate. Very clever engineering.

    So then Overload showed up, and did so at the glorious price of $25, so I decided I could keep both and opened up Overload. However, I thought the colorings of Overload's head ruined an otherwise, very nicely designed and painted toy (quite superior to Dropshot for those only interested in one).

    Then I noticed how each of the colors of their heads seemed like it would work on the other, so I did a swap which was VERY easy simply unscrewing the one small screw in the back of their heads.

    I much preferred this. When Krayt saw it, he suggested that I should also switch the visor, so I tried it, and agreed. Here they are with swapped heads. The color matching isn't perfect, but to be honest, it's probably no worse than Hasbro would have naturally done anyway.

    * Note that the color mismatch is accentuated in the photos (much like the early prototype pics of Hound and Cyclonus we saw).

    So in the end, I think Overload looks much better, while Drop shot only looks slightly worse. A worthy trade in my opinion.

  3. #293
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Have they been personally renamed Dropload and Overshot?

  4. #294
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Thats a brilliant switch, I actually thought it was natural at first glace.

    I don't actually know what they originally looked like but by the sounds of it I really don't want to know.

  5. #295
    Join Date
    4th Apr 2008


    I'm a sucker for Legends TFs, and I'd wanted Starscream for some time, so when I found him at K-Mart, I got him.

    He is rather cool. Despite the mold not being originally Starscream (it was originally Cybertron Thundercracker-what irony, Thundercracker being repainted into Starscream), it still looks very much like G1 Starscream, especially in the colours used (grey, mostly, with red along the wings and tail, blue tailfins, and an orange cockpit-and the robot has a black helmet, orange eyes, and blue/grey limbs). It's likely coincidental, but the robot mode, with the jet wings pointing down, bears a resemblance to the IDW redesign of Starscream for their G1 comics.

    Also notable is that he's one of the very few Legends toys with weapons that aren't carryovers from the vehicle mode (e.g. tank turrets)-Starscream's left arm has a huge gun attached to it. It's stuck on by a ball-joint, meaning that it's detachable if you don't want it there. Also of note is that the back of his jet mode can open up-this is supposed to simulate the Cyber Key gimmick on the larger Deluxe Thundercracker toy. It's kind of superfluous, but you can imagine he's hiding stuff in there or something. Interestingly, opening it in robot mode gives Starscream his G1 shoulder ornaments.

  6. #296
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by SilverDragon
    what irony, Thundercracker being repainted into Starscream
    It's not the first time either. War Within Starscream is a repaint of War Within Thundercracker despite the fact that in the War Within comics the three Seekers are all different (i.e.: they're not repaints!). The War Within Thundercracker mould was also repainted as War Within Skywarp.

    Reference: Scroll down to view images of the 3 War Within Decepticon jets.

  7. #297
    Join Date
    19th May 2009


    my fav universe/classics 2.0 is Ironhide...inferno comes close but Ironhide all the way. Soundwave is close aswell.

  8. #298
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Response to Ironhide63's question here

    My favourite would be between Sunstreaker (I only got one of this mould) and Hound in deluxe, and Onslaught in Ultra. Since i don't think i've done this before, here's a recap of the ones i have (all Henkei excepting Powerglide).

    Sunstreaker - there's basically nothing wrong with this toy, 2 great modes, non-intrusive gimmick on the head, great colour matching and chrome on Henkei version, universe has mismatched yellows.

    Prowl - almost nothing wrong here either. Perhaps the black bit his head rests on is strange looking, and his feet aren't the most poseable. Henkei has great chrome shoulder cannons.

    Galvatron - Realistic alt mode, but chrome looks a bit out of place. Robot mode is a pretty good representation, feet look a bit awkward and he has a backpack which makes him a bit hard to pose. Henkei has nicer colours IMO, and no fluro orange connector bits that look ugly on Universe.

    Ironhide - Nice shape on alt mode, but messy zig-zagging seam lines ruin it a bit. Chrome on henkei is misplaced IMO, they have it on the headlights whereas it should have been on the bar at the front. Robot mode is a good representation, but has a bit of limited poseability in the arms, and his head is tilted down a touch.

    Hound - great value since it comes with a decent Ravage toy. No real faults in vehicle mode, nice dark chrome on the front . Robot mode looks exactly like Hound should, only he has slightly gappy ankles from some angles.

    Cyclonus - pretty much perfect robot mode, no kibble thanks to clever transformation. Alt mode is good, but back end is a bit gappy and more robot part-ish than the rest. Both Henkei and Universe have colour schemes that work well (one like the cartoon, one like the G1 toy) - but both have faults. Henkei nosecone is a different shade of purple, and the purple is arguably too light (i would have preferred the same purple as Henkei Galvatron). Universe has a load of unpainted grey and mismatched colours on the thighs. Nightstick looks much higher quality on Henkei, with the chrome barrel.

    Hot Shot - Decent alt mode but has mismatched window paint (should have been transparent like the prototype), and gaps in the spoiler at the back to accomodate a crappy Jolt toy. Robot mode is a good representation, but has shoulder kibble that hinders poseability. Henkei comes with chrome missile launchers that cleverly double as exhaust pipes.

    Onslaught - Both modes look great, USA Edition has a lovely metallic dark blue/green colour - though from what i've seen the Universe version is pretty good too. Transformation is simple, and works good, but i wish for a more complex transformation at this size.

    Powerglide - Looks a bit top heavy in robot mode, has small feet and big obvious breasts. Size seems wrong for this character. Jet mode is decent but a bit gappy on top. USA Edition version is more faithful to G1 with it's colours, Universe a bit more realistic looking in alt mode, but has an out of place red head in robot mode.

    Oh by the way, which Soundwave are you referring to? There is no specific Universe 2.0 release, so i imagine you're talking about the G1 reissue that was released in classics packaging?

  9. #299
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by jaydisc View Post
    I've been using Movie/Universe repaints as my method of obtaining Cybertron molds. Before Drop Shot was available, Overload had been announced and looked considerably better, and I had no intention of getting both. During a sale, I thought I'd grab Dropshot, and planned to not open him until I could compare with Overload when released and return the unopened lesser of the two. One night, before that happened, during a moment of weakness, I opened up Drop Shot. While somewhat simple, I enjoy the toy. I really liked how the combined arms in alt mode could still rotate. Very clever engineering.

    So then Overload showed up, and did so at the glorious price of $25, so I decided I could keep both and opened up Overload. However, I thought the colorings of Overload's head ruined an otherwise, very nicely designed and painted toy (quite superior to Dropshot for those only interested in one).

    Then I noticed how each of the colors of their heads seemed like it would work on the other, so I did a swap which was VERY easy simply unscrewing the one small screw in the back of their heads.

    I much preferred this. When Krayt saw it, he suggested that I should also switch the visor, so I tried it, and agreed. Here they are with swapped heads. The color matching isn't perfect, but to be honest, it's probably no worse than Hasbro would have naturally done anyway.

    * Note that the color mismatch is accentuated in the photos (much like the early prototype pics of Hound and Cyclonus we saw).

    So in the end, I think Overload looks much better, while Drop shot only looks slightly worse. A worthy trade in my opinion.

    My dropshot had an UNPAINTED FACE. >_> I thought that was just how it was supposed to be - but - I guess not- I had just recently repainted it not a good point of reference I suppose - :\ That said, I have swapped visors of mine with Overload - but I decided against the headswap Also painted the 'eyes' behind the visors silver, but u can't really make it out

    :\ Dammit - what's this and bad QC with me!?

    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  10. #300
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I just received a second hand Universe Countdown (Big thanks to Blackie)

    Don't buy him! He is not worth the rip off TrU price tag of $80. He is made of considerably cheaper plastic than Cybertron Defense Red Alert and Botcon06 Megatron - the painted parts are not well applied either. It is very disappointing that such an expensive and over priced retail figure is so dodgyly made and on top of that a store exclusive.

    I can understand why Blackie wasn't impressed with him - It is of cheap KOish manufacture and it shows despite the overall concept of the character and repaint being rather good.

    Note: Quality of figure is Hasbro's fault not Blackie's. I am thankful to Blackie for selling it to me at a decent cost.

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