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Thread: Aliens in Australia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic

    Default Aliens in Australia

    So been catching up on UFO news. NT's been a bit of a hotspot lately, with alien abductions on the rise.

    When I was younger I was fascinated by all this stuff, read all the books and watched all the shows, but I kind of grew out of it. I think aliens had their spotlight in popular culture in the 90s, but these days it's all zombies.

    I believe there must be alien life out there in the universe, but not convinced by all the UFO conspiracies - although I enjoy the tales and there are plenty of unexplained things that raise questions. (The Westall incident in the 60s for instance as a local one. )

    As Agent Mulder once asked, Do you believe in the existence of extra-terrestrials?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    In the vast universe that we have only viewed a small portion of from afar, sure as hell there has gotta be more life out there in some form. Tbh i wouldn't be surprised if they have visited here but hidden under the radar so to speak

    On anothet note though, i greatly enjoyed the non alien stuff on Xfiles more

  3. #3
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2015


    It would be arrogant for us to assume we are the only sentient beings in the universe so I'd like to hope there is someone else out there... and hopefully they think before they shoot.

    One of my best friends father used to swear black and blue he had been abducted by aliens but that kind of thing I'm not as convinced by...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Statistically, it's impossible for us to be the only intelligent life in the universe. I do however believe that aliens have much better things to do with their time then buzz rednecks and abduct idiots to stick probes up their bums...
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  5. #5
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2010


    who is to say that we are in fact intelligent life....

    we may be behind the curve that other life does not even consider us intelligent, perhaps how we view snails...

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Well after the latest political kerfuffle, I'm sure the aliens must be laughing at our intelligence

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Stop the (space)boats!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    Stop the (space)boats!
    And eat a space onion: Skin on!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    We've already found extra-terrestrial life in the form of extinct fossilised Martian bacteria. So I think it's certainly possible that extant complex and possibly even sentient and sapient extra terrestrial life could exist.

    But this leads to another question, are alien visitations (e.g. extra terrestrial UFOs, covert abductions etc.) real? Because to travel from just the next galaxy to ours would consume an incredible amount of resources, regardless of how advanced a civilisation may be. Which means that they wouldn't come all the way here and not make themselves announced. It'd be like if a person flew to another country, secretly took photos of the locals, maybe abducted a few for experimentations, then flew back. That's a lot of effort to do something so covert. Also, they would most likely only justify the voyage here if they felt that they had something to gain from Earth (e.g. resources). So there's a fair chance that if a more advanced civilisation came here, they may want to conquer, exploit or eradicate us in order to get at whatever resources we have that they need. Even if they just came here to colonise and make a new home, we'd most likely be screwed, because look at the entire history of whenever one civilisation colonises somewhere else and what happens to the indigenous population. It's never a good outcome for the locals.

    If the aliens are so advanced that expending such resources to travel across the galaxy is negligible, then there's a chance that we would be so 'primitive' that it wouldn't even be worth their time/effort to visit us. We'd be like a sentient species of insects to them. They'd either just leave us alone or destroy us (latter might happen if we had a resource that they needed). If humans found a colony of insects sitting atop a gold mine, do you think that we would kindly relocate those insects before mining that gold? There are already many species of Australian mammals and reptiles that are currently endangered due to mining.

    Or maybe the problem with these hypotheses is that they're applying human standards onto extra-terrestrials. Perhaps they are better than us and would simply wish to make first contact and invite us to be their friends.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I went to a PD many years ago that my school paid for and one of the key note speakers was a scientist who was an incredibly intelligent and articulate woman whom sadly I have forgottent he name of.

    Anyway, using math, science and common sense she described over an hour with better clarity than I have ever heard before or since what can be condensed down to the two following points:

    1: Yes, of course there are aliens. Don't ber stupid! Its esentially a statistical imposibility that we are the only self aware intelligent life in the universe.

    2: No, of course aliens have not visited Earth. Don't be stupid! The amount of time and energy to get to where Earth is located in regards galactically to where the next habitable planet could be located - going by physics as we understand it - is so great that they would have had to set out thousands of years ago and be headed directly for Earth, and this is before Earth had ever sent out a single radio signal in to space. Nope, they haven't been here.

    I wish I could remember her lecture properly, she put it a bit better than I have

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