Hey all heres my want list.
Will take junkers instead of just the part if needed
Diaclone (or the equivalent toyline for the mold) Astro Magnum 'sight' piece
Cybertron defence hot shot knife and missiles
Prime Sharkticon Megatron right leg and weapon
Prime Grimwing’s gun
Armada Hot Shot’s gun, missile and minicon Jolt
Energon Hot Shot’s roof pieces
Regular old boring Transformers wanted (preferably complete)
Legacy Nova Prime
ER Bluestreak
ER Smokescreen
ER Prowl
RID15 Fracture
RID15 Bumblebee (any deco)
Prime Predacons:
Lazerback (Deluxe)
Ripclaw (Deluxe)
Skylynx (Deluxe)
Darksteel (Voyager)
Cryofire Predaking (Voyager)
Beast Fire Predaking (Ultimate, 2013)
Transformers Go variants:
Guren Dragotron (Beast fire predaking repaint)
Third party wants
Igear Raptors (idw seekers)
MMC Titanika (Strika)
MMC Roadbuster
TFC Piranhacon
TFC Road Caeser
TFC Liokaiser