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Thread: SPOILER THREAD: SW: The Force Awakens

  1. #41
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    too many questions about Rey's parents.

    Luke's daughter? I thought Jedi weren't allowed to have relationships?

    Han and Leia's daughter? Don't you think they would of said something when they met?

    I'm sure there is some connection but I'm not sure...

    Maybe she is Dak's daughter since he and Luke were co-pilots on Hoth?

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

  2. #42
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    too many questions about Rey's parents.

    Luke's daughter? I thought Jedi weren't allowed to have relationships?

    Thats old school Jedi. Luke is something new. And the last, he could do what he felt was right.

    Rey has to be a Skywalker. Cause the Episodes are about Skywalkers. Kylo Ben counts too though. But All the visions Rey had, The Skywalker Saber and How powerful Ray is with no training.
    R2-D2 goes into Low Power as soon as Luke leaves. He wakes up as soon as Rey Arrives at the base. Cause its like he knows Skywalker DNA or something.

    The fun of a new story and now we get to guess and speculate until May 2017

  3. #43
    Join Date
    19th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by VERT View Post
    The fun of a new story and now we get to guess and speculate until May 2017
    So to me these seem to be the main questions we are left with:

    - Who is Rey?
    - Who is Snoke?
    - Why did Luke go into hiding?
    - What happened to Kylo Ren to turn?

    Anything else?, what are peoples thoughts?
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    I personally hope that Rey is unrelated to Han, Luke or any other character from the OT. I'd really like her to just be an original character who happens to be highly Force sensitive. Kylo Ren is already related to Han, Leia and Luke, and I think that's enough.

    I was also a bit confused by the Ben Solo name. Han didn't have any close affinity with Kenobi, and Leia knew him by his real name ("Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."). Unless they allowed Uncle Luke to name the boy, as he was given to him as an apprentice. <shrugs> Or maybe they just like the name Ben.

    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Metro View Post
    Still trying to figure out how Poe was missing from the Tie Fighter crash then suddenly he appears in a X-Wing an hour later?
    What happened to Captain Phasma, Hux, and Kylo? Did they survive?
    Phasma's survive is unlikely, though not impossible. Hux was ordered by Snoke to take the wounded Kylo Ren and evacuate the planet before its destruction, so they probably survived.
    Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
    So to me these seem to be the main questions we are left with:

    - Who is Rey?
    - Who is Snoke?
    - Why did Luke go into hiding?
    - What happened to Kylo Ren to turn?

    Anything else?, what are peoples thoughts?
    Who is Rey?
    A drop of golden sun. I honestly don't know, but as mentioned before, I hope that she's an entirely new character and not the daughter of an already known character from the previous films. The Jedi Order is hardly going to survive if all of the Jedi are from the same family!

    Who is Snoke?
    See below (re: How Kylo Ren turned evil). Am I the only one who thinks that Snoke sounds too cute a name for a Sith Lord? It sounds like a character from Pokey and Friends. Mind you, Dooku was a pretty stupid name too. I wonder if his hologram is 1:1 scale or just enlarged as Palpatine's was in The Empire Strikes Back.

    Why did Luke go into hiding?
    Because Kylo Ren betrayed him and destroyed the New Jedi Order (i.e. everything that Luke had worked to build). Luke then ran off the find the lost First Jedi Temple.

    What happened to Kylo Ren to turn?
    He was seduced to the Dark Side by Snoke, who is really this guy.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    What happened to Kylo Ren to turn?
    He was seduced to the Dark Side by Snoke, who is really this guy.
    That would be the biggest twist in the book
    I'll update this when I'm needing help finding particular figures

  6. #46
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by UltimateGalvatron View Post
    So did you like it or not? I'm kinda getting mixed messages...
    Well, I didn't hate it, but I didn't think it was that good. My buddy and I spent most of the time groaning through the majority of scenes.

    Sure there were some good bits, but overall, it was disappointing.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Enjoyed it. Good thing I've avoided these thread before watching it last night.
    Like everyone said, Rey has to be a skywalker as Luke's lightsaber responded to her.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    Movie sucks. No:
    Jar Jar
    Pod Races

    Total disappointment.

    In case you can't tell I'm being sarcastic.
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  9. #49
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
    I'm not in any disagreement with you on the take on the new characters, all three are fresh and new in my opinion which was one of the main highlights for me, I enjoyed the actors portrayals and the chemistry between them, they were unique (in respect of Star Wars) and I found myself intrigued and connected, I want to know more about them, my comparison relates specifically to the structure of events and settings within the general storyline, I think it is a hard argument to say it is completely original when we can link so many comparative attributes with A New Hope. But again I'm not really bothered about it cause it was very enjoyable, I'm a fan of it, there is little criticism from me (to be honest my only personal criticism is having the starkiller aka super mega force Death Star shoot lasers to blow up planets, I think leaving it at sucking the energy out of suns would have been enough, killing the sun dooms the system and planets in it, which that alone would make it a much greater threat then the original Death Star, and they could of just stated they utilise the energy harvested to power the enormous starkiller, you know sort of like Unicron in a way, I think that would have been enough and kept it a little bit more original in a way).

    Ultimately what I was stating wasn't meant to be a criticism, just something that I thought was pretty obvious (which again I don't personally have any issues with it because I thought it was a. Awesome adventure in the end, I'm a fan )
    I completely agree with you, and also I never understand why it sometimes seems liking something and criticising it are mutually exclusive. The characters were good, great in fact for Star Wars, but the story was not an original framework and there were so many nods to a New Hope it became derivative in the end.

    I also think that Star Killer base was one of the weakest plot elements, it follows the ABC's of Hollywood movie threats, just do the same thing but make it bigger with more lasers. it's just like the antagonist star ship in Star Trek into Darkness. Star Killer base is also not sold as being that big a threat even if it more powerful than the Death Star. Throughout a New Hope we are told the Death Star is the ultimate force in the galaxy, and then when Alderan is destroyed we get Leia's emotional response, and sense of loss (even if brief). When Star Killer base wipes out a whole system there is a fancy CGI explodey scene and then nothing, no one seems to bat an eyelid that an entire system was destroyed, there's no millions of voices cried out moment, no one seemed to care, and the story moves on so fast that the viewer doesn't care either, I'm not even sure what planet(s) they destroyed.

    Consequently I found Star Killer base to be nothing but a plot device to allow a set piece X-wing battle that mirrors the original film, and unlike the original I was not invested in this battle at all, we all knew exactly what was going to happen there, and the human drama on the ground was so much more exciting. Mind you saying that about a Star Wars film is a very good thing, and as I said I really enjoyed the film. But I do think you could take Star Killer base wholly out of the film and it works the same, it might even work better.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the film but please don't tell me you were groaning aloud in the theatre? I just don't think that is fair to the majority of fans who clearly enjoyed it.

    On another note, I wasn't taking Meister's comments as criticism, I was just giving my thoughts on why I don't agree and explaining my original comments more thoroughly.

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