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Thread: SPOILER THREAD: SW: The Force Awakens

  1. #271
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Finally saw the flick. My thoughts:

    The Cons
    *Han getting killed by his son sucked massive donkey balls! I knew as soon as he and Chewie split up Han was gonna meet up with his son and get killed by him to prove the little Prat is an evil bastard. My fav ever ever ever SW character killed both predictably and for a plot point that could have been proved in another way. F-U writers!
    *The killer planet thing having a spot the tie fighters could shoot to blow it up was too cliche - they should have come up with something more original.
    *I don't wanna shag Carrie Fisher anymore.

    The Pros
    Everything else! Best SW flick we've had in decades!!!
    You can actually thank Harrison Ford for Han's death. He would only sign on for the movie if they killed off his character (trivia: something he asked Lucas to do in ROTJ but Lucas refused). Ford has always had a bad relationship with Star Wars and for years would refused to talk about it

  2. #272
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    Also fun fact: this isn't the first time that Ford had Han killed off either. In The Empire Strikes Back, Ford wasn't convinced that he'd come back for Episode VI, but Lucas really wanted him to return. So they wrote in the scene where Han would be frozen in carbonite. If Ford decided to not return, they would simply say that he didn't survive the hibernation. If Ford changed his mind, then they would write some side plot to somehow retrieve Han. Ford of course was convinced to return for the third installment, hence why the movie starts off with Han's rescue. I think this time round, Abrams didn't want to do go through that whole rigmarole, because even if they convinced Ford to come back for Ep VIII, the first act would be yetanother let's-save-Han story. So Abrams probably just went, "Yeah, fine. We'll kill Han."

    Storywise, this scene was better set up for in a deleted scene. Leader Snoke and Kylo Ren are fully aware that Darth Vader reverted to becoming Anakin Skywalker, returning to the Light Side and killing the Emperor, saving Luke etc. Ren would've grown up hearing this story from his Uncle Luke no doubt. However, Snoke taught Ren/Ben that this was a single moment of weakness in who was otherwise the ultimate Dark Lord of the Sith. And in order to ensure that Ren would "immunise" himself from Vader's weakness, his 'baptism' into the Dark Side would need to be killing off Han Solo. Thus severing the possibility of his love for a family member becoming his "weakness" in heeding the call of the Light, as happened to his grandfather.

    Of course, this weakness would still exist in Leia... so does this mean that Ren wants to kill her next? One might argue that it would exist in Luke as well, since he is his uncle.

    Killing off loved ones seems to be a common way of sealing a Jedi's fate into the Dark Side. Anakin was led to believe that he killed Padmé* and the existence of the twins was hidden from him; so as far as he knew, he killed his wife. This drove him into the Dark Side until his encounter with Luke reignited the conflict inside him, ultimately allowing him to redeem himself to the Light.

    *IMO Anakin did kill Padmé. I don't buy this whole, "she died from a broken heart" rubbish. To me, the Force Choke that Anakin used inflicted some sort of injury that was undetectable to the Kallidahin doctors.

  3. #273
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    "We don't know why. She has lost the will to live"

    Every time I hear that this comes to mind

  4. #274
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    Talking about the film at work yesterday, I speculated that Rey might be Leia and Han's daughter and Kylo Ren's twin sister. I compared it in jest to the classic story of He-Man and She-Ra, with Rey in Adora's role.

    And although it started as a joke, I realised it could work when I recalled Padme having twins was a surprise at their birth. Maybe Leia too might have carried twins without knowing it. If she was knocked out/unconscious/drugged at the time, and Han busy elsewhere, who knows if someone took off with the baby girl?!

  5. #275
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  6. #276
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Talking about the film at work yesterday, I speculated that Rey might be Leia and Han's daughter and Kylo Ren's twin sister. I compared it in jest to the classic story of He-Man and She-Ra, with Rey in Adora's role.

    And although it started as a joke, I realised it could work when I recalled Padme having twins was a surprise at their birth. Maybe Leia too might have carried twins without knowing it. If she was knocked out/unconscious/drugged at the time, and Han busy elsewhere, who knows if someone took off with the baby girl?!
    The shity part about this would be Luke saying the same thing as Yoda did "Your brother he is, you felt it didn't you?" lol

    They may have left it as an open to interpretation for now as they can very well swing towards what fans want or speculate.

  7. #277
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    Just a random thought here, pretty much plot hole pointing. In ANH when the boys and Chewie start firing in the detention centre they shoot what look to be security cameras and/or defence weapons on the walls and near the ceiling. Now given that the Empire should have undertaken some risk management and strategic planning when building Starkiller base they could have at a minimum surmised that installing security cameras around the place would be a good idea, had they been installed everywhere on the first Death Star everyone would have been found, captured and possibly executed, Bam! No more heroes to save the day.
    So when Rey escapes after using her Jedi mind trick we see headless chicken like small squads double timing it here and there, not the way to conduct a thorough search in your own base, instead of a central command area with multiple screens using facial recognition technology to find her!
    Anyway just a thought
    I really liked the movie and am off to see it for a third time on Wednesday so perhaps this is one point like others I managed to justify when I saw it the second time that will get "fixed" up in my little Star Wars World.
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starscream77 View Post
    You can actually thank Harrison Ford for Han's death. He would only sign on for the movie if they killed off his character (trivia: something he asked Lucas to do in ROTJ but Lucas refused). Ford has always had a bad relationship with Star Wars and for years would refused to talk about it
    Yeah I had heard this. Funny that he hates Star Wars considering he is the only main actor from the original flicks whose career didn't die afterwards

  9. #279
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    The Solo Family.

    Btw, is there a general consensus on when this movie may be considered to be past its "spoiler expiry date"? After it's finished its cinema run? Upon DVD release?

  10. #280
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    The Solo Family.

    Btw, is there a general consensus on when this movie may be considered to be past its "spoiler expiry date"? After it's finished its cinema run? Upon DVD release?
    Dunno, but no one seems to care anymore, I guess about 1-2 months?

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